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Dabi was running in front of you and you tried to keep up with him. Twice clones had been keeping the two heroes busy but he seemed to slowly get a little tired.
You stopped and looked around to find your opponent while Dabi was on his way towards Endeavor.
Then suddenly something pushed you out of the shadows and made you stumble around for a second until you got your balance back.
You turned around and saw him. Hawks. The bird man.
He had found you before you even got a chance to look out for him.
A hiss left your mouth as you looked him up and down.
„Who we got there little lady? You are one of these villains aren't ya?"
He asked leaning against the wall.
You wanted to shut him up and smash his face with the tacky smile into concrete.
„How about you make this easy for the two of us and just surrender okay?"
„How about you fuck off?"
You fired back at him and got into position.

Your head hit the wall and you felt blood running down your face.
You had underestimated Hawks by far.
He was a powerful hero a he was definitely able to kick ass.
„Still got that fuck off mindset?"
He asked while holding you down.
„Most definitely. Piss off."
„How about no."
He responded tightening his grip around the back of your neck and your wrists that were pressed on your back.
„Hey chicken man loser! Didn't you listen? She told you to piss off!"
You tried to move your head to actually look at Toga who had apparently come back just in time.
„I suppose you're a little confused about the circumstances little one. Your friend over here is getting arrested right now and you're actually supposed to be next."
He answered but Toga seemed not to like that response.
„Not quite what I had in mind."
She said and jumped down from the little wall that separated the roof top into different areas.
She sprinted towards him and Hawks had to let go of you, otherwise he would've been stabbed in the back.
You pulled yourself up and used your quirk to push now Hawks off of Toga.
You grabbed her and dragged her down from that roof.
„Where is Dabi? And where is the rest of the league?"
You asked while trying to catch a breath.
„Dabi is still busy with Endeavor but they kinda moved away from the original place where the fight started. The rest is also somewhere there because the cops were called in the mean time."
Toga explained while you were running from Hawks.
„Follow me, I'll get you there and then someone can also help us get rid of that  pigeon."
You agreed and kept running.

You had still wrestling with Hawks while the others were in trouble somewhere else.
You just wanted to make your way through to help Dabi that was all.
But the chicken had you in a chokehold. And not the good kind.
And he just didn't want to give up. You had even gave him a couple zaps here and there but he was still onto you but he also became more careful since then and tried to keep you as far away from him as possible.
You had even placed a kick on his jaw but he still didn't give up.
„I already heard some stuff about you... A yet unknown member of the league of villains with an electricity quirk."
Why did he randomly spill information now?
You didn't care.
In fact the only thing you cared about at the moment was how you could get rid of him.
Most buildings surrounding you were tall as shit skyscrapers but there were a few you could actually climb up without it getting too risky.
You made a plan on how to out run him.
You knew it would be difficult since he was by far the fastest hero you had encountered with but you at least had to try.

Alright I usually don't do this but I am stuck at this spot for days now and my mind literally refuses to come up with a solution for y/n's problem right here so I will just add a time skip to make this work again.
I know this is a really awkward moment to add a time skip but I literally don't know what to do with this anymore I'm really sorry I hope you understand

You sprinted the staircase upward.
The office building was already pretty wrecked so you didn't necessarily want to take the risk of getting stuck in the elevator.
So you had to take the stairs to get to the top.
You knew Toga was up there with someone people from the police.
So you just had to help her after successfully tricking Hawks.
You knew he wouldn't be distracted for long but it at least got you a little bit more time.
You finally reached the top of the building.
The door swung open and you saw Toga just pulling a syringe out of a lifeless looking man to her feet.
„Y/n-chan! Good to see you!"
She had a bright smile on her face.
„You came here just in time!"
„I actually wanted to help you with your police problem but I think that you had the situation pretty much under control."
You responded and looked around for a second.
She nodded with a proud look on her face.
„Then let's get outta here before Hawks finds us."
You said and Toga put the syringe back.
You fled to get back with the others as soon as possible.
While you were running you felt your ribs ache.
Hawks had kicked you pretty hard and it had taken you a while to notice the pain.
Then you reunited with Twice and Spinner.
Both of them were waiting on top of another building, trying to catch a breath while hiding from the police.
„Kurogiri is gonna make us a portal pretty soon so we can dip."
Spinner said when he noticed the two of you.
„Got some fresh blood!"
Toga proudly announced with a big smile on her face and Twice nodded appreciatively.
You looked around.
„Where is Dabi? Is he okay?"
You asked and turned around to the guys.
„All we know is that he still must be busy with Endeavor."
Spinner responded and leaned back against the wall.
„Where are they?"
You asked still looking around in hopes you might see him.
In that moment Twice got a notification on his walkie-talkie.
„Twice? Are you guys ready? Come down to the crosswalk and we'll teleport from there."
It was Kurogiri.
Twice mumbled some kind of response before put it back on his belt.
„Okay you heard him. Let's get down."
He said but you leaned over the edge finally spotting a huge blue flame darting toward the sky from behind another building.
„You don't seriously think about going do you?"
Toga asked and walked up next to you.
„We literally don't have time for that now! Kurogiri told us to get down to him and I don't think he would appreciate you going off on that. Especially because that shit's fucking dangerous."
Twice tried to convince you.
Toga agreed with him.
„The police is also still down there and you really shouldn't get in the way of Endeavor and Dabi fighting... Because it's literally... Very heated."
Their words did nothing.
You still wanted to go.
You didn't only want to check up on Dabi. You also wanted to help him.
„You guys go down to see Kurogiri. I promise I'll be there in a minute."
Twice tried to grab your arm to hold you back but he wasn't fast enough.
You heard him call your name from behind.
„That's a shit idea I hope you know that!"
You didn't even turn around.
You ran through the streets towards the spot from where you've last seen the flames.
You ran around a corner and finally saw them.
Dabi just took a massive hit in the ribs.
He didn't look like he was doing too well anymore.
But neither did his opponent.
He looked up and must've spotted you from the corner of his eye.
He tried to make a gesture to tell you to get out of here but instead Endeavors attention got onto you.
He took a few quick steps in your direction to shoot some flames at you.
You rolled over the ground and he nearly missed.
„What the fuck are you doing here?!"
Dabi yelled as you got back on your feet.
„Helping you my darling."
You said and got in position next to him.
Dabi turned around to face you.
„You aren't supposed to be here. This is not something you should get involved in. This whole fight is pretty fucking personal."
He said.
„Then I'm helping you to get over the pretty fucking personal thing since you look kinda physically drained already."
You knew that you couldn't convince him to let you stay so you just had to be president.
„Darling. Please-"
Endeavors flames cut him off.
You used your quirk to crack open the ground and make the pro hero tripp while Dabi used his to stop the flames from reaching you.
When the smoke vanished you were able to see each other clear again.
Your attack had actually done something.
One of his feet got stuck in the crumbled asphalt.
He quickly pulled it out again, just doing more damage to the ground.
He jumped up and pushed you aside.
Your body basically wiped the floor and skin was ripping open and you were left bleeding in multiple spots.
You looked back up to see him wrestle with Dabi and pushing him down to the ground, slamming his head against the asphalt multiple times.
You pulled yourself back up as you felt tears stream down your face.
You clawed onto Endeavors back and sank your teeth into his shoulder blade.
You would have used your electricity but he still had Dabi in his grib and you were pretty sure that it would've killed him in his current state.
Endeavor tried to shake you off while the pain of the unexpected attack shot through his body.
You pushed your feet into his back and set off a shock wave to send him fly right through the glass window front of the building in front of you.
You yeeted yourself right after to smash another shock wave right into him.
Endeavor was pinned to the ground for a few seconds until he grabbed your ankle and threw you across the corridor.
Your head hit on a metal pipe and sank to the floor.
Suddenly you felt how the air around you got hot.
Very hot.
The whole room got dunked in a bright orange light and the heat raised to an unspeakable height.
You felt dizzy from the hit you took and tried to get behind a corner while you could see the fire shooting towards you.
Then everything went black.

Hey my dudes hope you enjoyed reading thissss

Anyway maybe this will be the last chapter of 2022 idk

Feels pretty weird idk

If there is anyone who's been stuck with this story since December 2021 or beginning of 2022 lmk I'd really like to know

Anyway stay tuned for the next one because this shit will be continued

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2022 ⏰

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