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WARNING: Intense sex scene. Do not read if easily disturbed or uncomfortable with sexual content.



All that seemed to come out of Vanessa's mouth for an entire month was "Calum Hood". All she talked about was Calum Hood. All she thought about was Calum Hood. All she sang was Calum Hood. All she watched were Calum Hood's greatest moments, Calum Hood's funniest moments, Calum Hood interviews. She gave me magazine after magazine and link after link of information on Calum Hood. She made me learn how to correctly say his name and she made it clear that he wasn't Asian.

"Are you, like, 1000% sure that he isn't Asian?" I asked, looking up at her from a picture.

"Yes, Luke," she huffed, rubbing her temple.

"Like, if you did a DNA test, there wouldn't be a single trace of Asian there?" I believed her, I just enjoyed the reaction she gave me from asking.

"Oh my God, yes Luke," she grumbled, taking her phone from me. I had to listen to all of his songs and learn how to sing them so we could scream at the concert together and I was ready to scream right now because it was getting out of hand.

"If I hear his name one more time, I'm ripping up my ticket and you're going on your own," I said, laying back on my bed. Vanessa stood at the end of it, her head hung slightly as she fiddled with the shirt she was wearing. Another one of mine. I swear, she never wears her own clothes. "what's wrong?"

"I'm sorry that I'm acting like this. It's just," she sighed, rubbing the back of her neck. I sat up a little straighter, noticing she was actually really bothered about something. "I've never been to a concert before." She whispered.

"Never?" I asked, entirely shocked.

"Never," she responded, sounding ashamed. "that's why I've been doing all of this. So I am ready for it." She played with something on the floor with her foot.

"I'm sorry, babe. I had no idea," I held my arms out for her and she crawled into the bed, laying her head on my stomach. "I'll make this the best concert ever. Alright?"

"Promise?" She looked up at me, her lip sticking out. You're so adorable.

"Promise," I smiled, pushing her bangs back. She smiled so big it seemed her eyes disappeared in her cheeks.

"Thank you, so much," she hugged my waist tight and nuzzled her cheek on my shirt. I ran my fingers through her hair, fiddling with my lip ring. I have been horny for like two days now and all I wanted was her. Ever since we decided to talk again, we havent exactly discussed if we were still going to have sex or not and I didn't want to push the issue because she'd think that was the only reason I wanted her around. I fucking need her right now.


"Hmm?" I looked down at her, still stroking her hair.

"What're you thinking about?" How fucking badly I want the headboard banging against the wall as I pound into you until you're screaming my name. I took a deep breath then my eyes widened as I felt myself getting hard. I wouldn't have noticed if her stomach wasn't right on top of me.

"U-Uh," my face felt hot as my eyes darted around the room. I couldn't look at her now.

"Luke," her voice lowered, her hand slowly sliding down my torso. I bit onto my lip hard while watching her hand make its way between my legs. I yelped quietly when I felt her grab onto my covered cock from shock then groaned quietly as she did her best to stroke it over my jeans.

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