𝚌𝚑𝚞𝚞𝚢𝚊 𝚇 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛

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this based off of the last episode of season 2.


chuuya & i were at the train station , waiting to get on & head to a food place. we walked in & sat down.

i sighed. " godddd , hurry up im hungry. "

" same. " he sighed as well. " what are you gonna get when we get there? "

" hmm.. idk its a pretty special date , so- "

" dont call it a date. " he takes his hat off his head & leans back , putting it on his face.

" hm? " i questioned. " i said , dont call it a date. " he repeats. i sigh. " tsundere... "

" i heard that. " he rolls his eyes. i take his hat of his face & put it on my head. " give me my hat- " he tried to take it off my head but i dodged & laugh. " come on- " he takes his hat back. " ughhh chuuya. " i look down.

" if you want one so bad buy your own. "

" your taste in hats are horrible. do NOT recommend me a place to get them. "

" horrible? you mean your taste in men. "
" who said i like just men? plus , you're talking about yourself  " i smirk.

" im not your taste in men? i just got lucky is what you're saying ?? " he cocks a brow. " yeah sure "

" whats your taste in women? " i ask. " why're you asking that? mind your business. "

" come on , let me know! " i take his hat again. " mind your business. " he repeats.
" not until you tell me your taste in women. "
" tell me your taste in women. " he looks down at my hand.

" ohhhh boy! ive been waiting to tell you this! "
i rub my hands together. " i love- "

then when heard a loud noise. " .... the hell? " he stands up. " ugh , lets go. "

time skip - i bet chuuya LOVES bi women. he finds it sexy

chuuya walks on the ceiling while humming. "can i get on your back?" i ask.

" hell no " he looks at me " you're so stuck up. " i roll my eyes. " pun intended. "

" your humor is horrible. & im not stuck up. you're stuck on stupid. "

" me? you think im stuck on stupid? did you think that the night you- " he stops walking. "you always bring up that night. shut up about it. "

" well ill bring it up for the rest of our lives. " i look at him. " its not that important! shut up " we make it to the place.

" hmph. " he sees whats going on. " it was just someone that holds a grudge against the agency. " he starts walking away. " i wouldve enjoyed if they attacked dazai instead. " he gets in the ground next to me.

" not like they'd stand a chance.... " i add. he hums.

then , his arm leans on my shoulder. " you really wanna know my taste in women? " he asks.

" i thought you told me to mind my business. "

" well im being considering for a change. " he rolls his eyes. " hm. okay then. whats your taste in women , chuuya? "

i grab ahold of his hand. " tell me yours , ill tell you mines. " he looks ahead. " my taste is women is preferably .. " he thinks for a second.

" you "

ew stop being cringy chuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuya.

[ インスタントミツバ]  𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 ♡Where stories live. Discover now