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You've been to the grocery store with Dabi and you just got back to the hideout.
You had a little smile on your face when he pulled out the keys to unlock the door.
He put the key in the hole and stuck another poky stick in your mouth.
„Here you go darling.“
Then he unlocked the door and the two of you got in.
You walked over to the kitchen to put the groceries away but on the way you got stopped by Toga.
She just stood on the side with a concerned expression on her face.
I put my bags down and she kept looking at me.
„Already baby, me later.“
Dabi shoved some stuff in the drawers, gave you a head pat and left you alone with Toga.
She grabbed your arm and turned it around to look at your wrist.
She did the same with the other.
„W-what are you doing?“
You asked in your confusion and pulled away.
Everything about that was deadly serious.
„You know about my love for blood and knifes and all of that, right?“
She took a break.
You never heard her talk in a tone that was this serious.
„But when it's my best friends blood on my knife and I wasn't the one drawing the line..."
'How does she know?'
„Y/n I saw it. I walked into your room and found the knife. I saw the blood that was splattered on the wall... I know about it y/n... I know..“
She looked down on the tips of her boots.
„Toga... I didn't want you to know... Actually... I didn't want anybody to know...“
Your voice was quiet and you didn't try to make eye contact with her.
„What was your reason? At least tell me about that...“
Toga pulled you aside to sit down.
You didn't know what to say.
„Sometimes things just happen... And people tend to do strange things when the everyday life seems to strangle you over and over again...“
You took a deep breath in.
„I am suffocating and I don't know why... I seemed to be fine for a while but now everything has returned... The clenching chest pain every time I pass by Dabi, the feeling of suffocation even if there is enough air to breathe...“
„Why Dabi huh? "
Tears got caught in your eyelashes.
„I thought you were happy know that you were actually together..“
She seemed to be worried.
„I am. Being with Dabi is what I've craved all the time.. And now it became reality. So of course I'm happy. But I want him to be happy too.“
The first tear eventually dropped down.
„And I don't know if I can ever be enough... And I don't know if I'm actually what he is craving...“
You continued.
„Y/n. That's officially the dumbest thing I've heard today. Dabi's obsessed with you dummy! So why are you having doubts?“
She grabbed your hands and made you look at her.
„Like, it's so damn obvious!“
You didn't know if her words were just meant to hype you up or something.
„But.. What about Yuriko...“
You asked.
Toga eyes widened.
„Yuriko? Why are you even thinking about her, huh? Dabi kicked her out, you remember?“
Your words apparently made her really upset.
„But he never officially broke up with her... Still he asked me to be his girlfriend... So what if I'm just his side piece and he's actually still with her?“
That theory seemed to surprise her.
„We all know that he used to be a huge player in the past... So what if he never really changed and now he's just playing me?“
Toga kept her silence for a few seconds.
„Most people are able to change if they feel the desire to.“
She paused.
„If they feel the desire to? What do you mean by that?“
You asked.
„Obviously that if Dabi really saw something in you, he changed! He switched up on the play boy life and came to the conclusion that staying with you would be the option that made him the happiest!“
She blasted out.
„And I truly believe in it! See, he wasn't out clubbing, didn't bring home any girls and most importantly, he kicked his back then girlfriend out just so he could take proper care of you! Isn't that already enough proof that he at least changed a tiny bit?“
She asked with a hopeful spark in her eyes.
You suddenly felt guilty about your earlier thoughts, but still, just thinking of Yuriko made your heart clench and it gave you huge doubts about yourself.
„And no matter what, I will always be by your side.“
She gave you a tight hug.
„I love you y/n-chan, forever.“
She quietly mumbled.
It was just now when you realized how much everything had changed since you first got into the league.
It honestly kind of blew your mind.
AMD for the first time, it actually felt like you had a family around you.
Maybe it wasn't what anyone expected at first side when they heard the word family, since surely most people would think of a household with two people having a child or maybe two.
A car parking in front of the the house and maybe also a dog or car completing everything.
But for you it was different.
You lived in a scrawny apartment with a stolen car, no parents or children.
Just you, a blood sucking maniac who cared more about you that your mother ever had, a crazy but also very funny Spiderman wanna be, a lizard who was obsessed with another blood obsessed individual, an ex magician with an unhealed coffee obsession, a gamer boy who should really pick up a chapstick again and most importantly : a scar covered emo boy who was hopefully truly in love with you.
That was your family.
And you were hoping it would stay like this for ever.
You leaned in more into Togas hug and breathed in her scent.
„I love you too.“
You responded quietly.

We surly hadn't had some y/n Toga talk in a while, so I really had to change that!
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