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"You didn't tell her, right?" I ask, pulling on my underwear. Luckily, we have our shirts on and he pulled the blanket over our naked halves.

"Definitely," he rolls his eyes. "I told her that I'm a guy, and guys' rooms always smell funny."

"Good, it'd be really awkward to have to tell her that we're having sex," I push my hair back and lean against his headboard. I hear him chuckle and look over at him. "what?"

"Look," he points above the bed to the wall. "we left some dents." My eyes widen as I look over the wall, where indeed there are indentations from the headboard colliding with the wall.

"Oh my God," I breathe, covering my face.

"I also tore my shirt," I can hear the grin in his voice as he toys with the tear in the material. His lips attach themselves under my ear, drawing circles on my side.

"You're not done?" I giggle, giving him a small kiss to his nose.

"I am," he chuckles. "I just miss kissing and touching you." I smile up at him, watching the way his eyes light up as his teeth peek out from behind his lips.

"I missed it too."


"I cannot believe that we are seeing Calum tonight!" I grinned, lightly hitting Luke's arm as we sat in the horrific traffic.

"Yeah, me either," Luke mumbled, rubbing his temple.

"Oh, don't act like you aren't excited," I leaned back against the seat, folding my arms.

"I would much rather be doing something else tonight," he winked, trailing a finger up my thigh and between my legs.

"Not tonight, Luke," I gently pushed his hand away. "unless you want me to scream Calum's name." He huffed, putting both his hands on the wheel.

"Not even a little thank you sex?" His lip stuck out, making a sharp turn.

"Not with your driving skills," I said, holding onto the handle above the door. He rolled his eyes, putting his hand on my thigh. "is that your favorite spot?"

"No," his fingers lightly pressed against my neck, causing me to shiver. "this is my favorite spot." He gently rubbed his finger tips on my neck and I was grateful I wasn't driving because we would've ran off the road. My eyes fluttered shut and leaned my head to the side so he could continue massaging the spot on my neck. But all too soon his touch was gone.

"Hey!" I whined, my eyes snapping open.

"You said not tonight," he smirked, glancing over at me. I huffed, folding my arms over my chest and slumped down in my seat again. I hated when he did that stuff. And he knew exactly what he was doing.

"Maybe we can pull over and have a quickie," he mumbled, looking over at me as we sat at a never-changing stop light.

"With the way traffic is, we can do it right now," I muttered, feeling his hand crawl towards my zipper. "I didn't mean literally!" I pushed his hand away and he whined.

"But V!" Luke pouted, folding his arms and looking out his window. I grinned evilly, quietly unbuckling my seat belt then leaning over the middle compartment. I pressed my lips to his skin under his ear, earning a soft groan from him. I trailed my hand achingly slow down his torso to the growing bulge in his pants.

"Excited?" I whispered in his ear, watching his cheeks turn pink. He wriggled from under me, his elbow lightly pushing my stomach.

"V," he breathed, squeezing his eyes shut and tried to push me away. I smirked, leaning down and kissing his bulge over his jeans before getting back in my seat. I looked back over at him and the look on his face was priceless.

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