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" ILL MURDER YOU 💞💞💞💞💞 "

ill try third person...

the female ran from the little girl , she wasnt scared as she'd done this for the past weeks.

the blond throws bombs at her as she dodges them , every once in a while they may get hit by one but the damage isnt bad.

" HAAAAAAA THATS 8 KLEE , THATS 8! " she exclaimed loudly , the younger female slightly pouted. " hey why have you become so good at this game!! none of klee's bombs have hit you yet!! " the two ran their heart out , looking around for jean , kaeya , or any other knight of favonious.

" klee? is that you? " a male's voice went deaf to the females' ears , she was having the time of her life. " klee! " he shouted again , this time putting his hands on his hips.

the girl w/ said name stopped in her tracks. she turned around to the familiar voice , making an happy expression. " albedo!!! hiiii " a huge smile painted itself on her face as klee ran into his arms. " whos this you're hanging out w/... a new friend i see? " his calm voice rang in the older girl's ears like a doorbell , he looks like a very calm person.

the only knights of favonious she knows is kaeya , he's been flirting w/ her til she escaped from inazuma. but , thats fine. its not like she was gonna have a heart attack over him.


" mhm mhm! klee met y/n a few days ago! we hang out everyday! sometimes benny or razor come along! or kaeya! " klee was filled w/ joy , she had been wanting him to meet y/n for some time.

" hello , im knights of favonious' chief alchemist— albedo. " a warm smile played across his lips , he could tell they'd get along pretty well. " nice to meet you , albedo. im from inazuma , my name is y/n. " closing her eyes , y/n gave him a nice smile as well.

there was a glow of a orange shine coming from her neck.

albedo squinted his eyes to see a geo vision hanging tightly on her shirt's collar.

" i see you have a vision.. " he has quite the... eye for noticing things.. the female noted , which made her tug on her hair , pulling it closer to her forehead to hide two red things poking out from her head. she doubted mondstat had heard of her kind , liyue as well.

but raised by nothing but her brother , she smiled brightly , ignoring how anyone would feel if they seen the red thingy thing thing whatchamacallits.

after furrowing her eye brows , she looked up at albedo , she wasnt much shorter than him. she was maybe taller by a hair.

( no offense to writers but why are most y/ns so short???? i find it hot when a boy is the same height as me i dont wanna have to stand on my fucking tippy toes bitch im shittingtears. )

" yea.. a geo vision— you have one too..! " at this point , klee had gotten bored & started to wonder around the open field. " well uhm , it sure was an experience learned from meeting you , i hope i can see you again sometime. " his call demeanor never changed , that something else that made him attractive.

" yeah! i hope so too , ill try to visit when klee shows me the way. " when i get back , itto is gonna give me a mouth full for sneaking off...

" ah , c'mon klee , jean wants to see you. " as the words came out of his mouth , klee poutef w/ a sigh. " reallly??? do i have to go.... " she dragged her feet along as i waved goodbye.

he hadnt even noticed his sister went missing.

" itto!! im home— "
" WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN I HAD TO ENTERTAIN THE GANG MYSELF & ALMOST GOT CAUGHT BY THE YASHIRO COMMI— " itto whisper shouted , sometimes he acted like he was younger , which was upon many levels of lying , but y/n didnt mind. as long as he didnt find out what she'd done the past new days.....

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