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You waited in the bar again. Then, Shigaraki and Kurogiri finally walked in.
You pulled the documents out of your shirt and handed them over.
Kurogiri took them and nodded.
„This is exactly what we asked for. "
He said satisfied.
„Then I guess I have to welcome you to the league, " Shigaraki didn't seem to be completely convinced by you, but yet he accepted you.
„Thank you."
You slightly bowed forward. Then Toga came rushing into the room and hugged you.
„Y/n-Chan! You're with us now!!"
She squealed with a bright glow in her eyes.
She pulled you into the hallway.
„Well I actually tried to convince Kurogiri to move change rooms with you and move into the basement, so you can have a room next to mine, but he said no."
You guys walked down the stairs to the basement area.
Toga opened the door to your room. „So I thought I could decorate your room, that it wouldn't look that musty anymore."
You were impressed. Never in your whole life, you had some do something nice like that to you.
„Uhm, thank you. I'm kinda speechless right now.„
Before your eyes started tearing up, you just turned around and hugged her.
„Thanks Toga," you repeated yourself.
„Ahh, that was nothing y/n-Chan. I'm glad you like it tho! "
The rest of the day, Toga introduced you to the rules of the league, but not to the other members.
It was dark outside. You laid down in your new bed, ready to sleep.
You still had to get used to it, since it was probably the thinnest mattress you've ever slept on.
As you laid down, you first realized that this was what your new earned freedom felt like. But honestly, you couldn't be mad about it. Even though you also had to give up the privileges of a rich life style.
But you were finally free and if you looked around, you could spot so many things that your younger self always begged for to have.

You opened your eyes. It was early in the morning, but you still felt like you slept in. Must be your strict sleep schedule.
You got up and as you stretched your back you heard some cracking noises.
Seems like the thin mattress managed to mess up your back.
You looked in the mirror. Your hair was messy and you looked utterly exhausted.
'I should take a shower, I look fucking musty.'
So you snuck out of your room. You silently moved through the quarters, since you didn't want to wake anyone up.
Bad thing was, that Toga didn't show you around, so you didn't know the area that well. You basically only knew where your room, the bar and Togas room were.
After a while you found something that looked like a bathroom door.
Still sleepy, you didn't hesitate to open it, but that was a horrible mistake.
Turns out, you really found a bathroom.
But also turns out, that there was already someone else in there using the shower.
It was a young man, maybe two or three years older than you.
His body was covered in scars. His black hair was wet, from the water running down his body.
You just stood there, your eyes wide open and a heavy blush on your face.
As he noticed you staring, he turned around and asked
„Uhm.. Can I help you? “
„S-sorry! “ you squealed and jumped back in the corridor. You shut the door and clenched your teeth so you wouldn't start screaming out of embarrassment.
After that, you just ran back to your room and buried yourself under your blanket.
'Why tho? This was so embarrassing! I can't! But he looked hot tho... Stop that right now y/n!'
You just laid down in your bed, facing the ceiling, trying to forget what just happened.
But you got interrupted by Toga opening the door to your room and jumping on your bed.
„Wake up y/n-Chan! It's time to get breakfast! “
She squealed.
Yawning, you got up. While getting ready, you asked her
„Hey Toga... Who is that black haired dude with the scars? “
She just got comfortable on your bed and rolled herself up like a burrito in your blanket.
„Oh him? His name is Dabi. But I also don't know much about him, since he's not that talkative. But sometimes he's out in the clubs, looking for girls when he wants to get laid.“
Your jaw clenched.
„Why do you ask? “
„Well I might or might not have walked in on him showering this morning. “
Toga just burst out laughing.
A slight blush creeped onto your face again.
„Don't worry y/n, he probably didn't mind! “
She laughed. You were still not fully convinced.
„C'mon, let's get breakfast now! “ she said and directed you to the kitchen.
„Well we don't have a lot of food, because a certain someone didn't do the grocery shopping for the week, even though it was his turn... *cough*Shiggy*cough*“
She pulled out some dry looking bread.
„Well, doesn't seem to be that old, so it's still edible! “
The two of you sat down at the table and started eating.
„You wanna pair up for combat training, this afternoon? “
Toga asked with her mouth full of bread.
You nodded.
„Sure! “
Then someone else walked in the kitchen.
„Oh hey DaBi, you also wanna do Combat today? “
Toga pronounced his name extra clear, so you would notice who just came in.
„Well, not much else to do, “ he huffed and turned around.
Toga stuffed the rest of her bread into her mouth and got up.
„C'mon y/n, I'll show you the training area. “

Time skippp

You walked through the hallway and spotted Toga. She stood next to the back door, currently trying to tie her shoes.
„What are you doing? “
She got up and rolled her eyes.
„Shigaraki that ugly butt face, ordered me to do the grocery shopping, even though it's his turn and since we have literally no food left, I should better go now before someone decides to take a bite out of the shower sponge. “
„But what about our combat training,“
you asked concerned.
„Well, I obviously can't go. But you can team up with Dabi instead. “
But before you had time to complain, she already left.
'This is going to be the most awkward shit ever! “
You sighted.
After some time, you decided to still visit the training area.
Dabi was already there, shooting blue flames at some set up targets.
You just stood there and watched.
Then he turned around.
„Oh, shower girl decided to show up. Interesting... “
„Don't tell me you gonna call me that from now on, “ you muttered with a slight blush on your cheeks.
„Not here to do that crap, but I love teasing tho, “ he chuckled.
„Now show me what you can do with that precious quirk of yours. Come on, attack me. “
You were surprised how easy he seemed to handle your little incident from the morning. But you still had a job to do, so started sprinting forward and boosted yourself in the air with a shock wave.
You flew a few meters, then landed and tried to land a punch on your opponent.
After that didn't work, you tried to get as close as possible to zap him.
And it actually worked.
„Ouch! That's bussin tho! “
He said and rubbed his arm.
„Now new lesson. Try to doge my attack.“
Then he shot a flame ball at you. You doged it by jumping to the side.
„Hey, I didn't say you were supposed to run away! “
For the next attack you used a shock wave to stop the flames from reaching you.
It worked.
But then Dabi started to speed up his attacks. And at a certain point, he was just to fast for you to doge with your thunder.
So you started to jump around again. But you also had to admit to yourself that you were getting tired of this.
So instead of running away from Dabi, you sprinted towards him, electricity covering your arms.
(wow writing this while listening to seven Nation army feels like I'm in an edit lol)
You were about to attack him, when he just made step to the side letting you run in the empty area behind him.
You stopped and twirled around, not noticing how your feet got tangled up in a cable that was lying on the ground.
Dabi got closer to you, so you wanted to make a step forward. But something stopped you and made you fall.
And if it was only you falling, good.
But you bumped into Dabi, taking him down with you.
Scardly, you opened your eyes. You landed right on top of him, his face buried in your chest.
„Eeeek! “
You tried to get up, but you were completely tangled.
Then you looked back at Dabi, who  just laid there with a relaxed smile.
You managed to throw yourself to the side and get the cable off of your boots.
„I'm so sorry... “
Your face was covered by a huge blush.
Dabi seemed to be totally good. He just got up and said
„If that was a hero, you would've definitely knocked him out. “
You honestly didn't know what to answer.
„I guess we're good for today, “ you somehow managed to squeeze these words out of your mouth.
Then you just turned around and headed back to the quarters as fast as you could.

Well,somehow I still managed to write 1599 words for this chapter. They seem to be getting longer and longer....
I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the excessive amount of blush, jeez, almost as much as I put on my face every morning...
Anyone else obsessed with blushy cute makeup?
See you in the next chapter <3
Author-Chan <3

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