𝐤𝐨𝐮 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫

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okay so i dont ship kou & yashiro- but i need it for the plot so- yay? & they arent dating , they just have a crush on eachother

also i may switch up the lyrics a bit for the plot

you know me as your girlfriend's goofy friend.

" hey yashiro , kou! " i wave at them , still being a bit sad. " hey y/n! " kou says. " how are you? " yashiro asks.

" great , i have work later but otherwise yeah! " i respond as she smiles. " oh goodluck! " she says.

" i wonder where you work.... " kou uses my arm as an arm rest. " its a secret~ " i say as we start walking to class.

i try my best to keep you entertained.

" okay , but you'll have to tell me sooner or later. " he says. " alright! i will. " i smile & we get to class.

kinda skipped a few lyrics-

i was cleaning up at work. jeez i hated this maid costume i had to wear- it attracted to many people , i wasnt even all that...

then i seen yashiro & kou walk in , taking a seat. " ..... " someone starts taking their order & i stare at them while cleaning the table. they come back- " you dont have to take their order , ill do it! " i say , rushing to them.

you guys came to the restaurant where i clean.

" hey guys! " kou sees me & blushes. " h-hey so this is where you work...! " he rubs his neck , awkwardly.

" yeah.. dont mind the maid dress thing , since theres all girls we wear dresses.. ya'know , we dint wanna embarras boys who ask to work he- nevermind that! " i get off topic. " a-anyways.. "

" im gonna go get your order.. " i say , awkwardly walking away.

a few minutes later.

& in a while i came & got your plates.

" bye... have fun! " i say w/ a sad smile. kou left a tip & they headed out.

i watched them , feeling worthless & hope- i mean uh.. careless?

all i want is you ..

" hey y/n , tomorrow at school come early. meet me in front " kou texted me 30 minutes ago.

i rushed to school & seen him tapping his foot. " sorry i overslept & was ju- "

i pause when he notices me. he ran to me , kissing me & putting his arms around me.

" i noticed you havent been yourself , so i wanted to cheer you up ! " he didnt notice i was stunned.

" hanako kept bothering me... but i got him to go away.. " kou's face changed to a unamused expression. " anyways , i wanted you to know i love you , so if anything us wrong you can let me know. " he smiles.

" & after what happened w/ mitsuba... " his smile turned into a sad one. " you've had my back & i wanna have yours. " he finally noticed how i was completely frozen.

" you..... okay ? " he waved his hand in my face.

i wasnt okay. i was flabbergasted!!! HAPPY AS EVER! HE CURED MY DEPRESSION- NO HE.... HE CURED HUMANITY FOR ME I-

" y/n! " he snapped his fingers. " oh- frick was it the kiss??? did you not like it?! i shouldn't- "

kiss me , kiss me w/ your eyes closed-

emo boy just came on😭

" AHHHHHHHHH!! " i jumped on him & put my arms & legs around him , kissing him more.

"IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS DAY! " he laughed a bit. " FOR LIKE- FOREVER! " i shower his face w/ kisses.

" hey babe calm- i mean- i didnt mea- "

" YOU EVEN CALLED ME BABE- THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE! " i shout , not caring to be embarrassed since we are the only ones at the school at the moment. i kiss him more.

" y/nnnnn! " he whines while laughing. "i love you sooooooooo much !!!! " i say as he covers his face from all my kisses. " o-okay i love you more , just stop w/ all the kisses! we can kiss when we- "

" no! " i hug him tighter. " alright , get down. school is about to start.

" no. " i tightened my grip. " y/n please? uf you do , ill call you babe for the rest of the day- "

" nope!!! just carry me for the rest of the day. " i tell him. " sweetie pleaseee " he says , seeing people coming " no. " he sighs & waits for the school to open.

" can you at least get on my back- " " no im gonna stay here for the rest of the day. " i kiss him again. " but if teru sees- "

" we have all the same classes , so after ever class im gonna do this. " i tell him. " ... im gonna run from you. "

" no running in the halls. " teru comes to open the school doors while patting kou's head. "wha- you're siding w/ her! " kou lets me go as i keep holding on.

" no , im just saying. no running in the halls. " teru smiles.

" you sound like the principal from baldi basics. " kou says , grabbing his backpack & walking into the school.

" you look like the principal from baldi basics " teru jokes. " -_- " kou sighs.

idea from : listening to puppy princess over & over..... that sing annoys me w/ a passion.

extra :

kou puts his finger over his mouth. signaling for teru to be quiet as he sneaks up behind y/n.

little does he know , her guard is up 24/7...

" ..... BOO ! " kou grabs her shoulders as he expects her to scream. " boo? seriously kou.. thats so cliché. let me help you ! " i turn around on the couch , standing up on my knees. " .... you cant scare me now , my ga- "

" BOO BITCH ! " teru says from behind him.

" aHhHhhH!! " kou jumps on the couch w/ me & we both fall back on the floor. " OW ! " i say as he holds onto me tight. " haHahA... iM... alRighT.. " kou lies as he looks at me.

" y/n why're you so qui-"

" BOO! " mitsuba hits him & he jumps up as we laugh.

idk what that was. but mitsuba ' haunts ' kou for fun.

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