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a brown haired male walked outside , he was slightly irritated that he had to do his first commissions. " what the hell... " he got his attitude from his mother , for sure bcs his dad was VERY calm.

he had a strip of red in his hair , it flew in the wind , hey his vision was anemo— something to do w/ wind haha!

" goodbye kanne— " ka-nay " —goodluck. " the white haired male smiled softly at the young boy , a female waving as well. kanne ignored him slightly , only putting his hand up.

" hm yeah. " he continued walking , a white haired make running to him. " hey!!! kanne! you up for some adventures? " bennett asked , he has gotten older— he's 17 now.... though kanne was— well ill just say he's younger than bennett.

" what do you want...? " he sighed. " an adventure? ive got better things to do ben. " bennett was his only friend from monstat— besides kaeya claiming they were besties..

he also was cool w/ chongyun & xingqiu— some boy names teucer claiming that they're besties as well.

" hmm? you busy? thats fine! just let me know when you're free buddy , ill be there in a jiffy! " the male gave him his signature thumbs up.

" yeah whatever. " kanne rolled his eyes , bennett knew he meant well.

you see... diluc hated kanne's cocky attitude. kaeya didnt mind it , yeah he'd throw a few insults towards the blue haired male but kaeya wasnt bothered by the male. considering who his parents were.

his parents... they didnt live in monstat— they just are staying there for the time being , their son starts his adventures there as most do.

enough about those old people— well 30 isnt old but still! enough about y/n & kazuha , lets keep talking about their son kanne that they had on accident— oops haha i spilled a bit too much!

anyways.... back to the pretty boy. " hey! kanne you ready for your first commissions?? " the flirtatious male walked up to the irritated boy. " never been readeir. " he deadpanned. " is that a word— " bennett was paused by kanne. " i was joking. " the brown haired male sighed , walking to the adventures' guild.

" well... goodluck. " kaeya saluted. " bye old man. " kanne saluted back. " wha— i am not old! years've past sense ive been younger but i am not old. " kaeya eyed the male.

" yeah okay— that means you're old. old man. " in response , kaeya chuckled as he walked away. " whatever you say , shortie. " he smirked. " hey mister i aint short! tell that to your dic— " pg13 please kanne..

" WHOAAA HAHA LETS GO FINISH SOME COMMISSIONS , RIGHT KANNE!? " the tall male wanted next to the one w/ the said name. in response , he gave an annoyed face as kaeya went into the unknown. " whatever. "

" mom....! " the brunette called out as he played around w/ the red strings of hair on the left side of his head.

kanne's hair stayed down , free to roam around as many mistake him as a female— he prefers he/him/they/them pronouns.  " im heading out to liyue , anything you want back— "

" mhm ,, can you please give this to captain beidou? id do it but your mother needs me. " kazuha pat the male's head. " what. i asked mom if SHE needed anyt- " " yes yes , i understand but please do me this favor. " he smiled sadly.

" .....sigh " he took the box from his dad , " yea dad ill get it done. " he shrugged & kazuha's smile went to a happy one. " thank you.. goodluck. "

" OH KANNE VISIT CHILDE FOR ME PLEASE , HE'LL KNOW WHAT ITS ABOUT SO JUST SAY THE NAME SCARAMOCHE. " i shouted from the back room. " okay mom... " kanne dragged his feel out of the house.

kanne reminded childe of someone.. really easy guess but—

" hi.. childe.... " he put on his best smile— kanne actually liked childe , any chance he's get they'd spar together.

" why if it isnt kanne! just the person i needed to see. up for a round of sparing— "
" my mom said uhh.. scaramoche. or something like that. " kanne shrugged.

the ginger's eyes went wide. " oh.. okay.. " he went to the back as kanne's mind wondered.
' who the hell is scaramoche? he sounds like an ass. or a dumbass— both.. '

tartaglia came back w/ a box , attached to it was a note. " dont open that note , you hear? " he asked the male , getting him out of his thoughts. " yeah i guess. " he shrugged.

" hey whos scaramoc— "
" well buh-bye kanne~ lets spar sometime. " ed she— CHILDE. pushed the cocky male out.

" ....keeping secrets.... " he noted , walking away.

" hey mom whos scaramoche? " he sad the box down , waiting for nightfall. " oh a friend of mines. " i nodded as kazuha came out of the room , he had just woken up.

" scaramoche... that rings a be— scaramoche the fatui!??? " kazuha's eyes widened. " hmm yea. " i shrugged. " wait— a fatui like childe? " kanne wondered. " yup— "


the end ha

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