twenty four

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WARNING: Sex scene. Do not read if easily disturbed or uncomfortable with sexual content.



There's a knock at my door at 2:32 AM. I stare at the door for what feels like an eternity until there is yet another series of knocks that follow. I remain quiet, thinking it's Mom telling me to go to bed. I quietly shut off my light and continue staring at the direction of the door.

The knocking continues, followed by a soft voice. "Luke?" I never have gotten out of bed so quickly in my entire life. I make my way to the door and crack it open to Vanessa, wearing a long trench coat and heels. I raise an eyebrow at her, noticing the odd apparel. "Hi, Luke." She smiles, almost seductively.

"What're you doing here?" I look down the hall then pull her into my room, the clacking of heels softened by the carpet. "How'd you get in?"

"The garage door pass code hasn't changed," she sits down gracefully on the edge of my bed, crossing her elegantly long leg over the other. The end of the trench coat falls away from her leg and all I see is her tanned skin.

"Quite a look you have going on," I nod towards her heels. "surprised you've walked in those without tripping."

"Practice," she smiles slyly, standing up and untying her trench coat. It falls to the floor, leaving Vanessa in her black lace bra and panties that she knows I love.

I stare at her, looking from her feet up to her face, making sure to take in every inch of her. "What's the occasion?" She shrugs, walking towards me and resting her arms on my shoulders. Our noses touch with the extra few inches added on.

"Is this not something you want?" She asks innocently, gently lifting my chin and brushing her lips against my neck. I need more contact than what she's giving me.

"I do like it," I ran a hand down her back, making its way down to her thigh then lifts up her leg, hooking it onto my hip. "just curious as to why a beautiful young lady is elegantly throwing herself at me at such an off hour of night."

"I thought you deserved something after all the trouble I've caused you," she blesses me with soft kisses on my Adam's apple and collar bone. I grip onto her leg, holding in a quiet moan. Her lips find their way back up my neck and I can feel the sticky lipstick being left behind.

"You have been bad," I lightly pull her off of me and look down at her. She pouts, her eyes glancing at my neck then back at my face. I raise an eyebrow at her and she sighs, turning around and laying down on the bed.

"Then show me how to behave."

The alarm buzzes, filling the room and Vanessa disappears into the blackness. I groaned, burying my face into the pillow to avoid all responsibility. And hopefully resume the dream I just had. I had never had a dream where the setting was so 1950's elegance.

I rubbed my neck, the familiarity of Vanessa's lips not leaving my skin. I sighed, disappointment taking over me that she wasn't next to me when I woke up.

I looked around the room, seeing if she had left a note saying she went back home. She stayed the night after the dinner everyone was forced to go to and she said something that pissed her mom off. To avoid confrontation, she went home with me. And, of course, she wasn't in the mood.

I tried to talk to her, ask her why she had been so distant. I thought she and I had things patched up after Jessie's, but, apparently I am a lousy "prick that can't understand why my girlfriend is mad at me" (Jessie's words, not mine).

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