twenty nine

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"Alright, are you seriously done being a slut now?" I asked, holding my coffee to my face to keep me warm. The weather has been really odd lately for October. Vanessa looked at me with an irritated expression as a familiar song played in the small café that she suggested. I personally hated how tiny and secluded it felt, but if it keeps her from bitching at me, I'll settle.

"It was one time," she mumbled, folding her arms.

"Okay, but what was the other time when you confessed your adultery to Luke?" I raised an eyebrow, taking a sip of coffee. It scorched my tongue and I had to pretend I was fine even though I felt like it was going to fall off.

"We slept in our underwear. That's all," she rubbed her arms. This place was lacking heat and I could see our breaths as we talked. I wanted to question her choice in coffee places, but that wasn't the main issue here.

"Uh huh," I rubbed my tongue on the roof of my mouth before speaking again. "was that after you got drilled?"

"Wow, J," she stood up, putting the lid of her cup back on. "I know I acted slightly slutty once out of desperation, but damn, I wouldn't do it twice." She was pulling on her coat as she spoke, fumbling with the buttons. Her fingers were turning blue from the cold.

"V," I sighed, following her movements and putting on my coat as well. "I'm sorry. I just have never seen you so. . . Promiscuous."

"It was one other guy!" She huffed, picking up her coffee and storming out of the café. I blew my hair out of my face, hurrying out after Vanessa as that song continued playing in the background.

I hope you find a way, to be yourself someday. . .

That stupid song had been stuck in my head for a week and I just got it out yesterday. Now I'm gonna be singing it again for two weeks.

"Vanessa," I caught up to her, lightly grabbing her elbow. She turned and looked at me, her bitch face on. "Vanessa, I'm sorry. I just don't really trust Michael."

"I know you mean me," she said lowly, watching people that walked by. I opened my mouth to protest, but I quickly shut it when she glared at me. I mean, she was technically right, but I really don't trust Michael.

"The only time I don't trust you is when you're with Michael," I responded carefully.

"Well," she took a deep breath, grimacing slightly. "I won't be around him for awhile. Not until I can get my hormones in check. Until then, I'll let Luke take care of them."

"Oh, gross, TMI," I scrunched up my nose as she chuckled and my heart fluttered. Seeing Vanessa happy was what I lived for. Yeah, I tell her how it is and that she's fucking up and that she needs to get her head out of whoever-she's-obsessed-with-this-week's ass, but I do love her and I don't want to see her destroy herself. Not again.

"Just letting you know that he and I are fine. He actually took out his anger on me last night," she smirked and I gagged.

"Oh my God, I think I threw up a little," I covered my mouth, dirty images running through my mind. She started laughing and, as much as I hated to in that moment, I laughed with her. "you're so disgusting for a young child."

"You're only older by five months!" She grinned, tossing her coffee in the garbage. I assumed it got cold pretty quickly from the cold café and this cold weather. She usually finishes it.

"Still older than you," I shrugged, taking another cautious sip of my coffee. "why do you like that frozen tundra they call a coffee shop?" I asked, tossing my coffee away. "If I wanted it iced, I would've asked."

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