thirty seven

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"Huge party at my place tomorrow! Anyone that is anyone is invited!" Axel and some of his buddies were on a table sitting outside during lunch. I took a small sip off of my water bottle. I filled it with vodka this morning and it was getting harder and harder to conceal since it looks like I barely took a drink from it.

"Wanna go? Junior parties aren't that bad," Brian looked down at his calculus homework, scratching his head with his eraser. I shrugged.

"I don't know if I want to party," I mumbled, taking another sip.

"Since when?" Brian looked up at me, chewing on his pencil. His eyes darted to my bottle then back up at me, raising his eyebrow.

"Yes, it's filled with what you think," he took the bottle from me and took a long drink. "I don't know. I'm just not up for anything."

"I thought you were okay with this break? I mean, you are the one that suggested it," he took another drink then handed it back to me.

"I'm not okay. I'm a mess, I miss her, I want her back. But I can't handle her cheating on me all the time!" I hadn't realized my voice rose and a few people looked in our direction, one of the being Vanessa. Our eyes locked for a millisecond before I looked away.

"Listen, why don't you just talk to her?" Brian said in a hushed tone. "I know she misses you too. I mean, I know the story also. Yeah, she kissed him back, but she didn't want to do it." I shocked my head.

"I just don't understand why she does this."

"I do," Jessie sat down next to me, stealing a fry that I didn't want to eat. "she got hot and irresistible and didn't know how to handle guys throwing themselves at her. So, she threw herself back." She raised her eyebrows and shoved the fry in her mouth. "She doesn't do it on purpose, but it's still wrong. You know what I mean?" Brian and I blinked, looked at each other, than back at her. She sighed and took another fry. "Idiot boys."

"Please explain, not insult," I snapped.

"She loves you," she pointed the fry at me before taking a bite. "she thinks Ashton is a dick. Apparently he was terrible to her when they were dating. But, the had sex, a lot. Hence, she let him kiss her, because of the emotional connection. Especially if the kiss was as loving as she said it was." My jaw clenched, thinking about that asshole kissing Vanessa.

"Alright," Brian said slowly. "but what about that Michael guy?" Jessie rolled her eyes at his name.

"When she ditched Lucas here, she met Michael. It was love at first sight for him. She had a small crush on him, but nothing compared to how she felt for home boy," she lazily tossed her thumb towards me and took my tray full of unwanted fries. "I love Vanessa more than any of you douchebags claim, but her taste in men is horrific." I glared at her.

"You know it's true," Brian grinned. I flipped him off and knocked him upside the head. He winced and rubbed his head, narrowing his eyes at me.

"More than likely she's going to Axel's party tonight," Jessie mumbled, a fry dangling from the side of her mouth as she stood up. "but she probably is bringing Michael. They uh," she made a hole with her right hand and stuck her left index finger in it a couple times. "a few days ago." My face got hot and my eyes widened.

"I'll get the fire extinguisher," Brian grumbled, getting up and going back inside.

"You're fucking joking," I growled.

"I wish I was Lavaboy," she patted my head then took my tray, walking off the way Brian went. I got up and went to where Vanessa was sitting, talking to a few people I've seen but never met. I grabbed her arm and jerked her toward me. She stumbled over her foot and fell into my chest, looking up at me with terror in her eyes.

"Really?" I tried to keep my voice low. I didn't want a scene. But the way she looked up at me like a deer looked before getting shot made me angry.


"Just after I say we go on a break, you fuck him?" I yelled. I felt eyes on me, but I didn't care. I kept my gaze on her as my body grew hotter.


"What excuse do you have this time?!" I screamed, letting go of her. "You're such a skank!" I might as well have smacked her across the face given by the way she looked at me. "Do you sleep with everyone! Who hasn't been inside you?"

"You're one to talk!" Her voice cracked. "You're player of the year since freshman year! Why are you allowed to sleep with anyone you want but I can't?"

"God, I don't know Vanessa, maybe because you were in a fucking relationship!" A small circle had formed around us by now and, despite being outside, everything seemed to close in on me.

"I'm sorry, okay?" She was crying. "I didn't mean to! And when I wanted to stop, I couldn't! Michael is so much nicer than you are! He doesn't even drag on you no matter what I say about you!"

"What do you say, V? What the hell is there to say? What have I fucking done to you that is so horrible that you run to some loser!"

"He isn't a loser, you jackass!" There was a rush of cold sent down my body and I think I went blind for a moment.

"You need to get ahold of yourself!" Brian's voice rang through my ears. I opened my eyes and watched water drip off the tips of my hair. I shivered and girls swooned. I looked down and remembered I wore a white t-shirt today.

"What is going on out here?" Mr. Simmons asked obliviously. I was still shivering and hugged myself. Vanessa was sobbing and Brian hugged her. Girls in the circle were fanning themselves and I got more and more self-conscious.

"Pl-Please let me go to the n-nurse," my teeth chattered. "I need a new sh-shirt."

"Not until someone tells me what's going on," Mr. Simmons was scribbling onto a pass anyway.

"I had to get water for him," Brian explained, handing Vanessa off to me. She cringed and I didn't want to touch her. "he was mad and I had to pour it on him or he'd start throwing punches. They were fighting and I was scared for her safety." I furrowed my eyebrows at him. Why is he making me sound like an abusive human being? Vanessa's body heat radiated onto me and I couldn't help wrapping my arms around her. She jumped and tried to pull away.

"Just go," he headed my the pass, pulled Vanessa away from me and I felt empty.

"I'll walk him!" A girl cooed.

"No, I will!" Another said and clung to my arm.

"Hop off his dick," Brian muttered, ripping her off of me and lead me inside. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine," I whispered, trying to keep myself warm. Jessie passed by us, a sympathetic yet accusing look on her face. She shook her head and kept walking, as if everything was my fault. As if Vanessa dating Ashton was my fault. As if Ashton being an asshole was my fault. As if them breaking up was my fault. As if our many fallouts were my fault. As if Vanessa's depression was my fault. As if her going to Michael was my fault. As if every little thing was my fault.

And the worst part of it all is I actually believed it all was my fault. But one thing I was sure of that wasn't my fault, and that was Vanessa is the biggest skank I have ever encountered and I regret ever loving her in the first place. And she deserved whatever came to her.


:o Luke. . .

Twitter: @lukesenemies

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