fourteen part one

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"Your life is totally like Gossip Girl," my best friend declared, sucking on her straw. Her perfectly drawn on eyebrows were raised and she was looking up at me, waiting patiently for me to make a remark.

"I don't understand," I mumbled, stirring my drink slowly.

"How can you not?" She exclaimed, dramatically putting her cup down on the table. I rolled my eyes. Leave it to Jessie to make everything straight from WeTv. "You're obviously Blair, and Ashton was your Nate and Luke is obviously your Chuck!" I furrowed my eyebrows, still looking at my drink. I would've been more into this argument but I just started my period earlier and I wasn't feeling like doing anything, but Jessie whined and cried about how for the past month all I did was spend time with Luke and not her.

"Have you been spending your time just contemplating my life?" I finally asked, folding my arms across my chest.

"Well, while you've been fucking Luke, I had nothing better to do," she offered my half of her macaroon and I scrunched up my nose. She rolled her eyes and ate both halves. If anyone was Blair, it was her. I was more of a Jenny Humphrey. Just, not psycho.

"Don't you think I'd be more of Serena instead?" I raised an eyebrow. "Ya know, Ashton as Nate and Luke as Dan?" Jessie nodded, trying to swallow before speaking again.

"Yes," she gulped and took a long drink. "but, in order for that to even apply is that you'd have to be 5'9", and Luke would actually have to be nice." I glared at her. She knows not to use my height as a weapon. "I'm more of Serena because I am 5'8", and stuck in between these two boys that are completely gorgeous." She smiled dreamily and I gagged.

"You're really going deep into this," I muttered, swinging my foot. And she wondered why I hung out with Luke instead of her.

"Don't get me wrong," she ignored my comment. "I think it's great you're finally dating Luke, but c'mon Ashton was a total babe!" I groaned, rubbing the bridge of my nose.

"Why don't you date Ashton then?" I looked up at the sky, hugging my stomach. Damn cramps.

"Uhm, no," she scoffed. "I do not date boys that you've dated." She finished her drink with an obnoxious slurping sound. "And why are you so . . . not fun today?"

"Because," I sighed. "I started my period. I told you this."

"Ugh, gross," she scrunched up her nose. It was like she didn't have one. "wanna go shop?" And it was like I didn't have one either.

"Jess, I don't know how long I'm going to last," I rested my head on my fist, rubbing my cheek with my free hand.

"I bet if Luke wanted to, you'd go," she muttered, folding her arms. I don't think I was meant to hear it, but I felt terrible. Physically and consciously.

"Fine," I said, getting up. "only a few stores though because I have to go to some special dinner with Mom tonight and I wanted to nap before getting ready." Jessie squealed, clapping her hands then got up too, linking arms with me. I groaned internally, wondering how in God's name I ever became friends with her. She wasn't like this until she was about 13, and I honestly thought it was just a faze like my intense eyeliner and black hair dye.

She dragged me into the Black & White Market and the only thing that prevented me from offing myself was that a song from The Amazing Spider-Man 2 was playing. I still didn't know what it was called, but it was my favorite at the moment.

"I thought they'd play much classier music than this," Jessie grumbled, starting to look around. I tuned her out, listening intently and glancing at a few things that actually didn't look too girly to me. My phone buzzed in my pocket and, even though I promised Jessie I wouldn't, I took it out and looked at the screen. Of course it was Luke.

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