889 21 15

This chapter contains sexual content!!!
It's written in thick letters so you can skip if you don't feel comfortable reading <3

You tied your boots and were ready to pull the hood of your zip up hoodie over your head.
Dabi and you were about to get groceries and it was pretty cold and windy outside.
„Are you done?"
He yelled from the kitchen.
„Yea just get your ass over here!"
You responded.
He walked down the hallway stretching his back.
While walking he grabbed some bags you could put the groceries in before he grabbed your hand and pulled you after him.
„Fucking shit weather!"
You cursed while Dabi kept pulling you down the street.
„We'll be there in a couple of minutes."
He promised.
He was right. It had just been seven more minutes until you finally reached the store.
You picked up one thing after another and put it down in your basket.
You stopped at the isle with the candy and reached for some pocky sticks.
You looked over to Dabi who was typing something into his phone.
He looked up to you and shoved the phone down his pocket.
„Yes my darling?"
He said in his sweet but raspy seductive voice.
„You want chocolate or strawberry?"
He asked while reaching for the top of the shelves putting the other arm around your waist from behind.
You responded while blushing.
He grabbed a pack and let it fall down in the basket as well.
„There you go baby."
He whispered in your ear and then softly pressed his lips against your cheek.
Then you just continued to shop before you checked out to pay.
The walk back to the hideout was even more draining.
The wind was constantly blowing right into your face and the bags were heavy.
You were glad when Dabi finally pulled out the keys to the apartment and unlocked the door.
It was quieter than usual.
You carried your bags to the kitchen and dumped them on the floor.
„Where are the other's?"
You asked and turned around to Dabi.
„Oh. They all went to the laser tag. Did I forget to tell you?"
He innocently said while putting something in the fridge.
„What? No!"
You hit his shoulder and pouted at him.
„Why didn't you wanna go?"
„I don't know... Just didn't really feel like it I guess."
He leaned down to you and kissed your lips.
„And now that I forgot to tell you you're stuck with me."
He kissed you once again.
„You.. You little shit did this on purpose!"
You blamed him in between breaths.
„And what if I did? Don't you like being alone with me?"
He asked and grabbed your wrists just to put your hands over your head and push you back against a wall.
„Or are you scared?"
He asked with an evil grin
You carefully shook your head.
„I don't think I'm scared."
„Good girl."
He said while looking down on you with a proud but yet dirty smirk.
„And remember darling.... I want you. But doesn't matter how much I want you... I will always care."
He said still holding your hands pressed against the wall.
You tried to pull them down because you wanted to grab his face and kiss him once more but he held tightly onto your wrists and wouldn't let them go.
„Nah nah nah... What's that supposed to be?"
He asked in a playful but at the same time very serious voice.
„Did you just now try to get away from me?"
„N-no.. I just wanted to kiss you."
You stuttered.
„Oh? Kiss me? To bad I'm the only one who gets to kiss anyone here."
He said and slowly bended down to your lips.
But he didn't go any further.
He just remained in position.
You wanted to complain but he had already put his other hand on your jawline tracing it with two fingers until he reached your chin to make you directly look at him.
„Don't be so impatient darling."
He said and finally kissed you.
The feeling of relief flooded your body.
He made out with you for just a bit until he pulled away again.
Without saying anything more he just picked you up and sat you down on the counter.
„Darling my beautiful darling... You have no idea what's going on in my head right now."
He said while pushing your hair back with one hand.
„Tell me about it."
You said.
„No. No I will show you."
He responded and you felt his lips against your neck.
First his lips but after a while it was his teeth.
You let out a quiet screach because of the unexpected pain but you got used to him biting and sucking on your neck within the first minute.
You tightly held onto him while he just worked his way through.
You felt his teeth sink into your flesh over any over again.
It was not enough to draw blood but definitely hard enough so it would hurt a bit.
You then felt his tongue lick across your collar bone.
But then it was his lips again just leaving another mark.
He then suddenly stopped and looked into your eyes.
„W-what? I-is something wrong?"
You asked.
„No not at all. Just wondering if you can pay me back."
He pulled his hoodie off leaving his neck clear.
„C'mon you know I ain't working for free... And you did enjoy it did you?
You carefully leaned towards him.
„Don't be shy my darling."
He took one step closer to you and pulled you against his chest.
You then looked at his scared skin before you laid your lips on his neck.
You tried out a couple different places before you gave up.
„Hey hey... Your lack of experience doesn't matter."
Dabi said while ruffling your hair.
„I'm here to teach you."
You gave him an apologetic smile.
„You still want me though? Do you?"
You nodded.
„Also there is no apologizing here."
He said and kissed your lips.
You kissed him back while he pushed one of his hands under your shirt to touch your bare skin.
But before he was really able to do anything he pulled back to take a breath.
He then picked you up again and carried you across the hallway to his room.
The door fell into the lock while he continued to make out with you.
Dabi had his hands all over your body.
On your chest and then your back, your waist, your lower back, your behind, your thighs.
His lips on your neck, all over your face and always trying to go down to new places.
His touch sent electric shocks through your body.
He held you pressed against the wall. His body closely against yours.
He held your left wrist in a tight grip while he had his other hand shoved into your hair while kissing you.
You held onto his arm with your right hand while feeling his tongue piercing in your mouth.
You tried to take a breath but but Dabi bit your lower lip what made you let out a little squeak out of pain.
„Hmm are you into that my little darling?"
You couldn't answer because he bit your neck one more time before were able to say anything.
„I could bite you all night long if that's what you crave?"
He said while picking  you up.
He dropped you into the sheets and pulled his shirt off.
„You think you can do it your self or want me to help?"
He asked while getting down next to you.
You slowly pulled down the zipper of your hoodie.
„Now you are the one teasing! You're not being fair!"
He complained.
You gave him a light smirk.
He rolled his eyes and pushed you down.
He heavily kissed your neck and pulled the zipper down himself.
„Gonna end this quick."
He mumbled while pulling off your zip up hoodie.
He dropped it down next to the bed and looked at you.
You slightly nodded at him to give him consent to remove your top.
Dabi looked at your skin. It was simply just too beautiful to touch for him.
At least for a moment.
The little imperfections and the couple birthmarks you had.
He gently pulled you on his lap and put his face in the crook of your neck while softly caressing your bare arms and back.
You felt his skin directly on yours and it made a electrical feeling shoot through your body.
You blushed as he slowly let his face slide down your body near your chest.
He left marks all the way down until he stopped and just let his head rest on you for a second.
You softly pushed your fingers into his hair as he closed his eyes.
„I love you baby."
He whispered against your skin.
You smiled as he said those words.
Dabi turned his head up and looked at you.
You thought he wanted to give you puppy eyes for a second before he put on a dirty smirk.
„Now that we've been innocent for a second I can give it to you right?"

Dabi had turned you over multiple times now and made you switch positions constantly.
You thought he would go easy on you but after some time he seemed to get more comfortable. But so did you.
At the beginning he had made sure that you were fine with everything all the time. Asked for your consent to put the littlest move on you.
He even said that he usually wasn't like that but he wanted to make sure that you were completely comfortable with everything.
Your back was now pressed against the mattress and Dabi held your wrists pinned down above your head while biting your neck.
You had multiple scratches and countless bite marks on you already but it didn't look much better for Dabi.
He suddenly gasped for air and made you switch positions again.
He pulled you on his lap while grabbing your thighs.
Your face cramped up when he made you completely sit down on him.
„Hey hey my darling.. You still have to make it for a bit.“
He said.
His voice almost cracked.
You nodded but tears laid already in the corners of your eyes.
He then leaned back made made you ride him.
You did exactly what he told you to.
Dabi leaned his head back and let out some groans.
You then leaned towards him and laid on his front.
You put your hands on his abs and laid your lips on his chest before leaving a mark there.
He didn't expect that and  looked down on you with a surprised look on his face.
„Good girl."
He said and ruffled your hair.
His words made you feel something. Something you truly didn't expect but it made you feel loved more than the other stuff he told you in that moment.
It made you feel loved, special and appreciated all at once.
„If you wanna prove to me that you are not only a good girl but a really really good girl you will do it again. Right there.“
He tapped his finger on another spot on his skin and looked down at your blushy face.
You looked at him for a second before you put your lips on his skin and left another mark.
„Wow. I'm impressed. My darling is such a good girl I didn't even know."
He ran his fingers through your hair and gave you an intense head pat.
„Good~ good girl~."
He whisper into your ear.
He then bended down to your collar bones again.
„You still able to take more?"
He asked.
You weren't quite sure what to expect when he said 'more' but you were pretty out of breath already and most of your body parts hurt.
You quietly shook your head while looking down.
„Naw it's alright.“
He said and put one hand on your shoulder.
„You did good."

Dabi laid down next to you. He just took a shower as well .
Even if he didn't seem like he wanted to admit it he looked a little out of breath.
He noticed you noticing and responded
„Hey don't judge me I haven't done this in a while."
„I'm not judging."
You giggled.
„Oh you definitely are. Stop. Right now. Or I will make you regret it."
You shut up and Dabi gave you a clumsy looking smirk.
He ruffled your still wet hair before he softly kissed your forehead.
„You did good for your first time."
He said like he was truly proud of you.
A smile formed on your face before you pulled yourself into Dabis chest.
He put his arms around you and rubbed your back until you eventually drifted off into a black nothingness.

Blood Streams / Dabi x Reader Where stories live. Discover now