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I laid awake that night, staring up at the ceiling, with Vanessa asleep on my arm. I didn't want to move it in fear of waking her up, but it was asleep to the point of I think it went numb. I was thinking back to everything that happened just recently, driving in the car to a concert as friends, making a small detour then coming back as a couple. I told her I loved her in the dumbest way. I fucking cried. Cried. What kind of guy cries about being in love? In front of the person they are in love with? A wuss, that's who.

I probably sholdn't complain though, I mean, she said she loved me too. Which is what I was afraid wouldn't happen. I was afraid she'd say that she really didn't love me, that she really was only in it for the sex we had. Then I would hope she was lying because sex this good doesn't happen between "friends".

There was a soft sigh next to me as Vanessa rolled over, giving me the split second to try to move my arm. I had to use my other hand to pull it away and flop it on my stomach. Give it a good 10 minutes, it should wake up by then. I looked over at her, my tired eyes scanning over her hardly visible face. There was a small light from the full moon shining through the window and it more so illuminated her back and my face. My eyes wandered up to the window, seeing the giant tree that has been in the backyard since forever. I enjoyed climbing it when I was younger, then laugh as I watched Vanessa struggle then pout. She'd plop down in the grass and fold her arms over her chest, sticking her bottom lip out so far. She was adorable then, too.

I looked back up at the ceiling, my arm getting the fuzzies as it gained feeling again. I concentrated on my arm waking up, and how much I hated that feeling. The best way I can describe it is how you'd expect the fuzzy TV screen to feel. That's what it sounded like too. The static sound. I don't understand why I'm concentrating on the sound and feeling of my arm waking up when I could be sleeping. A small image flashed through my mind, my head jerking toward my computer.

I have to watch it again.

I looked over at Vanessa before carefully climbing out of bed, stumbling a little from laying down for so long. I went over to my desk and shook the mouse, plugging my earphones into the speaker and glancing over my shoulder. Vanessa's a light sleeper so I have to stay so impossibly quite or she'll wake up and I don't want her to. I sat down and opened my folders, searching for the video.

"Where is it?" I whispered harshly to myself, checking all of my folders. My heart rate picked up and I rubbed my face, hoping no one had gotten into it and deleted it. Oh wait. I went to the recycling bin, opening it and scanning through everything. I groaned internally, lightly smacking my cheek until I finally found it, redownloading it to my computer. I glanced over my shoulder again, double-checking she remained on the bed. Her back was turned. Good, good.

I put an earphone in and pressed play, leaning back in my seat and folding my hands over my stomach. The first few seconds were of my forehead and eyes, adjusting the camera and making sure it was in place and in view. Next is Vanessa's laugh as she is lying on the bed, watching me jump on top of her with a shit-eating grin on my face. We're talking now, about how I'm saving this to wank off to when she gets a boyfriend, and I tell her that'll never happen.

I continue watching, like it's an old family video. I fiddle with my lip ring while pornstar me kisses pornstar Vanessa on screen. I fold my arms over my chest, watching the first slow 10 minutes of the video, waiting patiently towards the middle-end of it. There was something there, I heard it, coming from Vanessa and if it's what I think it is then I might fall out of my chair.

I peeked over my shoulder, nervously chewing the inside of my cheek when I see Vanessa's body facing the computer screen. I turn back around and turn the brightness down, hearing the mixed moans and groaned quietly. Her moans were my favorite thing to hear, and I will not lie, I was slightly turned on. I inhaled deeply, squeezing my eyes shut and shaking my head, to rid myself of the dirty thoughts so I could keep the task at hand. I opened my eyes again, seeing stars.

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