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The whole week was going to last an eternity. We were all anticipating the thanksgiving break and it's like the universe knew. October seemed to last only a second. It's hard to believe that Halloween was just a couple weeks ago and we're already halfway through November.

I drummed my fingers on the desk, eyeing the forever slow moving hands on the clock. It was silent in our history room, with the occasional flipping of papers and nervous chewing on pencils and quiet snores of students already done with their tests. Only one more hour, then I get to go home and walk around in my boxers.

"Hey," the kid next to me whispered. "please stop." I raised an eyebrow and continued drumming, only taking my time letting each finger fall and rise. He sighed heavily before rolling his eyes and going back to finishing his test. It wasn't that hard; just remember a few dates, a few names, maybe a couple places. It was the length of the test that really threw people off.

I sighed dramatically, receiving a few annoyed glares from people. I just grinned, nodding to them as they shook their heads and went back to looking at the misery before them. I leaned back and rested my chair against the wall, swinging my feet a little. I looked over opposite me, to Vanessa, head down and steady breathing.

I smirked, carefully and quietly reaching over and brushing my hand between her thighs. She gasped and jolted, more than a few people looking back at her. Including Mr. Simmons.

"Something wrong, Miss Tilley?"

"No," she replied rather sheepishly, hanging her head. I snickered, covering my mouth to be as quiet as I could. Vanessa turned her head at me and her face was bright red. I wiggled my fingers at her and she groaned, burying her head in the crook of her elbow. I glanced at Mr. Simmons, to ensure I wasn't being watched, as I reached over and tickled the back of her neck.

Faint squeaks came from her as she squirmed, trying to get away from my touch. I was way too entertained to notice that someone was looming over us.

"Hemmings," I looked up at Mr. Simmons. He raised an eyebrow and his eyes flashed toward my hand. Vanessa's head popped up and her face was even more impossibly red. "what are you doing?"

"Uh," I smiled awkwardly, attempting to come up with a decently half-assed lie. "I was pushing her tag back in her shirt." Yeah, that's decently half-assed.

"Hands to yourself," Mr. Simmons imitated himself sitting on his hands. I assumed he wanted me to do the same. I moved slowly, watching him smile sarcastically and nodded at me for obeying his shitty sign language. He went back to his desk as I sat uncomfortably on my hands and swung my feet.

I was so bored and I didn't know how else to entertain myself. I would've gotten on my phone but if I did that, Mr. Sunshine would give me an automatic zero. I had already pushed it with my obnoxious sighs a boredom; if I kept pushing it, I'd land a detention. I wanted to mess with Vanessa, but that obviously was short lived.

I watched another helpless soul trudge up to turn in his test. It was actually one of the guys I use to be friends with back when I was 13. He didn't grow much. He was scary looking in 7th grade; now he looked like he still was in 7th grade.

Just as I was about to lose all hope in finding entertainment, a notebook slowly slid across my desk. I looked down and read the girly handwriting:

Why must you touch me in the middle of class? You know that isn't fair.

I grinned and looked over at Vanessa, who was folding a piece of notebook paper. I took it upon myself to end time-out and wrote back:

It is too much fun seeing your reaction.

I carefully handed it back to her, keeping an eye on Sunshine. I watched her from the corner of my eye. I saw her smile and shake her head. It made me grin. I love when she did that. It meant even though I did something incredibly stupid, she still loved me enough to keep tolerating me.

She was everything to me, and seeing her smile was what I lived for. So, if being an idiot made her smile, even in the slightest, I figured it was worth it.

Behave, Hemmings. She wrote and handed back to me. I smiled and looked at her, mouthing 'never'. She giggled quietly, covering her mouth with her hand. I started doodling on the paper, still awaiting for the bell to indicate the move to next period. I side-glanced the clock. About three minutes left. My eyes grazed across the few people still hiding in their tests. I took a small glance at Mr. Simmons, his pen grading away on a test.

Someone stood up and turned in their test. I watched as he went back to his seat that he shot a wink my general direction. My face scrunched up and I looked over at Vanessa; her face turned red. I raised an eyebrow and glanced between them, tapping my pen on my cheek. He sat back down just as the bell rang.

Vanessa gathered her stuff and took her notebook off of my desk and high-tailed it out of the room before I could even click my pen. I gathered my stuff then stood up, going to the guy that winked at me. "Hey, buddy, you aren't unattractive but I don' go that way."

"Oh, yeah, that wasn't for you," he said, putting his pencil in his pocket. "it was for the pretty blonde next to you."

"Oh, you mean my girlfriend," I grinned sarcastically. His eyebrow raised.

"Your girlfriend? Aren't you Luke Hemmings?"

"Yeah?" I shrugged. "What's your point?"

"Don't you sleep with at least two girls a week?" He flashed a knowing smirk, starting for the door.

"Actually it was one girl a week," I corrected, following after him. "my schedule was too full for more than that."

"So, do you have side bitches now?"

"Excuse me?" I looked over at him.

"Side bitches? A guy like you can't possibly go this long with just one girl," I followed him to his locker, watching him spin in his combination.

"Yes, a guy like me can go on this long with just one girl," my eyebrows furrowed. "who exactly are you?"

"I'm Axel," he shut his locker and turned his back to lean against it. "I'm like your replacement." Axel flashed a pure white smile. My eyes narrowed.


"Yeah," he shrugged, pushing himself off the lockers. "who's gonna bang the rest of the chicks if you're stuck to just one?" My mouth gaped in disgust. Is this how I was?

"Well, good luck with that," I said slowly, backing away and quickly heading to my locker. I was already running late so I might as well take my time. Vanessa is probably already in physics anyhow, thinking of how to tell me that Axel doesn't mean anything to her. Yeah, right.


Twitter: @lukesenemies

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