twenty five

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"So, what exactly is the problem?" Luke called a little bit ago, asking for some advice about Vanessa. "You two just had sex, right?"

"Yes, but it was so different. She seemed so uninvested in me. There was only one or two moments she showed real emotions," he sighed into the receiver.

"You sound like a girl," I grinned. "and since when do you call me for your problems?"

"Because texting would take too damn long and I need to know if she's cheating on me with that fucker Michael."

"Did you try asking her?" I tapped my pencil on my desk. I was in the middle of calculus homework when he so desperately needed me.

"No," he said, sarcasm raging in his voice. "I didn't think to ask if she was cheating on me."

"Hey, I didn't ask for sass," I huffed, flipping my pencil between my fingers. "what did she say when you asked?"

"Well, how she answered was what makes it hard to believe her," he paused, and I raised my eyebrows, awaiting his further explanation. "she said 'no' before I could even say 'cheating'. I literally only said 'Are you ch-'." He emphasized the sound so much I could sworn I felt spit in my ear. "And she said no."

"How did she say no? Sometimes if the way someone says it tells they're lying."

"She said it with no emotion and she wasn't even looking at me. She was dicking around on her phone," Luke sighed heavily, and I was preparing myself for the emotional words that would pour from his mouth. "have I done something wrong?" I was silent, trying to think of everything Luke has done to Vanessa.

Flashback after flashback has gone through my mind, and the only horrible thing I can recall Luke doing to Vanessa was making her go to Shorty's. But, then again, I wasn't with him 24/7.

"Not that I am aware of, no," I replied finally. He sighed again, this one more dramatic sounding than the last. "what were you two talking about before you asked?"

"Nothing, I just flat out asked her."

"Well, that's your first mistake. That's why she answered so quickly. You can't get a real answer if you just throw it at her. She was probably expecting it."

"If she was expecting it then she must be!" His voice raised, and there was a faint thud on his end of the line.

"Luke, you need to take a deep breath and rationalize this."

"I have been rationalizing!" He was yelling now and I had to hold my phone away from my ear. "She'd always let me on her phone until she started talking to Michael; now she hides her phone and gets defensive if I ask who she is talking to!" I rubbed my temple, closing my eyes.

"Dude, you need to calm down before you start talking again. My eardrums are still busted from the pep rally last week," his jagged breathing echoed through my phone before I heard a click. I sighed, rubbing my forehead when a knock on my window caused my hand to flinch and throw my pencil across the room.

"Brian?" More knocking followed. I whirled around and looked to see Vanessa tapping violently on the glass. I got up quickly and helped her climb inside. Her arms were freezing and her hair was a mess.

"What are you doing here?" I asked after closing my window back.

"I need someone to talk to," she huffed, plopping down on my bed. She blew a chunk of hair from her face and rubbed her arms. "it's a bit cold for it being October."

"It is fall time," I said. "what do you need to talk about?" Who else needs a therapist? Jessie? This Michael guy? My mom?

"Uhm," she rubbed the back of her neck, a nervous look taking place on her face. "I did something bad." My eyebrows raised and I was fully invested in everything Vanessa had to say.

"What did you do?" I sat in the chair across from her and scooted it toward her, to show my support or whatever.

"You can't tell anyone. At all," she looked me dead in the eyes, her cheeks pink from being outside. I nodded, keeping eye contact. She sighed, the sound of a heavy weight on her shoulders evident. "I-I did cheat on Luke." I think my eyes popped out of my skull they were opened so wide.

"Why did you lie to him?!" I yelled, scooting away from her.

"Because it was only one time!" Her eyes were shining. "I was being stupid and needy and Michael was there and I just-" she choked on her words as tears ran down her cheeks.

"You lied to Luke. How could you do that so easily?" My eyebrows furrowed in confused rage. "He loves you more than anything in the world and all the universes combined and you not only cheated, but you lied!" Vanessa looked up at me with wide and glassy eyes. She sniffed as more tears fell.

"I-I know. I deserve every terrible thing that happens but you can't tell Luke. You can't, Brian!" She stood up, putting her hands on my shoulders. "Please!"

"I just got off the phone with him," I brushed her hands off. "he was asking what I thought. I even gave you the benefit of the doubt. And now you want me to keep this secret? Are you psycho?!" Her face contorted and her arms fell to her sides. She looked as if I smacked her in the face with a bee hive.

"I know I fucked up, but it was awhile ago. I haven't done anything since and that's why I told him no. I wasn't lying when I said I wasn't cheating on him. I cheated, and I have felt awful about it ever since. But, Brian-" she cut herself off, letting out a shaky breath. She shook her head. "I came to you because I thought you could help me, give me the courage to talk to Luke. But now, you sound just like Jessie." If looks could kill. I took a small step back as Vanessa glared at me.


"No," she spat. "I'll figure something out." She made her way to the window. "Until then, don't you dare tell Luke. I'll tell him." With that, she thrusted the window opened then climbed out into the strange bitter cold of October.

"Somebody's gotta tell him," I muttered, sitting down on the chair. But, he needs to hear it from Vanessa. Maybe she isn't as inconsiderate as I thought she was. Maybe she will tell him. Maybe they will be okay.

Maybe, just maybe.


Twitter: @lukesenemies

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