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I pulled into Ashton's driveway after driving aimlessly around town for almost an hour. I knew he didn't want to see me, but I felt like I at least owed him an explanation. Thankfully his mom was gone, and his siblings were probably at his grandparents' house.

I took a deep breath and made my way to his door, knocking hesitantly and waiting impatiently for him to answer. The door opened and he was in his boxers, a frown on his face.

"Hi," I tried smiling, but that just made him start closing the door. "wait, wait!" He stopped, an eyebrow raised. "I feel like I should explain what exactly happened." His eyes went to the left, chewing on the inside of his cheek. His thinking face.

Ashton opened the door and made way for me to come in, gesturing to the couch. I walked over and sat down, playing with my shirt. "Where'd you get that?" He pointed at my shirt and I looked down. It was the shirt I stole from Luke before I left the previous week. "You complete me?"

"I stole it from a friend," I half-lied, not correcting it to mess. I couldn't tell him it was Luke's. It'd make this situation way worse than necessary. But, he just nodded, sitting in the arm chair across from me.

"So, what happened?" Not cutting corners, are we now?

"Well," I sighed. I went over it a million times in my head as I drove over here. I was even prepared to scream it up to him from under his bedroom window. "I went to Luke's that night to get the tickets. He was being an ass and kept telling me no. He said he was leaving to go to Shorty's, and he said if I wanted the tickets I had to go with him. And I know Luke, he wasn't bullshitting around.

"So, we went. It was fine until they started, ya know, doing their thing. A girl came by and she was dancing for Luke and I thought that she wasn't that great," I left out the jealousy part because I was already in a hole, might as well stay where I was. "I said I could do better, and maybe just because I said it, I felt like I had to prove it.

"I went up there and I danced. I was in my clothes, until the girls started undressing me," I watched his face while I spoke, but it remained emotionless. I don't think he was even listening to me. I sighed, rubbing my face. "You know what? There's no point. You broke up with me and I have someone to go talk to. I'll see you later, Ash." I got up and made my way to the door, heading out and going to the car. I half expected him to run out and stop me, but when I watched him close the door I knew he was done.


I would've left my car in my driveway and walked to Luke's but if Mom found out I had skipped the rest of school, she would have killed me. I drove as slowly as I could, trying to come up with something to say to him. I have to make up to him for what I did earlier.

I made it to his house but his car wasn't there. I chewed on my lip and debated on whether or not I should just go in. I sighed and got out, going to his garage and opening it, going to the door just to find out it was locked. I rolled my eyes and huffed, looking around for a way to break in.

My eyes landed on the ladder they keep and have never used for anything. I grabbed it and struggled to get it out of the garage, dragging it to the back of his house. I tripped a couple times and it fell on my back. It took everything in me not to scream a very coherent fuck! each time. I forgot about the giant rock they keep as decoration just as you get to the back and fell forward, the ladder trapping me under.

"Seriously?" I winced, carefully pulling myself out from under it and picked it up, setting it up and leaning it against the house. I climbed up with shaky hands (me and ladders do not get along well) and made my way onto his roof, taking a deep breath and knocked on his window.

It took a few moments before he appeared at the window, a sad yet surprised expression on his face. "Hi." I smiled. He stared at me blankly, an eyebrow raised incredibly high. "I uhm, I talked to Brian. He told me a lot. I don't know if it was everything, but he told me a lot."

"You're bleeding," he said quietly. I cocked my head and then followed his eyes to my leg, a giant gash in it from falling over the stupid rock. "c'mon." He held his arms out for me and helped me inside, setting me on his bed and disappeared into his bathroom. I looked around his room to see it was spotless again. The only light that was in the room came from the window, but I think it was because he pulled the blinds up to see what was in the window.

Luke came back in with his first aid kit that I had gotten him as a joke because he always was tripping over his feet. He cleaned off my wound and when the blood was gone, I could see that it was actually bigger than what I thought it was. "Sorry." He muttered before putting alcohol on my leg. I yelped, my leg jerking up and kicking his chest. He grunted, squeezing his eyes shut and kept a tight grip on my leg.

"I'm sorry," I said quickly, putting a hand on his shoulder. He shook his head and opened his eyes, starting to wrap my leg. He leaned down and kissed over the gauze, making my cheeks get hot. "Luke..."

"What are you doing here?" He got up and sat next to me, looking at the floor.

"To apologize greatly," I looked up at him, even though I knew he wouldn't look at me. "I shouldn't have done that. I had no right to." He was shaking his head the entire time I spoke, wiping under his nose.

"I deserved it. I'm a jerk," he mumbled, finally looking at me. "that's the shirt you took." He smiled slightly, looking at his shirt I wore. I nodded, swinging my leg a little.

"You're not a jerk."

"Yeah I am," I shook my head, resting it on his shoulder. I felt him stiffen and sat back up. "I miss you." He whispered.

"I miss you too. I want my best friend back," I rested my head on his shoulder again, hugging his arm. He kissed the top of my head and he moved slightly to where my head slid down to his chest and I could hear his heartbeat. I sighed deeply, closing my eyes, and listened to his heart beating.

"Wanna start over?" He asked, his voice still quiet. I nodded and he fell back, pulling me on top of him. He wrapped his arms around me and hid his face in my neck, placing soft kisses on my skin. I sighed again, rolling off of him, and turned over so my back was pressed to his chest.

Luke draped his arm over my side and pulled me closer into his chest. He kissed the back of my neck, rubbing his thumb on my stomach. He nuzzled his nose into my hair and I heard him mumble something but I couldn't catch it.

"What?" I turned my head and looked over my shoulder at him. He just shook his head, moving my hair from my face. "Okay." I said quietly, going back to staring out the window as he continued kissing my skin. I missed this too, but I really did miss him. "Luke?"

"Yeah?" He murmured into my hair.

"Will you still see Calum Hood with me?"

"I was gonna steal that ticket back anyway," I heard the smile in his voice and I couldn't stop myself from grinning.


Twitter: @lukesenemies

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