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"It is too early," I rubbed my eyes, trudging along with Brian toward the building.

"You think any time before noon is too early," he chuckled, lighting a cigarette.

"Gross," I scoffed, taking his cigarette away and tossing it across the street.

"Seriously?" He punched me, pulling out another one.

"You need to quit, it's bad for you."

"So is jealousy, but that doesn't stop you," he retorted, lighting the end and taking a long drag. I shoved my hands in my pockets, kicking a rock along the sidewalk.

"I can't help it," I mumbled. "I'm actually intimidated by this Michael guy."

"Well, he hasn't known her as long as you've known her. So, at least you have that on him," Brian grinned sarcastically.

"Not by much," I grumbled, actually taking time to look around in front of me. The walk from the parking lot to the front of the building took about five minutes since we took a parking spot at the bottom of the lot.

"Yeah, but you're her number one guy," he flicked the ashes off his cigarette, tossing it to the side. "you don't need to freak out."

"Like I said, I can't help it," I forced my arm to extend out in front me and forced my hand to hold onto the handle of the door and took every ounce of strength I had to pull it open and step inside. "well, I had a blast. Bye." I stepped to turn around just to have Brian stop me.

"Come on, it's just first day jitters," he patted my shoulder, turning me back around and shoving me forward. "anyway, I see a pretty blonde waiting for you." I looked over and saw Vanessa standing at her locker. She was looking over at me but when I waved she didn't respond.

"Yeah, well, that pretty little blonde has been ignoring me for three days," I sighed, running my waving hand through my hair and looking around. "I think I pissed her off by getting overprotective."

"Maybe you should talk to her," Brian offered. I rolled my eyes.

"Like I haven't tried. I called, I texted, I even showed up at her window at midnight and threw rocks. The next thing on my list is getting a riding mower and a boom box to play her favorite song."

"Please," Brian chuckled. "you can barely drive a car. How will you drive a riding mower?" He shook his head and made his way toward his locker, leaving me alone to make an attempt at talking to Vanessa.

I coolly walked over to her and leaned against the wall, a smile placed on my face. "Hey."

"Hi," she said absent mindedly, pulling stuff out of her backpack and into her locker. My smile fell along with her book.

"Are you still mad at me?"

"Why would I be mad?" Her voice faded as she bent over to pick up her book. I caught a glimpse of the cover and I think it was something she had to read for her advanced English class.

"Well you seemed pretty pissed a few days ago as you stormed out of my room," I said carefully, watching her movements. Vanessa shook her head.

"Just stressing," she shut her locker and pulled out her phone. "you texted me ten times this morning."

"Well, yeah? I'm sorry but I wanted to know if you were riding with me."

"I do drive also, Luke," she snapped. I pursed my lips and nodded.

"Well," I clicked my tongue. "see you later." As I turned to go, I heard her sigh. I was secretly hoping she would stop me and apologize, but as I got farther away from her I realized that wasn't happening.

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