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You stirred through your milkshake and then looked up to Dabi.
„Great job beating Twice.“
He said with a smirk.
„You're praising yourself now.“
You rolled your eyes.
He let out a soft chuckle.
„I'm not... Well maybe a little bit, but we all know that these suckers can't stand a chance against me.“
You shook your head.
„And here we go again...“
You sarcastically spoke.
Dabi leaned over the table to be closer to your face.
„You won and I promised you something in case that happens, you remember?“
He said and lowered his voice.
You slightly nodded.
„So there's still something I gotta give to you...“
He made you look into his eyes.
„So now finish that stupid milkshake and let's get to my room...“
You felt your cheeks heat up but your heart clench at the same time.
Dabi tugged the straw in between your lips.
He demanded.
„God you can make anything sexual, can you?“
He smirked at you.
„That's just your dirty ass mind darling.“
He was now millimeters away from your face.
„Now suck and swallow.“
„You're doing this on purpose! “
He smirked.
„Now drink that up so we can go.“
He backed away from you and sat down so you could finish your drink in peace.
After you were done you followed Dabi down the corridor to his room.
You still felt a clenched feeling in your chest as Dabi opened the door.
„So... What's the surprise?“
You asked and felt your voice shake a bit.
Dabi grabbed you and pushed you onto his bed.
„You're gonna stay the rest of the night with me and... We can do something really corny tho..“
He let himself fall down next to you.
„I've cleaned the window of my room, you see?“
He pointed at the now clear glass.
„I've noticed that sometimes the moonlight goes right through and well ... I know you think the moon is pretty... And so... I thought..“
You had a bright smile on your face.
„Thank you Dabi.“
You got close to him and he ruffled your hair.
„I know that you've got some difficulties with getting nasty and stuff... I mean it's not like I can't do stuff with you and I couldn't do more if I wanted to but... I kinda want you to feel comfortable.“
While saying that he didn't let go of you.
„But if you want to-“
„Looking at the moon is perfectly fine.“
You interrupted him and smiled.
He immediately shit up and made you turn around to face the window again.
As you looked outside you felt Dabis arms go around your waist from behind and how he placed his head on your shoulder.
The moonlight was shimmering into the dark room that seemed to be at least kind of cleaned up for one.
'Wow he actually did something before Toga dragged him into game night with us...'
You thought as you got mesmerized by the silverish light.
Having Dabi by your side, actually in that situation more like glued to your back but that's fine I guess, made you feel comfortable.
His breathing calmed you a lot and you felt the endless fatigue slowly take over you as you seemed to be drifting away into a calm, warm black nothingness.
Dabi looked down at you with a little smile in his face.
You had had your eyes closed and breathed regularly.
„Precious.. Wait? Am I developing a soft spot for something?? Nahh, maybe just a little bit...“
He softly brushed his fingers against your cheek and played with your hair for  a little while.
The moonlight was still shining through the window and made your skin beautifully glow.
„Sleep well my little darling ~“
He whispered in your ear and then laid down behind you and pressed his face against the back of your neck.

Time skiplp

An annoying alarm clock went off to wake you up.
You tried to ignore it as good as you could and kept lying down.
Suddenly you felt something grab you tit and you heavily flinched and opened your eyes.
You looked right into Dabis widely opened eyes.
His hand was clenched around your right boob and you both didn't say a word.
You stuttered.
„I tried to turn off the alarm, it's right behind you.. Sorry, still a bit sleepy.“
He replied with a grin.
„You're still t-touching-“
You cut yourself off.
He quickly removed his hand.
„Sorry... Didn't mean to..“
You hid the words under your breath since you were totally aware that this was still Dabi you were talking to.
He gave you a smirk as he heard you.
„Maybe... But this time it was an accident.“
You still didn't believe it a hundred percent but you decided to settle with that answer.
„So... Are we going to do something special today?“
You asked and crawled up next to him.
„I just really crave spending the day in bed with you, that's all I can think of doing right now...“
He answered and patted the top of your head.
„So just like that?“
He let out an annoyed breath.
„Just live with it, k? Can't be running around and doing some exiting shit every day, you know?“
His morning voice was fucking hot and him trying to argue with you made you feel teased.
„Got it.. But what if-“
You were cut off by Dabi smashing your face into the mattress.
„Nope, I told you to deal with it.“
He repeated himself.
„Alright alright, I'm gonna settle with it, you didn't have to almost give me a nosebleed to make that clear.“
You growled.
„But you look so hot when you bleed..“
„Still no. Also, keep your kinks aside as long as it's not the right time, got that?“
You clapped back at him.
„K k, now come here and shit your precious little mouth, alright?“
He pulled your chin up and gave you a peck on your lips before he forced you to lie down on his chest.
You closed your eyes again and listened to his heart beat.
Maybe spending the day in bed wouldn't be to bad after all....

Hey everyone, huge thanks for every vote on the story so far, I really appreciate it <3
Stay tuned for the next chapter ~

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