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I spent the night at Luke's for a couple days. He finally told his mom that I had come around again and she was much more excited than my mom was to hear about our reunion.

"Vanessa!" She smiled so I big I think she couldn't feel her face. She came up and hugged me tight and we sat down to talk like I had never stopped being Luke's best friend.

"Okay, why do you like this guy so much?" Luke muttered as he clicked away on his laptop. "He looks like a douche."

"Luke, language," Liz flipped his hat off his head to which he glared at her.

"Are you talking about the love of my life?" I put a hand over my chest, pretending to be hurt.

"If that's what you wanna call him," he had his face close to the screen as he adjusted his hat back on his head.

"Calum Hood is a magnificent creature that brings butterflies to my stomach and a smile to my face, don't be rude," Luke rolled his eyes, holding his head up with his hand.

"What are you doing, anyhow?" Liz tried to look over at the screen but Luke moved his laptop away.

"I promised her if she did me a favor I'd get her tickets and backstage passes to his show in July."

"The favor wasn't even that big so I totally made bank on my end," I smiled big, knowing that I'll be meeting my sunshine in a few months.

"What'd you have to do?" She looked over at me, cheek resting on her hand.

"Make some girl jealous at a party," I answered, playing with my hair.

"Was it a blonde?" Her face lit up and her eyes grew.

"Mother," Luke chimed.

"I think she was. Why?"

"Oh that dreadful blonde that Luke was dating. I hated her so much. I told him she was bad news but he refused to listen to me."

"Mom," Luke spoke, a slight edge to his voice. I looked up at him and he was frozen, glaring at Liz.

"He's still sensitive about her," she smiled, flicking his ear. "don't use that tone on me." His jaw tightened, shooing her hand away and went back to looking at the screen. I felt a slight pang in my chest and I knew what it was, I just chose to ignore it.

"Found any yet?" I asked him, hoping the subject would change to one that I might actually enjoy.

"Yeah," he grumbled. "they start going on sale in about ten minutes." I heard him click every .002 seconds on his keypad. "I'm making sure they don't decide to sell early and I end up missing out."

"What seats are you hoping to get?" Liz asked, getting up and going to the fridge.

"Front row," he mumbled, still clicking away on his laptop.

"Luke, I appreciate this, but can you please stop the clicking?" I eyed his finger as he repeatedly hit the button.

"Do you want the tickets or not?" He looked over at me, an eyebrow raised.

"I want the tickets," I said, ducking my head and folding my hands in my lap.

"Then let me click in peace," he lightly elbowed me, going back to clicking his mousepad. I smiled, looking back up and elbowing him back.

"Awh, like old times," his mom smiled, sitting back down with a water. Luke huffed quietly and I could feel his eyeroll from where I was sitting. I felt a pang in my heart, a different pang than a few minutes ago, and I actually had to clutch my chest it hurt so bad.

"You okay?" I heard him ask, but I was staring at the table, still holding onto my chest and I felt tears welling up in my eyes.

"Sweetie, are you alright?" I heard his mom from a million miles away and shook my head, getting up and running to the nearest door I could find, which ended up being the closet. I sat down on the floor, trying to make the pain go away as tears began staining my cheeks.

When you get hurt as a kid from playing on the playground and you go up to your mom and dad crying, they ask you if you're okay. When you shake your head and try to wipe your eyes, they ask you on a scale of 1 to 10, how bad does it hurt, sometimes it's normally a two, but never hits above seven.

I always told my dad (he was the only one that took me to the park) it was a five. I never went over a five. He asked me why something that was more than a five, was a five. I'd just shrug as he fixed my "owhie" (what he always called them).

Well, now I know why I never went over five. I was saving those numbers for when I really needed them. Like the first time I had my heart broken by my first boyfriend when I was in 8th grade. That was a seven. Or when my good friend had stood me up to hang out with some guy instead of me. That was a six. Even when Luke had did what he did to me, that was a nine.

I had never reached ten. Not physically, not mentally, not emotionally.

I've surpassed ten and went straight to eleven.

That's how bad it hurt right now.

And I don't understand why.

There was a ray of light that hit my face and I quickly turned my head away so no one could see me. It disappeared as soon as it arrived and there was another body in the closet with me. I was taking small, shaky breaths, trying to calm down, and still held onto my chest.

"Vanessa?" A hand fell upon my shoulder and I flinched. I looked to my right and made out a sillohouette of the guest in my hideout. "What's wrong?" It was Liz.

"N-nothing," I sniffed, trying to wipe my eyes and cheeks. "m-my chest hurts. Th-that's all."

"Do you need anything?" Her voice was soft. I'd always loved being around Liz. She was so sweet and caring. She was funny, too. But she understood life more than I thought a parent could and I knew she could be my shoulder to cry on. And I found myself on her shoulder, crying into her shirt.

"A real friend," I mumbled against the fabric. She put her arms around me and I threw my arms around her torso, crying harder than I was before.

"I thought you and Luke were friends again?" I was shaking my head before she even started her sentence and she rubbed my back like moms do when their kid just watched a sad movie and they're bawling their eyes out.

"N-no," it came out as a whisper as I was trying to calm down, hiding my face in between my arm and her shirt.

I couldn't do this friends with benefits bullshit anymore. I was either fucking Luke, or pretending to not know he exists. Even though the sex is amazing, I wanted to actually be his friend. But I can't be his friend. We can't be friends anymore. I'm just another toy. He's said so himself. We just do favors for each other. It doesn't mean anything to him. Once he's bored with me, he'll drop me yet again and move on to someone else.

I didn't want that. I wanted in his life again. I hated him, but maybe we could fix everything. But we can't because he hasn't made an effort. And I won't make an effort unless he does. He's a jerk and he always will be, and it kills me.

I just fucking want my best friend back.


NOTE: Apologies that this update is short. I just don't have the energy to write a chapter. I tried to make this as interesting as possible. I'll porbably do the concert in the next couple of chapters. You'll meet a couple new characters next chapter, or at least one. I'll make this story better soon, I swear.

- Jenn

Twitter: @lukesenemies

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