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Vanessa's meltdown was the second biggest talk of the school, next to Saturday's video. Apparently her mother grounded her since the video was posted to her wall, for everyone to see. Her mom wouldn't listen, so now, she can't leave the house unless it's school or work.

She's been sneaking out to go to Jessie or I's house, since we're closer to her to walk. I try to tell her that she needs to go to the police, that they'll listen, but every time she just shakes her head and says it's too late.

I scan the cafeteria for her. She has been eating in an empty classroom for the past week and I made her come sit with me from now on. It doesn't take long to find her, the only blonde with her head hung low as people start falling to whispers and snickers when she passes.

She comes up and sits close beside me, staring at the table with her hands secure in her lap. The whispers get louder and then they turn back into common cafeteria chatter.

"Risky letting her sit next to you," someone commented when they walked by.

"Aren't you afraid she'll want you, too?" Someone chuckled.

I ignore them all. It's beyond childish how everyone is acting, all these seniors that pretend to be role models and show their support for anyone that needs it. When in reality, they just need something to put down 6 feet under.

"How are you feeling?" I offer her a half of my sandwich but she just shakes her head.

"I'm okay," she whispers. I then offer her my water bottle and she shakes her head again.

"Trust me, you'll want some," I wafted it under her nose and her head shoots up, her nose scrunched.

"How'd you smuggle it in?"

"Stole it from Luke," I shrugged. I offered it again and she took it, taking a huge drink before giving it back. About a fourth of it was gone now, since Luke and I had taken small sips from it all morning.

"Thanks," she coughed a little before resting her head on my shoulder. I won't lie, I always did have a soft spot for Vanessa. Despite some of her choices, she was a great person.

"You're welcome," I looked around again when Luke was in front of us. His jaw set and he tried not to show much emotion. A small weight set down on the bench we were sitting on. I looked over to see Jessie playing with Vanessa's hair as they both looked up at Luke; Jessie's face blank while Vanessa's was pleading.

"Why is she here?" Luke mumbles, not breaking eye contact with her. I felt her shiver next to me.

"I asked her to sit here," I looked up at him. It was quiet, just them looking at each other. It seemed to be a silent conversation between the two, and I'd give anything to know what they're saying.

Luke gave a slight nod before looking down and just walking away. The bench lightened then went back to the way it was as Vanessa shot up to chase after him but Jessie sat her back down. She didn't deserve Luke's horrific treatment.

We told him that it actually wasn't what it seemed. But he wouldn't listen. In a way, I don't blame him for not wanting to believe her, but also, I know Luke isn't that much of a dick to listen to anyone else.

"He's still hurt," Vanessa muttered, not even believing herself when she says it.

"Over what? You sleeping with another guy when you two break up?" Jessie keeps her voice low, but is still very much hacked off. "Luke has no right to be pissed at you when he use to sleep with a different girl every night!" Her voice raised and a few heads turned. She paid them no mind as she was too focused on proving her point.

"She isn't wrong," I chimed in. They both looked at me, Jessie appreciative and Vanessa blank. "I mean, he told me all about how he slept with all these different girls after this one dumped him hardcore after ruining his life."

"Lex?" Vanessa raised an eyebrow. I shrugged.

"Guess so," she nodded.

"But what good does that do? At least he never cheated on anyone."

"She isn't wrong," Jessie mumbled. We all sighed, not quite sure why we were even discussing this. At the end of it all, Luke still won't believe that Vanessa was forced into it.

"Does anyone else believe you?" I rested my chin on my hand, looking out at the sea of faces.

"Michael does."

"The kid that dyes his hair a lot?"

"Her second lover," Jessie joked. All three of us actually snorted and laughed at that. I think it was the first time in a week that Vanessa smiled. At least now I know she still can. Of course, it didn't last very long.

We all fell back into a dim silence. Surrounded by all the noise in the cafeteria. I saw Luke walk by one more time, a few tables back, with his head hanging so low his chin touched his chest. I wanted to chase after him, knock him upside the head to push his common sense forward in his brain, but what good would it do? He's a hard ass. Stubborn as hell. Getting him to understand that Vanessa was raped when all the signs showed she actually wanted it was going to be difficult, especially on Luke who has seen her leave him countless times and cheated on him for months straight. To say the least, he just might be unbreakable.

Vanessa's head found its way to my shoulder again and she sighed heavily. "I know I did a lot of bad shit," she started mumbling. "but I never thought it would be like this." I put an arm around her.

"I know."

"It'll all end soon," Jessie reassured, resting her head on Vanessa's shoulder. I wanted to agree with Jessie, be an extra assurance, but I knew this place all too well and I knew the kids here all too well. They won't stop talking about it until something more interesting comes up or Vanessa's dead.


So, there are seriously only three chapters left in this story. Which is why I am trying to update as quickly as I possibly can so I can get a start on the sequel.

Might as well grab some tissues. It's all going downhill from here.

Twitter: @lukesenemies

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