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"How's the icee?" I asked.

"It's good," Mitchell smiled up at me. "but, since when do you want to hang out with me?" I shrugged.

"Mom is forcing me to spend time with you since I'm always with Michael, Luke, Ashton, or Brian," I glanced around the mall, taking small sips of my slushie.

"That makes way more sense than what Mom said," he took hold of my wrist and dragged me into GameStop.

"What'd she say?" I looked around in the small store, trying to see if the newest Kingdom Hearts game was out.

"That you loved me," Mitchell snorted, going up to a PlayStation 4 display. He picked up a control and shoved his slushie in my hand.

"That's definitely not why I'm hanging out with you," I chuckled, sneaking a sip off his slushie.

"Drink your own," he whined, starting the demo. "we have the same flavor anyhow."

"I know. It's a habit," I set his cup down then start wandering around the store, looking at all the new releases on the wall.

"Need any help?" I shook my head, ignoring the guy, and start chewing on my straw. "Are you sure?" I rolled my eyes, finally looking at the owner of the voice and grin. "Hello." Michael smiled.

"Of course you work here," I lightly punched his arm.

"Of course I do," he chuckled. "what are you doing here?"

"Babysitting my brother," I nodded towards Mitchell. "and I happen to like video games."

"Really?" his eyebrows raised. "What are you in to?"

"I don't know," I shrugged. "I've played Halo, Call Of Duty, a little bit of The Walking Dead, Kingdom Hearts is my favorite."

"What? What is Kingdom Hearts?"

"You're joking," I said. "it's like, the greatest video game known to man."

"No, Pokémon is the greatest video game known to man. Kingdom Hearts only exists to you," he grinned.

"Kingdom Hearts exists to everyone, even if they don't play," I smiled, folding my arms across my stomach.

"People know Pokémon better than some Final Fantasy knock-off exploring Disney worlds."

"Oh, so you do know Kingdom Hearts?" I raised an eyebrow, feigning annoyance.

"I may have played once or twice," Michael flashed a cocky smirk, making my bite my lip. "or quite possibly have beaten the first, the 1.5 remix, the second, and have the 2.5 remix on pre-order."

"Impressive, Clifford," I gave a sly smile. "why'd you pretend not to know what I was talking about?"

"Because I'd much rather fuck with you," he grinned.

"Vanessa! Vanessa! Can we get this game?" Mitchell ran up to me, holding up a game that looked oddly similar to Call Of Duty. But, it wasn't Call Of Duty.

"Uhm, I don't know kid. You know Mom only gave us so much to spend. And I haven't even gotten you real food to eat," I watched Mitchell's face fall, his bottom lip quivering.

"I get it," he whispered. Oh, his fake fit coming on. And now, he has an audience. "you don't want me to have fun."

"Don't you dare," I tried not to smile because his fits were always so entertaining. "not in public."

"No, no," he held his hand up, taking a shaky breath. "you already ruined my life." He started to cry, but no tears fell.

"Awh, V, look what you've done!" Michael jumped in. "You've upset your sweet little brother!"

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