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WARNING: Daddy kink... i'M SORRY.



I had Liz take me home. I didn't say goodbye to Luke. I didn't thank him for spending over an hour waiting for front row tickets for Calum Hood's upcoming concert on his laptop. I didn't thank him for spending three months worth of his paycheck on the tickets. I simply stepped out of the closet, hugging my stomach to prevent myself from puking, and waited patiently for Liz to grab the car keys as I stared at the ground.

The car ride was quiet. I could feel Liz looking at me every once in awhile. I silently thanked God that I lived so close so I could thank her for driving me then get out quickly. Which is what I did. But instead of going to my house, I crossed the yard to my neighbor's house.

I knocked on his door and waited as patiently as I could when I felt a pang in my stomach. I knocked again, a little more rapidly, until he opened the door. "Well hey, V." I waved slightly before running pass him & straight to his bathroom, hurling into the toilet. The smell alone made me puke even worse, the acid setting in my throat. It was the second worst feeling in the world.

"Hey, are you okay?" Ashton came up behind me and held my hair back for me.

"G-Grand," I muttered. I shouldn't be too bitter, I'd probably ask the same thing if it were him in my position.

I finally finished puking up my emotions and flushed them down the drain, wiping my mouth with toilet paper. "Wanna brush your teeth?" He asked, rummaging through a drawer and handed me an unopened toothbrush.

"Thanks," I mumbled, standing up and rinsing my mouth out before opening the toothbrush.

"So, was that physical or emotional?" Ashton leaned against the doorframe and watched me. I avoided his reflection in the mirror as I brushed my teeth. Ashton has been my neighbor for about two years now and we were pretty close. He's the only one in my neighborhood that was close to my age. Despite his high school graduation diploma hanging on his bedroom wall.

He'd moved in with his mom two years prior. My mom told me that we had neighbors and that I should go say hello and welcome to the neighborhood. I told her no and continued watching my favorite TV show.


There's a knock at the door and I groan quietly as I have to leave my comfortable seat on the couch to attend to the need of whoever the hell is at my door.

"Hello?" I ask as I open it to a person in front of me. Their hair is blonde and their fringe is insanely long. Whether they are a boy or a girl I have not quite determined.

"Hi," they said with a smile. Even their voice is high, I'm gonna die if they have a unisex name.

"Hi...?" I almost ask.

"I'm Ashton," I let out a quick sigh of relief. So he's a bro. "I'm the new neighbor. Right next door." He smiles, pointing to the house next to mine.

"Hi Ashton," I say, almost in monotone. His smile wavers slightly, shoving his hands in his pockets. We stare at each other for a moment before I realize I need to tell him my name. "I'm Vanessa."

"Hi Vanessa," his smile goes back to normal, offering me a hand, to which in return I simply stare at it. "you shake it." He breathes out a laugh, and I look up at him.

"Why do you giggle like a girl?" Ashton laughs again, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand he had just offered.

"I have no idea," he smiles at me, and I can't help but finally smile at him in return. "hey, you do know how to smile." He tells me.

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