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Senior year.

You have one shot - your last shot - to leave a mark on your high school history. What are you wanting to be remembered for?

The star quarter back of the football team, leading your teammates to victory with an undefeated streak for four years?

The mathlete, showing off your abilities to solve quadratic equations, matrices, graphs, and even physics equations, all in a matter of a solid minute, proving that your school is the top school for educational leaders?

The head cheerleader of the squad, showing off not only your endurance, flexibility, and incredibly nice ass, but also your ability to be an actual leader, keeping the squad together and guiding them through to enthuse the rest of the student body?

The silent goth-slash-emo kid, that sat in the back of every class, wearing all black, borrowing their mom's eyeliner, and trying their best to make a statement that being yourself is in fact the style?

Kind of hard to be yourself when everyone else is doing the same thing that you're trying to prove.

Maybe, just maybe, you're like the rest of us: a face in a crowd of other faces, trying to get through your education with either excelling grades or just barely making it. Trying to get through the dreadful four years, just to go to yet another school, where you often times will be treated the exact same way.

Are you in a clique?

Or are you all alone?

We're brought up to believe that if we don't have a group, or we aren't part of something, we won't leave behind anything but another face in another graduating class. We're brought up believing if we don't exceed any expectations, we won't make it in life.

Why dump all of that on us at the mere age of 17, 18 years old? Some of us still can't even make our own decisions on what to wear for a simple day out.

Why make us choose who we want to be?

It's hard enough that we have to choose a new school to waste our entire life's savings on what's considered real education to determine our career, on top of our physics homework for the night.

Whether we leave a mark or not, we're still all just faces in a crowd of faces trying to make it through without killing others, or ourselves.


Twitter: @lukesenemies

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