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You were walking home from grocery shopping.
Rain was pouring down on the streets and your hair was dripping wet. Your hoodie didn't help either.
The bag you carried was heavy and you had trouble bringing it to the hideout.
'Almost there, just a couple more allies and I'm home.'
You thought as you directly stepped into a giant puddle of water on the ground.
'Great! That was the only thing I missed that could even get me more soaked that I already am!'
You felt water moving in your sneakers when you walked.
'Disgusting, but I couldn't wear my boots with this outfit, it would've been too conspicuous.'
When you reached the hideout, everywhere you went, you left water on the floor.
„You look wet."
Compress commented when you entered the kitchen.
„And that was the reason I needed to push sorting in our groceries on someone else. Have fun!"
You waved him goodbye and whipped your wet hair over your shoulder.

Time skippppppppppppppppppppppppppp

When you finally dried your hair and changed into some new clothes you heard a knock on your door.
Shigaraki entered.
„Hey y/n... There is something I gotta talk to you about..."
You sat down on the bed together.
'W-wait? What on earth could that be?'
„Listen y/n... I've noticed that you kept avoiding me for the last few weeks. You didn't even talk to me and we almost never spent time together. You act strange around me..."
He paused.
„What is wrong y/n?"
He asked.
' He called me by my name... And.. He's got a point... I've been avoiding him for the last weeks...'
„I - I don't know..."
You looked down.
„You can be honest with me.. I hope you're aware of that..."
You kept looking down.
'You can tell me the truth...'
Those words... Dabi said them to you as well... And yet you lied to him.
And now you were about to lie to Tomura as well.
'Should I really make up an excuse again? But what should I tell him? How could I possibly tell anyone the truth if I don't even know what the truth is?'
„I think... It doesn't work..."
'Wait, what did I just say?!'
„What do you mean? What doesn't work? "
You shrugged.
'Just let it all out.'
„The relationship... I'm sorry... I really really like you, but I feel like I am not capable of handling feelings towards anyone... I'm sorry."
It was silent for a moment.
„So you want to break up with me?"
Tears streamed down your face.
„No, I don't! But I fear I have to..."
You felt how he pulled you close.
„It's okay..."
He whispered in your ear and rubbed your back.
„It's fine, please stop crying... "
You wrapped your arms around him one last time.
You remained like this for a couple more minutes, then Shigaraki got up and left your room.

Time skip

Toga had visited you and she even slept over at your room to comfort you after you told her about your break-up.
She was such a great friend to you.
She had braided your hair, gave you a face mask and made you some yogurt with strawberries.
She now sat behind you and gave you a shoulder massage.
„Just relax y/n-Chan... Just don't think about that stuff that pulls you down.“
She said and pressed her thumbs into your skin.
„Thank you Toga... “
You responded and took a deep breath in.
She stayed over for the rest of the night and you had a little sleep over.
When you woke up in the morning Toga had already made some breakfast for you. No cereal this time, she baked some cinnamon rolls.
They tasted amazing and were still hot when you ate them.
After all of that you decided to go out.
The sun was shining again but the streets still smelled like rain from the night and the last day.
You walked for a while when you  suddenly felt how something slightly hit the back of your head.
You quickly turned around and saw how Dabi stood behind you, a box of poky sticks in his hand.
„Hey y/n.“
He said with a smile on his face.
You didn't see him smile often but it suited him.
„I heard you and crusty man broke up, so let me give you some poky sticks to distract you from heart break.“
He said and opened the box.
„Wait, how did you know that?“
You asked.
He shrugged.
„You didn't leave your room all day, Toga took care of you, Kurogiri mixed some special drinks for mister chapped lips and perhaps I was a little worried and asked Toga what happened to you... “
He pulled out one of the poky sticks and held it in front of your face.
„Here, take it already...“
He huffed and looked away while you just stood there, looking at him with wide opened eyes.
You slowly shoved it down your throat.
Your teeth crushed it, creating a crispy sound.
„Thank you..“
You mumbled, spitting out some crumbs.
„I'll join you on your walk if you don't mind.“
He pulled out another one and took a bite from it.
For a while you were just walking down the street side by side and ate the poky sticks Dabi brought.
„Are you sad about it?“
He looked away.
„Sorry.. Just wanted to know how much he hurt you...“
„Hmm... I think breakups are always painful... At least for one person involved... But this time... I don't know... I think I hurt him but I also hurt myself...“
Dabi stopped and looked into your eyes.
„Doesn't matter what it is... I want you to know that I will always be here for you.“
Your eyes slightly teared up.
„C'mon dumbass, don't cry about this shit.“
Dabi clenched his teeth and took a poky stick to put it in your mouth.
You took it and gave him a soft smile.
Then you continued walking around the block together....

Peaceful end for this chapter my loves<3
Thanks to everyone who voted for the story, love y'all <3<3<3

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