thirty six

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WARNING: Sex scene. Do not read if easily disturbed or uncomfortable with sexual content.


For the past three hours Vanessa has either been crying or sleeping on my bed. Luke said they needed a break. Not a break up, but a break. I told her he was a dick for saying that. She defended him because she was the one who cheated. Technically, from the way I see it, it wasn't her fault.

I tried to tell her everything was going to be okay and that her and Luke will be back together in no time. I only said that so she'd stop getting black tears all over my clean pillow case. She didn't believe me, and more black stained the white permanently.

Vanessa was asleep when I came out of the bathroom. It's the fifth time she has fallen asleep from emotional exhaustion. She just cried, fell asleep, woke up, and repeat. I wanted to make her better, I wanted her to stop crying, but nothing was working. I offered ice cream, she pushed it away. I offered a hug, she pushed me away. I offered a movie, she hid her face in the pillow.

I almost got mad at her for even coming here in the first place. I didn't need the girl I've loved since I was 14 laying in my bed sobbing over some guy. But then I realized that I let her do exactly that because I love her. She needed somewhere she could go, to let everything out, and I gave it to her. She needed me, and I was there for her.

I sat down on the edge of the bed and scrolled through my phone. Everything just seemed to freeze: the wind wasn't blowing outside, the air conditioner wasn't on inside, no one had said a word, Vanessa never moved when she slept, and even our breathing seemed silenced. It was too quiet for me and I felt like nothing was right. Nothing seemed real.

I smacked myself in the face. It hurt a lot, and when I noticed nothing changed, i concluded that it wasn't a dream. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, counting to ten out loud.

One. . . Two. . . Three. . .

When I got to ten, I slowly opened my eyes, They immediately landed on Vanessa asleep in my bed. It wasn't the first time I have seen her there, sleeping peacefully. It was the first time though that she was a mess and not from me. My heart ached for her and her black tears. She didn't deserve to cry.

"Michael?" Mom knocked on the door, her nose and one eye peeking through the crack. I looked up at her, hoping she'll catch on she needs to stay quiet. "I was just checking in." She whispered. I nodded, refusing to open my mouth. Mom must've caught on that I didn't want to really talk because she nodded as well then walked off.

I wanted to touch her, give her a reassuring gesture to let her know I'm there for her, but I'm afraid if I do she'll start crying again. She's starting to cry from physical contact of any kind now, and it's worrisome. I looked at her, the way her hair fell across her face and how pink her cheeks were when she slept. The freckles on her nose showed more against the light shade.

I leaned down and gently kissed her cheek. Vanessa's eyebrows knit together, and her eyes opened halfway. It took them awhile to find me; the glassy look was almost scary. Almost like a porcelain doll's eyes.

"Hi," I whispered.

"Hi," her voice cracked. She winced and gulped. I can only imagine how badly her throat hurt from all of the wailing and screaming she did when she cried.

"How are you?" I tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, watching the pink slowly fade away from her cheeks. Vanessa shrugged, a tear rolled down her cheek, her eyes looked back down at the sheet.

"I'm okay," her voice was hoarse. "I think I'm done crying now." She wiped under her eye. I didn't have the heart to tell her that it was gonna take more than one little dab to clean that mess off her face. "May I take a shower?"

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