thirty three

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I loved being on vacation, but something didn't feel right; sitting in the sun on a beach chair, poolside with my brother and my ex-boyfriend. Maybe it was the ex-boyfriend.

"What are you doing?" Ashton asked, ripping an earphone out of my ear. I shot him a look that I wish could kill. His family had other plans for Thanksgiving that Ash didn't want any part in, so of course Mom asks him if he would like to come with us while we visited Aunt Lilly.

"I am listening to music," I took my earphone back and put it back in my ear. As the song ended, I heard a huff come from my left, where Ashton is sitting. I took my earphone out again and looked at him, annoyance displayed on my face. "what?"

"Why won't you swim? Mitchell and I want to swim."

"Why do you need me to swim? Afraid your huge arms will weigh you down?" He wasn't amused by my joke, and I wasn't amused by him leaning down and scooping water in his hand to splash me. "Hey!" I heard Mitchell start laughing and tossed me his towel.

"Oops. Sorry, Princess," Ashton smirked. I let out an agitated breath as I wiped off my phone and dried my body.

"I can't swim at the moment," I muttered, feeling my cheeks fire up.

"Why not? Afraid your ego will weigh you down?" Ashton mocked. I shot him another look that I still wished could kill, my cheeks getting hotter. I don't know what Ashton saw, but his smirk disappeared and his face grew softer.

"Oh," he mumbled. "I'm sorry. Do you need anything?" I shook my head, sitting up straighter in my chair. Mitchell poked my arm.

"Please take me to get a sandwich," he whined, laying his head on my arm.

"You're 15. Go get it yourself," I ruffled his hot and sweaty hair then wiped my hand on Ashton's trunks. He scrunched up his nose before standing up.

"C'mon, Mitch. I'll take you. V isn't feeling that well," I looked up and watched as he started to leave with Mitchell. He looked over his shoulder at me and gave me the first genuine smile since we broke up. I mouthed a 'thank you' before he and Mitchell disappeared around the corner.

I leaned back into my chair and looked at my phone: a few texts from Jessie, a missed call from Mom about two days ago, and nothing from Luke. My heart sank. I tried to text him earlier, but he still didn't reply even to that. I got so desperate that I texted Brian a few times to ask if Luke was okay. He said he was fine, that he missed me. Hard to believe when I don't hear from him.

"What're you doing all lonely?" Aunt Lilly came up behind me and kissed my cheek.

"Ash took Mitchell for a sandwich," she nodded and sat down in the chair Ashton had his stuff on.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay," I lied. I was actually upset that Luke hasn't talked to me in awhile and I go home in a couple more days.

"Wanna go back inside and get something to drink?" Aunt Lilly knew when something was wrong. She just didn't try to get it out of you too easily. She'll offer you to do something, then while having small talk, she'll casually (and quite cleverly) bring up the topic of concern.

I knew her tricks, but I still got up and went into the kitchen with her. She went in the fridge and pulled out two beers, handing me one with a grin. She put her finger to her lips. "You won't tell, I won't tell." I smiled and had her open it for me before taking a small drink. "How's school going?"

I shrugged. I know she didn't want to know about school. She wanted to know what was bothering me. "It's alright. I am just waiting for it to come to an end."

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