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WARNING: Small sex scene. Do not read if easily disturbed or uncomfortable with sexual content.



This was not how I wanted to wake up. Waking up feeling like I just got ran over by a semi truck. My head was pounding like no other headache before. I wreaked of cheap beer and cologne.


I opened my eyes and looked around with blurred vision. Despite my shitty eyesight, this place wasn't the familiarity known as my room. I blinked a few times, trying to focus when I noticed another person next to me in the bed.

I carefully rolled over and reached out, lightly shaking their arm. Their voice whined, shooing my hand away. My eyebrows furrowed in annoyance and curiosity, shaking them again.

"What?" They dragged their whiny voice out and it was too loud for my headache.

"Be quieter," I muttered, rubbing my temple.

"You woke me up," they rolled their head over and I saw blue, tired eyes and messy, dirty blonde hair. "good morning, alcoholic."

"Morning," I grumbled, rubbing my eyes. "do you have anything I can take?" I heard something shaking inside a container as Luke helped put a small bottle in my hand.

"There you go, babydoll," he mumbled, putting an arm over my torso. I shivered as his arm hit my skin. My eyes widened, sitting up a little and looking down at myself.



"Did we have sex last night while I was drunk?" It wasn't so much a question as an obvious statement, given my top half was bare and so was his.

"Upon your request," he smiled lazily, rubbing his thumb on my stomach. I groaned, falling back on the pillow.

"But Luke!" I whined.

"What Vanessa?" He whined too, pulling me closer to him.

"I told you not to before we even got here!" I tried to wiggle away from him but it took too much energy.

"But you begged," his voice dropped, drawing circles on my stomach. I felt something in my body heat up as he spoke, pressing his lips to my ear. "and I had to please you. You wouldn't stop asking me. You were practically on your knees." I felt his lips curl up in a smirk against my ear, my face feeling like it was on fire.

"Are you telling the truth?" I managed to choke out, keeping my eyes on the ceiling. He nodded, slowly running his hand along my stomach and down my thigh. "Wh-what are you doing?" I breathed, trying to keep track of his hand motions.

"Giving you a good morning," Luke's voice dropped a low, seductive tone as he trailed his hand in between my legs and I gasped, grabbing onto his wrist. "easy babydoll." He told me in my ear, rubbing my clit gently with his middle finger. My eyes rolled into the back of my head, squeezing them shut and gritting my teeth.

"Fuck," I moaned as he kissed my shoulder, still rubbing at a slow, gentle pace. I felt the mattress move slightly beside me and looked at him as his head hovered over his hand. His breath was hitting my clit and it made me bite my lip.

"How does it feel?" Luke still had that seductive tone in his voice, and before I could even think of an answer I felt the tip of his tongue. My eyes shot open, sitting up quickly and looking down at him. He looked up at me and saw my red face, winking and licking slowly.

My cheeks flushed to an even more impossible red at his gesture, moaning a little as I watched his tongue. He pulled it back and blew softly against my throbbing skin, causing me to groan in pleasurable agony. "Quiet, babydoll." Luke muttered against me, taking my clit between his lips and sucking on it gently. I moaned as quietly as I could, my headache slowly, so achingly slowly, going away.

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