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You still sat on the stool and watched Shigaraki closely.
„So you are the cold blooded killer Toga was talking about,“ he asked with a scratchy voice.
„Well, I've killed someone but I don't really know if that makes me the villain you think I am. “
„Who was your victim? “
You took a deep breath in.
„My mother. No regrets and no hesitation. “
Some kind of tension filled the room.
„Anyone else? “
You shook your head.
„No, she was the only one."
Shigaraki turned around and looked at the warp villain.
„Doesn't sound to bad to me.“ He turned around to you. „Tell me something about your quirk.“
„My quirk is called thunderstorm. I can create electricity in form of lightnings and thunder-like shockwaves."
„It's so impressive! You should've seen it in action! “ Toga squealed from the back.
„Well, I must be honest with you. A quirk like this can help the league,“ Korugiri said.
„But she still has to pass a test to prove her loyalty to the league! “
He nodded.
„How about the good  old method : let her kill her loved ones and she's in. “
Shigaraki seemed to like that idea.
But before he could say anything else, you jumped up from the stool and walked up to them.
„I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but that won't work. My mother was my only family member and I already killed her. I also don't have any friends, since I spent almost my whole life locked up in a mansion.“
„But how is she supposed to prove her loyalty then?“ Shigaraki seemed to be a little upset.
Then Kurogiri whispered something in his ear. „Ohh that's good. Amazing idea! Y/n, you will go on a mission for the league, risking your own life. If you make it, you're welcome to the league.“
You nodded in agreement.
„Alright. What do I have to do? “
Shigaraki made a step back and let Kurogiri explain the plan.
„You will break into UA high school and steal some important documents about all might. After our attack on the USJ flopped, we need to make another plan on how to kill him, all might I mean.“
„Breaking into a high school? Doesn't sound to hard to me... I'll do it. “
And now you had your task to finish.

Time skip

It was early in the morning. You slept on an uncomfortable bed in the quarters of the league. You got up and prepared for your mission. You wanted to get this over with as fast as possible.
You left the building and walked down the streets in the direction of UA.
Soon after you noticed a girl in school uniform walk by. Your chance.
You sprinted over to the other side of the road and grabbed her to drag her into a corner.
You pulled out a knife and put it on her throat.
„What do you want from me, “ she  stuttered.
„Your uniform. Take it off. Now. “
A shiver went over the girls body.
„Now give it to me or I will cut your throat wide open, “ you hissed.
Eventually you got what you wanted and squeezed yourself into the uniform.
After you put on the clothes you kept walking to UA.
In front of the school were a lot of reporters. You rolled your eyes. How can so many people be interested in a school? C'mon, it's not that deep.
One reporter stopped you and shoved a microphone in your face.
„Hello fellow UA student, can you tell us anything about all might? How is he as a teacher?“
You pushed her out of the way.
„Hey! That's so rude! “ you heard her yell from the background.
But you didn't care, it's just another stupid reporter anyways...
You walked through the main entrance along the other students.
All of them where heading towards their classrooms, as soon as they entered the building.
You separated yourself from the group and walked through the corridors on your own.
Soon you were alone. 'Awesome, now I just have to find the way to the principals office and I'm almost done then.'
You looked around, when you suddenly realized that this whole thing wasn't as easy as you thought. You've never been to UA before and had no idea where to go.
You kept walking, looking for any hints, but there were none.
„Hello young lady, are you looking for something! “
You flinched, then turned around quickly to look up to a tall figure right to your right.
'Great, out of all pro hero teacher I had to run into all might?!'
„U-uhm well... You see I'm new to this school and I'm looking for the principals office, can you please tell me where to go, “ you asked with a sweet voice.
Suddenly you were disgusted by yourself. You never talked like this before and at the moment you were just hoping you didn't sound to fake.
„Just walk down this corridor and it's the last room to your left.“ All might answered.
„OH thank you. “
Without carrying the conversation any further, you turned around and sprinted down that corridor.
When you arrived at the office, you knocked on the door a few times.
„Principal Nezu? Hello? Are you there? “
You knocked again and got no answer.
'That probably means no.'
Carefully, you opened the door and got in. Luckily the office was empty.
You began checking the different drawers until you found all might name written on a folder.
You looked inside and took out the papers. 'Those must be the documents Shigaraki asked for!'
„Hey! What are you doing? Put these papers down immediately! “
You flinched and turned to the door, to see that a woman with long black hair and glasses had entered the room.
You just shoved the documents between your boobs and started running.
But as you tried to pass her by, she grabbed your wrist to stop you.
„Now hand over these papers you just stuffed into your shirt, “ she commanded.
„I don't think so. “ You activated your quirk and used a lightning to shock her, causing her to faint.
Then you just started running, making yourself the fastest way out of the building.
But on your way out, you crossed paths with all might again.
He looked very confused as he saw you sprinting outside.
Then he decided to follow you.
'Why out of all heros all might, huh? What did I do to deserve this?'
You saw that the school locked the entrance gates, so you used your quirk to blast yourself up in the air and fly over the wall.
You landed right in the crowd of reporters. As sneaky as you are, you used them as a cover and that is how you managed to get away from all might in the end.
But if you would've been a little slower, he definitely would have caught you.
As you finished your mission your just had to return to the leagues quarters. Then you should be good.
On your way, you kept turning around, making sure no one was following you.
Then you finally reached the building and you snuck in through the back door.
Toga was sitting in the bar, pouring herself a strawberry cocktail or something.
„Y/n-Chan! You're finally back! How did it go? Do you have'em? “
You nodded proudly.
„Go get Shigaraki, I'm ready to become a part of the league now. “

1243 Words, dayummm that's a lot.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I promise more is already on the way and next chapter y/n is finally going to meet Dabi<3
I hope you understand why I couldn't just make them meet right away...
I just wanted to add some spice to      y/n's character, before she crushes on anyone <3
See you in the next chapter

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