twenty eight

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When you like someone, the feeling seems to just scratch at your brain. Like an annoying little parasite. It's harmless, but it's just letting you know it's still there and doesn't plan on going anywhere any time soon.

It's when you fall in love that the little parasite becomes dangerous. It goes to every corner, every inch, every tiny little surface of your brain and constantly eats at it. Your mind becomes clouded with just the constant reminder that the parasite is there and it won't go away. It won't leave you alone.

All I do is think of her.

All I ever do is think of her.

She is the parasite in my mind.

The most dangerous and beautiful parasite I have ever encountered.

She's always there, on my mind, with her beautiful green eyes and her beautiful smile and her beautiful voice and I can't take it anymore. I can't focus. I can't think about anything but her. I zone out, she's there. I zone in, she's somewhere over there. I try to think about math but I somehow connect it back to her. I try to watch porn for God's sakes and I just imagine her.

She is everything and anything to me. And I am so fucking in love with her.


Twitter: @lukesenemies

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