seven (not private)

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WARNING: Small sex scene. Do not read if easily disturbed or uncomfortable with sexual content.



"What the hell do you mean?" I asked Vanessa, my arms folded across my chest.

"I mean, we need to stop," she whispered. I scoffed, shaking my head. Suddenly she finds some guy and now she wants to call this whole thing between us off? Nuh uh.

"Bull shit!" I yelled. She looked up at me with doe eyes. And not cute doe eyes, more so holy-shit-I'm-about-to-get-slaughtered doe eyes. If anyone would be getting slaughtered, it's the guy she is supposedly seeing.

"It isn't bull shit, Luke," her voice is still low and it's pissing me off. "I really like him and I don't want to screw it up."

"What's this guy going to do when he finds out that you've been sleeping with me and we aren't even together?"

"He already knows, stupid," she muttered, folding her arms. I raised an eyebrow and something in me snapped. I shoved her against the lockers, my face inches from hers.

"Listen, babydoll," my voice was low to a scary whisper. "you may not know this, but I fucking own you. Do you understand that? You can't just fuck me then leave." Vanessa held her composure, but she still tried to wriggle out of my grasp, only making me tighten it.

"Luke," her voice dropped to match mine. "we aren't a thing. We never were a thing. You made that ever so clear in 7th grade that you wanted nothing to do with me." I looked into her eyes, mind raging with fury.

"That was then," was all I could think of as a good answer to that. I don't understand why I cared. I actually didn't like her. I just wanted an excuse to be in her life again. What is going on with me?

"What? When I was ugly, and worthless, and not popular like your dumb little group that secretly hated you?" My eyebrows knit together. "You didn't know?" Her face formed a twisted, scary grin.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"Your stupid little posse hated you! They thought you weren't tough enough to hang out with and they knew you still wanted something to do with me! Everyone knew, Luke!" Her amusement was gone and she looked shattered. "If you still wanted to be my friend, why didn't you apologize?" I wasn't in the mood for this. She was the one that was busted, not me.

"Why does that matter now? Haven't I done enough for you?" I answered darkly. "I gave you your first fuck, I got you into a party, I fucking wasted my money and time to get you those stupid tickets to see that douchebag Calvin!"

"Calum!" She shouted, shoving me off of her. I was taken aback by her strength, I stumbled a little. "And the new guy's name is Ashton and I'm going out with him tonight and you're not stopping me and you don't own me!" Vanessa ran off down the hall, everyone staring at me and a few watching her run off.

"What?" I barked. Everyone averted their eyes and continued with whatever it was they were doing. I huffed, going to the guidance office.

"Yes?" A lady behind the desk with thick rimmed glasses looked up at me.

"Can you tell me if there are any Ashton's attending this school. Any grade?"

"Kid, you know we can't hand out information like that."

"It's a simple yes or no, ma'am. That's all I'm asking," she sighed, looking around swiftly before going to her computer and typing a few keys.

"Surprisingly the only Ashton that attended was about two years ago. He was a junior when we enrolled and now he should be a freshman in college," she told me in a hushed tone.

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