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"Luke, seriously, please just give me the tickets," she griped. I sat in my computer chair and looked up in so much amusement as Vanessa had her arms folded across her chest. She had been begging me to give her the Calum Hood tickets for almost two months straight so her and Ashton could go but I've been being an ass and told her no.

"Sorry, my money, my tickets. Looks like you're stuck with me, princess," I smiled sarcastically, causing her to give me the dirtiest look. "now, if you excuse me, I am going to Shorty's."

"Really?" She scoffed. "You're going to a strip club?"

"More so a burlesque," I answered, sitting up and getting my shoes.

"You are disgusting," I rolled my eyes at her, standing up straighter and pulling on my jacket.

"Or, you know, you can come with me," I smirked, dragging my finger under her chin. She jerked her head away and scowled.

"Even more disgusting," I raised an eyebrow, my grin turning slightly evil.

"Want those tickets?" Vanessa looked up at me with a quizzical eyebrow. "Go to Shorty's with me."

"Oh my god, you're worse than a pig!"

"Fine, can't wait to see that douche on stage in a couple months," I faked a smile, heading out the door and downstairs. I heard her groan before stomping after me. I smiled, opening the door for her. "after you."

"I hate you so much," she gritted, continuing to stomp all the way to the car and yanked the door open before slamming it shut after climbing in. I sauntered as coolly as I could to the car, trying to contain my laugh as I got in and made our way out of the neighborhood and in the city.

"It's actually a classy place," I glanced over at her, seeing that she had been staring straight ahead with arms crossed the entire time.

"It still has women being exploited for their bodies as they prance around like Barbies on a poorly decorated stage in outfits that look like they got ran over by a lawn mower," she grumbled out in one breath.

"Okay, do you even know what a burlesque is?" I looked over at her when we reached a red light.

"Uh, I've seen the movie," she said, with a hint of superiority. I groaned, running my hand through my hair and gripped it in frustration. "and even though it's supposed to be like drama club, they're still dressed like strippers."

"They don't have to take their clothes off. Just dress like that," I lowered my gaze at her.

"Ugh! This light is taking forever!" She yelled, running her hands through her hair. I just rolled my eyes at her. She was refusing to listen to a word I said so there wasn't even a point in trying. I hit the gas once they finally gave me the green light, almost hitting a guy ahead of me. "Luke!" Vanessa screeched.

"Oh my god, woman!" I yelled, pulling into the Shorty's parking lot. "Shut up, my god!"

"You almost ran over that guy!" She yelled back, punching my arm.

"I will run over you next if you do not chill your balls," I growled, getting out of the car and heading toward the door.

"Luke! I'm not 18 yet!" I huffed, running back to her and covered her mouth.

"Hush. If they hear you, they won't let either of us in," I watched as she nodded and then had her stand behind me as we slid into a crowd. I pulled out my ID and flashed it to the guy, making sure Vanessa slid in the door without being noticed.

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