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You and Toga had spent a chill morning together, eating cereal on the roof and gossiping about Shigaraki, Deku and life in general.
It felt good having her by your side and just hanging out and stuff.
You looked up from your empty cereal bowl and traced the skyline with your eyes.
„Anndd? What are you thinking about right now?"
Toga asked in a slightly teasing tone.
You looked back at her.
She had a grin on her face.
„Well you must be thinking about something, right? Or maybe... Someone??"
The grin grew even wider.
„Oh uh well... Nothing special actually, I'm just enjoying the view and the fact that it's a chill morning."
You probably should have kept theses words to yourself because just as you finished your sentence an angry sounding scream from downstairs disturbed your inner peace.
„What was that?"
Toga asked and you both looked at the door to the staircase leading down to your apartment.
You shrugged and got up.
Toga followed you downstairs and you entered the apartment.
As you looked in the kitchen, Dabi stood in front of the coffee machine, his hands pressed down on the counter and his face turned downwards.
„You good?"
You asked and pulled up your right eyebrow.
He turned around, his eyes bright red and grunted
„Why the fuck did that stupid thing have to stop working of all days exactly today?!"
He rubbed his temporal.
„So you're being dramatic over a broken coffee machine?"
Toga asked.
„Girl you have no idea... No one would be dumb enough to give you coffein. You were born with the ultimate combination of red bull and monster rushing through your blood stream."
He took a deep breath in.
He snapped.
„Wow wow, calm down."
You walked towards him and patted your shoulder.
„Toga, we gotta get this man a coffee or he's going insane."
You hugged Dabis side to comfort him.
„I need energyyy-"
He sighed and grabbed you from behind.
„Wait, I got an idea, just wait here."
You said and put Dabi down on a chair.
Then you rushed down the corridor to Shigarakis room and carefully entered.
He was still lying in his bed and slept. You sneaked around his room on tip toes and went over to a musty looking shelf.
One last look at Tomura and you grabbed one of his energy drinks and left again.
You threw him the light blue can and he caught it.
„Maybe you'll feel better when you drink this, I can go to the mall today and bring the coffee machine to a repair service."
You said as Dabi popped open the drink.
He took a couple big gulps and looked at you.
„Thanks y/n."
He coughed and gave you an exhausted smirk.
„Oh, by the way... Better don't let Shigaraki catch you with that can, I stole. It from him."
You pointed at Dabi.
His face looked like someone just smashed the three dots in my face that you usually use in text messages to express that you don't have any words for the thing you just heard.
„Great move y/n-chan!"
Toga giggled.

Time skip

Most of the leagues members were out of the hideout, preparing themselves for the next mission. It was supposed to go down tomorrow.
You had just put the coffee machine in a cardboard box and were ready to carry it to the mall.
When you arrived at the repair shop you got 'welcomed' by an annoyed employee.
He looked up to you and mumbled in an annoyed tone
„And what can I do for your satisfaction today?"
You put the box in front of him on the counter.
„My coffee maker broke, is there any way it can be fixed?"
You asked and tried to put on your friendliest smile.
The employee took a short look at it from above.
„Well, we can see what we can do, but that's gonna cost something. This isn't the newest version on the market but it can probably still be fixed."
He looked back up to you again.
„On which name should I take the order in?"
You quickly thought about it.
'I definitely can't tell him my real name.'
Then you quickly told him a made up name and left the store.
After you arrived back at the hideout you decided to cook some instant ramen for lunch.
As you poured the boiling water in the cup Dabi came sliding in.
„Heeeey y/n."
He purred into your left ear and put an arm around you.
„What do you want?"
„Just maybe two things... First, can you also make me some ramen?"
He pulled out another cup from the top shelf and put it next to yours. It was chili flavored.
„And what's the other thing?"
You asked as you also poured water into his cup.
He held it back for a few more seconds.
„I wanted to ask you if youuuu... I don't knowww... Could possibly pick me up from Yurikos place tonight? You know... We're going on a mission tomorrow and Shigaraki wants us to be there on time and we'll be out drinking and I can't drive when I'm wasted."
He explained and gave you doe eyes.
You let a deep breath out.
„Alright alright, but only one last time and you gotta be back at hers at two am, k? I plan on sleeping tonight."
You responded in a rough tone.
„Thank you y/n-chan, you're the best!"
He gave you a tight hug.
'Did he turn into Toga just now or something?'
You questioned.
For the rest of the day you went to the training grounds with Toga and practiced your self defense.
After you were done, you went to the bathroom to take a shower.
The hot water ran down your body and you finally relaxed.
„What a day."
You sighed as you rubbed the shampoo in your hair.
'I still have to pick up Dabi tonight but it doesn't matter I guess.'
You washed out the shampoo and dug your fingers into Togas pink body scrub.
It smelled like strawberries.
'Go she's obsessed with these bitches.'
But it smelled really good.
You washed everything off of your body again and wrapped a towel around your head. As second was used to dry your body.
You went to your room and picked out a comfortable outfit and tossed your sweaty every day clothes into a corner of your room and let yourself fall down on the bed.

Timee skippo

You just tied you hair up in a ponytail. You usually wore it down, so it felt kinda weird to you.
Then you picked up a jacket and left to get in the car.
Now that the league had an actual car, you took some driving lessons from Dabi, but this was the first time you actually drove on your own.
'Hopefully the authorities don't stop by.'
You still had no drivers license and you also didn't plan on getting one.
The drive was okay, surely you weren't the best driver but it was still okay.
You stopped in front of Yurikos house and took a look at your phone.
2 am.
„Alright Dabi, told you I'll be there."
You said to yourself and kicked the car door open.
You walked over to the fence surrounding the garden and pressed the door bell.
A voice spoke through the intercom
„Who's this?“
„It's y/n, I'm here to pick up Dabi.“
There was no response. Instead the door was unlocked and you were now able to get on the property.
When you almost reached the door it was opened and you looked right into the face of a young man.
It was him, the one you were hanging out with at Yurikos party.
„Hey, pleased to finally see you again.“
He spoke with a soft smile.
„I'm Yoshino, Yurikos brother. Just in case that you might've forgotten who I was.“
„Oh no, I remember you.“
You quickly responded.
„Don't stand in the doorway like that, please be my guest and come in.“
You followed his demand and got in.
„Is Dabi here?“
You asked.
He shook his head.
„Sorry, they're still out, you want some coffee until they get back? I can't make you some espresso.“
Yoshino took you to the kitchen and sat you down at a white designer table.
It fitted the rest of the furniture in the house way too well.
Yoshino turned on the coffee machine and a few minutes later, he placed an espresso right in front of you.
He sat down as well with a second coffee cup in his hand.
You rubbed your temporal and sighed.
„Rough day?“
He asked in a soft tone.
You nodded.
„I had to take our coffee machine to a repair shop cause it broke and I've been at the.... Gym.. Yup, I've been at the gym for hours and now I'm actually here to pick up Dabi and he promised me to be back on time.“
You took a sip from your espresso.
„Sounds like you've been through some stuff today. But I'm sure they'll be back soon.“
He smiled.
'Why the fuck is he so happy?'
You were kinda irritated but you still enjoyed his company.
You've been talking for a while about just the basic stuff going on.
Yoshino told you a lot about his family business and the company he and his sister owned together.
It was originally owned by their parents but after they passed away Yuriko and him got it.
Then the front door opened and Dabi and Yuriko came busting in.
She wore a short silk mini dress in white that had some kind of flower print but it looked like someone had actually thrown ketchup onto it.
Dabi had his normal clothes on.
They were hooked up to each other and Yuriko still had a bottle in her hand.
Then she noticed you sitting in the kitchen with her brother.
„Dabi, you're late.“
You put the espresso down and had a pissed off look on your face.
At first he didn't seem to notice what even was going on but then it hit him like a lightning strike.
„Y/n! I'm s~sorry.“
The tried to get away from Yurikos shoulder.
You rolled your eyes and got up.
„Thanks for the coffee Yoshino, Dabi, get in the car.“
You demanded.
He tried to follow you and tripped multiple times on the way.
You grabbed him from behind and shoved him in the car.
You dropped down in the driver's seat.
„And if you throw up on the dashboard, I'll use your face to wipe it PLUS the windshield.“
Then you started the engine and headed home.
Dabi wasn't buckled up and just hung in the passenger seat.
When you arrived back at the hideout, you grabbed him from behind and dragged him in and dropped him off at his room.
Then you went to bed by yourself and finally laid down.

Time skipppp

Your alarm went off and you woke up.
You turned it off and looked at the nightstand. Next to your phone was a package of strawberry flavored poky sticks.
'Oh Togaaa.'
There was a post it stuck to it.
» Sorry for last night, I fucked up
You shook your head and opened them to get a snack.
„I'm probably gonna forgive you, you stupid fucking arsonist...“
You mumbled while eating.
Then you had to get ready for the mission.

1933 words! Well that's a little more than normal length but heyyyy, hope you still enjoyed ittt~~

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