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The door fell into its lock behind you.
You pulled the hood off and made your way through to your own room.
Almost there you ran into Toga.
„Y/n-chan? What's going on?"
She had immediately noticed that something was going on.
She grabbed you and brought you straight to her room and sat you down on her bed.
„Tell me about it darling."
It was the word that made you finally break down.
„Toga I - I- I... Yoshino hates me! I thought we could become really good friends but I fear that this is impossible now! But the most terrible thing about the shit that's going on is that Dabi hates me too now! "
You buried your face in your hands and cried even harder.
„W-what? But why?"
She asked.
You looked back up to her.
„Because I killed Yuriko."
You looked up to her.
„I killed her! I KILLED HER!"
Your voice cracked.
The room was silent for a second.
„I killed her."
You repeated yourself over and over again.
„I pushed her down a building but she got caught up in some wires and and... I electrocuted her. She's gone. I wiped her out. Her existence. Just like that."
You continued.
Toga eyes were wide open.
„If these were normal circumstances I would have congratulated you on your success but if it now means that you've fucked up things with Dabi I'll hold myself back.“
She responded.
„Toga! You don't get it! I am glad Yuriko is gone, don't you dare get me wrong on this one but I also feel like I've made an insane mistake!“
„Of course I get you y/n-chan.. You're in love... And if there's anyone out here knowing how it feels like to get emotionally separated by the one you admire it's me...“
She let out a sigh.
You could tell that she was honest about it but that still didn't seem to do much for your sake.
„I just want to make some things undone and if that's not possible I want to dissappear from this world."
Your voice got quiter while speaking out these words.
„But we'll make it right somehow, I promise!"
Toga grabbed your shoulders and made you look at her.
„You don't even know the full story..“
You looked down at the tips of your boots.
„I didn't kill her out of cold blood. Neither out of pure hatred or revenge because she claimed Dabi as hers... She was the one who actually came to this place to end me this night."
A cold shiver went down Togas back.
„None of us ever knew the truth but that girl wasn't quirkless... She had the ability to create a huge laser beam."
You took a short break mid talking.
„A very distructive and powerful quirk adter all. And as I said... Yuriko came to kill me that night and what can I say... If I wasn't that advanced at quirk use and basically perfecting it my whole life... Things could have ended very differently from what it's like now..."
Toga looked at you stunned.
„But Dabi didn't acknowledge that in any way... He didn't even listen to me while I was just trying to tell him that I was struggling to stay alive that night..."
You turned around to look at Toga.
„Do you think he even values me anymore? Do you think he ever did?"
„Y/n! Are you still using your brain or did you just give up on it mid way?! "
She yelled.
Then she hugged you and held you tight to her chest.
„Or maybe you just use it a bit too much these days... Of course he did... And I'm pretty sure he still does.. We'll fix things.. I promise..."
Toga trying to comfort you made life a little less stressful that moment.
Still you weren't sure how all of this would eventually come to an end were you wouldn't lose Dabi.

Sorry for the short chapter but the motivation is leaving my body.
Hope to see you again next Sunday <3
Also huge thanks for all the votes and the adds to reading lists, you guys are absolutely amazing <33

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