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A shiver went through your body.
You stood in the alleyway behind the building and leaned against the wall.
You felt your heart race.
'Fucking panic attacks.'
You cussed in your mind.
Toga and the others were at the training grounds, accept a few who were at the bar, taking care of Bakugou.
You actually just wanted to have a relaxed moment for yourself and bam, panic attack.
It probably happened, because you kept overthinking some shit and the trouble Bakugou brought to the league seemed to be going hard on you.
You hated it.
After you spent some more time sitting on the ground, you finally calmed down.
You looked to the side and saw how Toga came walking down the alley.
She looked sweaty and exhausted.
„Hey y/n-chan! Training was so exhausting today, be glad you weren't there.“
She coughed and let herself fall down next to you.
You gave her a smirk.
„I gotta take a shower. But do you want to hang out afterwards?“
She asked.
„Of course, let's go to the mall.“
You suggested.
Toga nodded with a smile on her face.

Time skipppppppp

The sun was already going down and Toga and you were almost back to the hideout.
All in all, you had an amazing day.
She opened the back door and you entered the building first.
You eventually got down to your room and sat down on the bed just to hang out and talk.
„So sad that we didn't get to see Izuku at the mall today.“
She sighted.
„However, the probability that something like this will happen is  extremely low.“
You chuckled.
„Still, the wonderful scenario I made up in my head still counts more than your little thing with Dabi this morning. “
She replied, sticking her tongue out.
You blushed at her comment.
Of course she knew what was going on while breakfast. You were already aware of it. But that still couldn't stop you from blushing.
„I wonder what you guys will do together in the future.“
She said with a giggle.
Your dirty mind made up some scenarios in no time.
Your fingers were digging into the mattress and you just tried not to scream.
Toga probably also knew about your dirty mind and what kind of chain reaction she had just provocated.
„But back to Izuku-kun...“
And once again, she started bashing about how in love she was.
Suddenly a rumble went through the building.
Toga stopped talking and both of you looked up.
„That came from up stairs. “
You got up and carefully listened.
Another rumble.
„We should take a look what's going on there.“
You suggest. Toga agreed and you snuck upstairs.
From the direction of the bar came yelling and crashed.
You walked up to the door and pushed Toga behind your back to protect her, even though you knew, she would follow you anyways.
You carefully opened the door.
The bar was completely fucked. In the wall was a huge hole and some pro heros were trying to capture your comrades.
Some small fires were burning and multiple villains were wrapped up in some kind of wood.
„Be careful, there is another one!“
Someone yelled and you realized that they meant you.
Before you could react, a big branch speeded towards you.
You doged it with a shock wave, breaking it.
You jumped onto the counter and sild over the surface.
Then you saw, who the bastard was, who created those branches.
It was a guy who looked like the product of a human being fucking a tree.
You sprinted toward him, to knock him out.
Electricity was already covering your arms and there were only a few meters separating you from him.
You jumped, ready to zap the fuck out of him.
But before you were able to do so, something hit you in the stomach, punching you back.
It was All Might. He was also here. He picked up one of the broken branches and used it to hit you.
You flew through the room and crashed into the glasses, that were stacked on a shelf.
Everything shattered and you landed on the ground, surrounded by small, sharp glass pieces.
Some of them piercing through your skin.
Your head also hurt really bad, since it probably hit the wall.
A pile of blood was forming around you and you felt your vision fade.

You fainted.

You fainted but you were slowly regaining consciousness.
You still couldn't move tho.
You felt how someone was carrying you but you didn't know were you were and also couldn't open your eyes.
Slowly the exhaustion took over and you faded away again.

You opened your eyes. It was dark around you, so you could only see a couple things around you. The walls and floor were made out of grey concrete and some light shimmered around a corner.
But there was also a person kneeling down next to you.
You didn't notice them at first. Your vision cleared and you noticed that it was Dabi.
„Where are we?“
You asked.
He shushed you.
„The Nomu factory. You've never been to this place before but I can assure you, that it's fine. But be quite, there are pro heroes everywhere.“
He said.
You noticed how you arms and thighs were wrapped up in bandages.
Blood stains were already showing.
„Did you do that?“
You asked, your voice cracking.
Dabi nodded.
„You got smashed into our shot glasses and shit. Didn't want you to lose all your fucking blood.“
He mumbled.
Then he turned around and brushed some strands of your blood clotted hair out of your face.
Then you heard footsteps closing in.
„Dabi, there's someone.“
You hissed quietly.
He nodded and picked you up to carry you away.
When he lifted you up, you felt a sharp pain in your thigh.
You clenched your jaw and eyes.
„It's gonna be fine, trust me.“
Dabi said, carrying you away from the person closing in.
The pain in your things continued to be very present and it made your eyes tear up.
Dabi stopped running and took a look at you.
„Hey, hey... What's wrong?“
He paused and sat down with you.
„It's gonna be just fine, you'll see.“
He said and gave you a back rub.
„It's okay I guess, it just hurts.“
You managed to say.
Your jaw hurt as well. Dabi and you sat there for a while.
Tears were running down your cheeks and mixed with the blood.
Dabi held you close and pressed you against his chest, running his fingers through your hair.
You slightly calmed down, focusing on his breath and the way his chest moved up and down, so you were able to kinda forget your physical pain.
Lound rumbles were audible in the back. Probably from a fight, but you didn't know and also didn't care.
You closed your eyes and relaxed.

First chapter in 2022! Holy shit, that's sick
Hope you enjoyed the action and the little amount of angst and tension I served you today <3
Stay tuned for more updates

I also wanted to say, that the story won't be that accurate to the anime and a lot more fanfiction ape shit from now on.

Have fun reading <3
Author-Chan ~

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