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lol i may have took one too many pics of dain

im so obsessed w/ this song

" dammit , didnt know it was gonna rain today. what the hell... " a sigh escaped the female's mouth as she continued to walk effortlessly , she didnt mind rain. its just the after smell.
like a wet dog or something. that shit stinks.

as she got closer to mondstat's gates , she came to notice a male smiling w/ a thumbs up as if
it wasnt pouring down like hell.

" arent you aware you could get sick? bimbo. " the million dollar sigh she always did slid from her lips , one thing she couldnt do was let her hair get wet or she'd be one unlucky son of a bitch...

" ah.. please dont stand so close to me , i wouldnt want you getting struck by lightning! " he warned , not once did she think to process what he said.

" what. " y/n questioned , " im sure standing next to you wont— "


as if the gods were warning her ; a few lighting stripes came down from the sky , not even 20 feet away from the two.

to be truthful it startled the h/c girl , but she didnt even as much flinch.

" ohoho~! is that like a power you've got or something?? ya vision is electro— " she deadpanned when she seen a red flash of a small metal piece on a pouch held by his waist.
" oh its pyro. hm. " she held her hand out to him as he gave her a shocked & confused look.
" are you.... sure thats a good idea? i have really bad luck so i— " pulling the male's hand along in hers , she stomped to mondstat's gates

theres no point in standing idly in the rain , they could get struck by lightning directly this time.

" are you hungry? i have a fri— i mean.. pal! i have a pal that can lend you some food , he works at a bar. " she was glad to be out of the rain's sight , inside the cathedral.

" bad luck you say? " the anxious male smiled , placing his finger on his head. " y-yeah.. ive had it for as long as i can remember... " a sad smile was replaced w/ a enthusiastic one when he stood up. " but a little bit of optimism can fix anything! " " mkay.. " she responded.

" my name is y/n. " my teal anemo vision attached to my wrist shined as the unlucky boy's smile became even wider— if possible.
" im bennett!! its nice to meet you y/n!! " a small but soft smile appeared on my lips when bennett gave me a thumbs up. " yea back to you i guess. " a voice brought me back to my senses , i was no longer admiring bennett's features.

" ah! my dear y/n , could you spare a few mora? it would mean lots , my tab at the tavern has been piling up. please & thank you. " the male ran to his dear y/n , grabbing ahold of her hand & giving it a comforting squeeze.

" oh hello~ " venti waved to the other male , turning back to face the female. " my dear here id what you call , ' wealthy ' ! cool right? " the male w/ teal locks smiling brightly.

" oh in a relationship? congratulations— "

" we arent as of now. " y/n hid her smile , making venti sigh. " c'mon , dont be so dull! ill have you at the tavern w/ just a pull~! " a bit of tugging had done the short male no good , she wasnt budging just yet.

" just a second venti , i would like to have a talk w/ my friend before dealing w/ diluc. " y/n sighed , getting closer to the poet's ear.

" please dont go around telling randos im  ningguang's sister , diluc told me you'd been doing that. if you do it again ill ignore that tab of yours. " venti only laughed , your threats were empty! haha... at least thats what he thinks.

innocently turning back to the pyro user , ningguang's sister smiled & for the first time ever , bennett realized something.

it hasnt even been a day & he'd already grown attached to her. but nothing too major , she'd just leave him bcs of his bad luck , like the others did.

" sorry about that , would you care to come w/ us? " she asked , her whole mood seemed to change.

" all is forgiven.. " he fidgeted w/ his fingers , paying attention to the floor & the tiles only.
" b-but yeah! i wouldnt mind coming along! " bennett regained his posture , ready to continue w/ his day. " okay , venti , lead the way , if you may. " venti's eyes widened when the words bounced off of y/n's tongue.

" did you hear what you did!?!!??!? that was just something as simple as a first time rhyme but whoa— so are we both poets now??? " the giggle amused the carefree girl. " i suppose so , oh & bennett it stopped raining! " a brighter smile appeared on bennett's face when he looked at y/n , was this what love felt like?

his day was all better bcs of her! but that wont last bcs of his bad luck. but she's the key to everything— just a hint of love was what he needed! no , thats just how he feels now , she's sure to leave in less than a day. i bet tomorrow she'll never come to see you. what??? no thats lies— everything is gonna be okay! thats what you think.

when that clearly isnt the case & will never be.

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