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„Have you seen him? He's just so perfect! “
Toga had a heavy blush on her face and rolled around on your bed next to you.
„He looked... Pretty... Beat up...“
You responded, trying to not hurt her feelings.
„How would you get it? You're clearly more into desperate emos, who have a tit kink or something... Wait, does that even exist?“
She scratched her chin, thinking about what she just said.
You rolled your eyes.
„Well I must tell you something.“
Toga stopped thinking about tit kinks and tried to get your attention by poking into your arm.
„I used to have a minor crush on Stain.“
„You're not talking about the hero killer, are you?“
You were kinda confused.
„Of course I am. He kinda has a fetish for blood, so he was clearly the perfect man for me! But now that I've met Izuku-kun, it's like he never existed to me!“
She squealed.
„And I always thought Spinner was the one who had a crush on Stain.“
You chuckled.
Spinner was worshipping the hero killer more than anyone else in the league. You liked to think, that he kinda had a thing for him.
But you didn't expect that from Toga. Even though it made sense.
Two blood obsessed maniacs<3
„But what's up with you and Dabi now, huh?“
She disturbed your thoughts.
„Still the same, I don't have a crush on him.“
You answered.
„And I'm still waiting until you admit it. And judging by your tone, what got way less aggressive by the way, I can tell that it won't take you that long.“
You turned around pouting.
„What ever Toga, it's not like I care or something. “
You didn't want to care. But did that automatically make you not care?
Nope, haha definitely not. And why? Because that's life and life's a bitch!
You cared and Toga knew.
You were also aware of the fact that she was right. It was only a matter of time, until you would finally admit that Dabi was someone to you.
Who he was? You didn't know. But you had a premonition and it scared you.

It was the middle of the night. For some reason, you couldn't sleep anymore and also didn't want to spend the time in your bed.
So you decided to get up and go to the roof.
You sat down at the highest spot you could find and looked up to the night sky.
„Can I join? “
You heard someone ask you from behind.
You turned around and saw that you weren't alone anymore.
You nodded in Dabis direction.
He climbed up and sat sat down next to you.
„Aren't you supposed to be sleeping?“
He chuckled, softly ramming his elbow into your side.
„So are you! “
You responded sitting up straighter then before.
„No seriously, what are you doing here?“
He asked.
„I don't know, couldn't sleep I guess. “
He chuckled and pulled out a cigarette.
„You want one?“
He asked, holding the box in your direction.
You denied.
You sat there for a while, just enjoying the moment.
Then he slightly turned around to you and blew the smoke in your face.
„Dude! What the heck? “
You hissed low key offended.
Without giving you another chance to complain, he did it again.
You two chuckled in the smoke cloud.
After the smoke faded, you kept just looking at each other for a while,until Dabi gave you a smirk.
It made you heavily blush, so you had to look away.
You kept sitting there for a while, your knees slightly touching.
Then, he suddenly pulled up. Now the two of you were standing.
„What is going on here? “
You asked with a confused look on your face.
„It's pretty late, you should go to bed now and so should I.“
He said, guiding you down from the roof.
Suddenly, you realized how tired you were.
So maybe, Dabis idea wasn't too bad after all.
He went down to the basement area with you and stopped in front of your room.
„Sleep well. “
He said with a smirk in the corner of his lips.
„You too. “
You responded.
Suddenly he reached down to you and ruffled your hair.
Then he turned around and began walking up the stairs, leaving you there.

Toga and you were standing in the kitchen, preparing  breakfast.
You made a couple sandwiches and put them down.
Then you heard yelling from the bar, next to you.
„I'm never gonna join you bastards! Let me go already! “
You turned around.
„Is that this Bakugou kid? “
Toga nodded.
„You can be glad that you have a room in the basement area. This dude can't shut up for a single second!“
Toga rolled her eyes and rubbed her temporals.
You thought.
Then Dabi entered the room.
He looked very sleepy and was about to pour himself a cup of coffee.
He muttered, ruffling his hair.
„Let me help you.“
You suggested and got up.
„Thanks. “
He replied, giving you a head pat.
While you prepared his coffee, you could swear, you heard Toga squeal in
the background.
„Hey everyone. “
It was Spinner, the hero killer worshipper.
He sat down, next to Toga and grabbed the sandwich from your plate.
He took a big bite out of it.
„He you moron! That was mine! “
You scoffed offended.
He chuckled.
„Sorry not sorry, you left it here. “
He responded.
„Come here, you can have my breakfast.“
Dabi said and you saw his blue eyes sparkle.
He pulled you down on the seat next to you and held his coffee cup.
„Go on, drink it.“
He said handing the cup to you.
„Thanks Dabi, but I don't drink black coffee.“
You said, giving him his cup back.
Toga gave you a wink from the other side of the table.
Spinner kept shoving more and more sandwiches into his mouth.
„That's enough you idiot! You didn't even help making them!“
You said, snatching the plate from him.
Suddenly you felt Dabis leg lean against yours.
You tried your best to play your emotions down, so no one else would notice.
But Toga probably smelled the tension already.
You just continued sitting there, eating your sandwich, feeling Dabis slight touch and listening to the sounds of Bakugous yelling in the background.

Hey y'all, hope you enjoyed the last chapter of 2021 <3
See you again next year
Author-Chan ~

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