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I woke up; Bright, white light surrounding me. I couldn't hear anything in the all-white room except slow beeps and my own heavy breathing. Everything hurt; Everything from my head to my feet was aching.

I thought I was in Heaven if it weren't for the incessant beeping beside me. And also there were a lack of angels telling me I'm home.

Everything was blurry when I finally opened my eyes more. A small blurb of color caught the corner of my eye in the endless white surrounding me.

"You're awake," a familiarly unknown voice said. It took everything in me to turn my head to the only source of color in the room. "No one thought you would."

"Gerard Way?" My voice cracked at every letter. My left arm stung the most out of my whole body. I squeezed my eyes shut and blinked multiple times, trying to see clearly.

"Close," Gerard chuckled. "it's Michael." My eyebrows furrowed to the ceiling, looking back at the Gerard imposter.

"Michael?" I tried propping myself up on my arm but it stung so bad I fell on my back again. Tears threatened to appear in my eyes but I gritted my teeth and fought them back.

"Please be careful," a light tough fluttered against my arm. I couldn't feel it on my skin but it ghosted over it. "you really did some damage to yourself."

"What happened? And where am I?"

"You're in the hos-" he was caught off by my mother's voice.

"Luke! Baby, you're okay!" I could tell in her voice she has been crying and I felt her fling her body on top of mine. I put my right arm over her, but kept my eyes on the ceiling. Nothing seemed to make sense. What happened?

"Mrs. Hemmings, please don't lay on top of him," a kind voice that sounded so familiar made me sit up.

"Vanessa?" I looked at the person the voice came from and I almost burst into tears. A brunette in a white coat was at the end of my bed looking at me weirdly with a clipboard in her hand.

"Uhm, Luke?" Michael said, making me look at him. His face mirrored the pain I was feeling. "Vanessa. . . She's-She's gone." My breath caught in my throat and I looked at everyone in my room. Mom had her head hung and clutched my right hand; The (I'm assuming she is) doctor looked sympathetic as she set the clipboard down; Michael trying to hold it together in front of me.

A flash of Vanessa smiling just before she fell back off the bridge and me running after her went through my head and I squeezed my eyes shut. I covered my face with both my hands, feeling myself getting smaller.

"We got to her about an hour and a half before you were checked in," the doctor's kind voice made me hate her. She sounded so much like my Vanessa. "we really did try everything while we were on site. But, she. . ." She couldn't even finish. I looked up at her and she looked a little pale. "There wasn't anything that could be done to save her.

"When you were found, the video camera was found still recording. The police watched everything, and they want to question you. When you're ready, that is," she added, trying her best to sound comforting.

"Luke didn't do anything," Mom defended. "he never would."

"We know, trust me. But, he was the only one there at the site of her suicide and is on the video as well," the room started to spin. My stomach was doing flip after nauseating flip and I wanted to hurl, but I couldn't.

"How did I get here?" I muttered, looking at the plain white sheet. The pain in my left arm grew worse and almost unbearable. I went to hold it, to apply pressure so it'd stop, but it was wrapped up in gauze. I looked down at the blood-stained wrap and if I didn't need to throw up before, I definitely needed to now.

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