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You felt Dabis breath against your neck.
He was clinging onto your back and held you as close as possible to him.
You had spent the night with him and still lied in bed with him.
„Don't move so much darling. "
He huffed and his breath hit your neck one more time.
You turned around to face him.
You softly touched his cheek and caressed along his cheek bone with your thumb.
He slightly opened his eyes and some sunlight sparkles hit the blue.
He sounded totally not ready for the day.
„Let me sleep. Please, I'm begging."
He whined in his morning voice.
„Aww nah just let me.."
You smirked and pressed your forehead against his.
He tried to slightly pull away so he could keep on sleeping.
„Are you still tired?"
You almost whispered.
He closed his eyes again.
He was not as dom as usual and you thought sleepy Dabi was actually kinda cute.
You ran your hands through his hair and slightly kissed his forehead.
„My darling is tired."
You softly said and a light weighted feeling started to spread in your chest.
„I'm your darling?"
He opened his eyes again and looked up to you.
You smiled at him.
„Of course you are."
You saw how his gaze got way softer within seconds.
You could tell it somehow really really moved him.
„I can't believe you really act like that now."
You chuckled while still going through his hair.
He tried to face the pillow instead of you.
„Like what?"
You let out another chuckle.
„You know what I mean. Usually you aren't that... Soft?"
You couldn't really believe that you actually just said that.
„Isn't it obvious? I am still half asleep and I'm glad to have you by my side. So give me one reason why I should be pushing you around or pinning you down instead."
You felt how you heavily blushed.
„Exept if that is what you want instead..."
That comment only made you blush more than before.
„N-no.. It's fine."
You pressed out.
Dabi turned around and looked up to you again.
A smirk appeared on his face.
„I knew that I could do it to you again."
He was talking about the blushes.
You quickly looked away.
„Don't-I want to see your face."
He reached out to grab your chin.
„There there darling."
His voice was still raspy.
Then he pulled you down to kiss you.
Mid process he bit your lower lip.
You flinched.
„D-dabi! Why did you do that?"
You stuttered while you felt your body shaking.
„Because I wanted to. Now pass me a cig from my nightstand, will you?"
He asked with a grin.
You reached out for the pack and pulled one out to give it to him.
He lit it with his quirk and looked back at you.
„If you want more you gotta be a little patient."
Tjat was actually not what you wanted him to say.
You clenched your teeth and looked down at your wrists.
„I-I should probably go check on Toga now..."
You quietly mumbled.
„I guess I said some things to her yesterday that she probably took the wrong way and I haven't apologized for it yet..."
Dabi nodded.
„Alright spicy, do whatever you want... But don't make me wait for too long, got that?"
He smirked at you again as you got up from his bed to leave his room.
'So that's what it's like to be with him... Not bad to be honest, I wonder if this is what he was like with Yuriko... Screw it! She's outta here, I shouldn't be wasting my time thinking about her.'
You made your way to Togas but nobody answered when you knocked on the door.
„Hello? Toga? Can I get in?"
You carefully asked.
No response again.
Then you decide to just open it and go in.
The room was empty to your surprise.
'She's maybe taking a shower or something...'
You thought as you left again.
She wasn't there.
You walked into the kitchen to see other members of the league having breakfast together.
„Kinda embarrassing how Shigaraki always wants to make the news but not a single person out there is talking about him."
Compress said while holding onto a newspaper.
Spinner nodded.
„To be honest... You're actually kinda right."
Twice was also there, pouring hot chocolate into a cup.
„Good morning y/n!"
He greeted you when he noticed that you were here.
You gave him a quick smile.
„Has anyone seen Toga? She isn't in her room and I'm kinda worried right now."
You asked.
But the others also couldn't give you proper answers on where she was.
„Maybe she went outside?"
Compress suggested.
You nodded.
„Probably. I'm gonna look for her now, y'know just in case Dabi asks where I am."
You stormed towards the apartment door.
Twice followed you from the kitchen.
„Y/n wait! I want to help you!"
You agreed to him so you both went outside.
„Alright, you go this way and I'll go that."
You decided on directions.
You walked that way and looked out for her.
After a while you more and more felt like giving up.
You didn't even realize that you somehow also got really close to UA.
You were almost right next to the school.
You rolled your eyes. How could that even happen?
You were just about to leave when you recognized something in a tree near by.
You carefully approached it and looked up.
„Toga?! Oh my God what are you doing here?"
You were shocked.
She looked down at you, her eyes slightly red.
She slowly got down to the ground.
„You owe me an explanation."
You noticed how harsh you sounded again and immediately felt guilty.
„I'm sorry... Didn't want it to come out like that, I was just worried. And I also wanted to apologize for what I said yesterday at the mall. You can love whoever you want. I just didn't want us to get caught up in some shit."
You looked down at the tips of your boots to avoid eye contact.
„It's okay, I understand you. But I also owe you an explanation... You're not wrong at that."
She quietly responded.
You looked back up to her again.
„You see... Of course I was kind of hoping to run into Midoriya or one of these cute girls again but... I actually like to hang around here... But it also makes me sad at the same time."
You didn't quite understand.
„Y/n-chan... Every time I visit places like that they remind me of who I am."
She paused for a second.
„I just want to be normal like everyone else who's my age. I want to be just like them."
A clenching feeling spread in your chest.
„Oh you don't have to feel sorry. That's just how it is you know?"
She looked up to you and gave you a little smile.
„We should go home."
Then she grabbed your hand and pulled you after her.

When you read this, I have already taken two out of three of my tests.
At least I made it to my Wednesday upload ~
Let's see if I can get Sunday as well <3

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