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Yuriko was still standing there, she hadn't moved a single bit.
You clenched your teeth trying to prepare for anything.
A bright red light began glowing in her palms.
'She has a quirk? Unbelievable!'
She still didn't reveal what it meant.
„I suppose you don't have an last words.“
She kept the same grin on her face, the light still glowing in between her hands.
Then a huge  laser beam shot towards you.
You jumped to the side and held your breath for a second.
The wall that the laser hit crumbled away.
Several concrete blocks fell down to the ground.
She had a quirk. From that moment on it was undeniable.
And a powerful one too.
„You're reaction was priceless! You really should've seen your face! Hilarious! Absolutely hilarious!“
She let out a psychopathic laugh.
You got now into an attack position.
You basically had no idea what to prepare for but you had no choice.
Yurikos quirk gave her the ability to destroy. From what you could tell her laser quirk could cut through almost everything that came to your mind since it was able to blow up that huge amount of concrete.
But before you could place any sort of attack on her she already shot another laser beam in your direction.
This time it cut a line through the wall of the building to your left.
Concrete crumbled once again.
'How the fuck am I even supposed to attack that bitch?'
You clenched your teeth as you kept dotching the lasers.
Then you stomped on the ground and sent a shock wave in her direction.
The vibration made the ground crack and small pieces of dust, concrete and tierra were flying around.
It made Yuriko fall on her lower back.
Her face clenched uncomfortably expressing that it clearly hurt.
„You will regret that! You will eventually regret everything in your pitiful little life!“
She quickly got back up and used her quirk over and over again to get you to walk into the building behind you.
'She probably wants to get me in there and make the ceiling fall down to crush me in there.'
Another laser beam shot right towards your face.
You jumped back and rolled over the floor.
You were inside.
'Shit her plan is probably working!'
As you were lying on the ground she got closer and slowly stopped in front of you.
„You're gonna die! Now in this very beautiful moment I will kill you and take my revenge in you! “
She had a spark in her eyes and you could swear that they were drifting outwards.
With those eyes and the huge clenched grin she looked like a government approved psychopath.
You then did the only possible thing to escape the situation.
You sent a wave of electricity down your leg and kicked her in the calves.
The electricity made her body freeze up for a second and her hair started going up.
You jumped back on your feet and sent her flying with a shock wave right after.
She got thrown against a wall and you heard something crack.
Yuriko sank to the ground and reopened her eyes.
„You will regret that!“
She hissed and tried to pull herself up.
„Make me.“
You confidently stood there not knowing what would happen next.
Yuriko shot a laser beam at you. This time it was even bigger and her movement was even faster than before.
You could barely dotch it.
The wall behind you immediately exploded and she even cut through the ceiling.
„Die you stupid slut!“
She yelled and came running towards you, another laser beam already forming in her hands.
You transferred the power of your quirk to your legs and boosted your jump with a shock wave.
It made you fly high and also pass through the cut in the ceiling so you could save yourself on the next level.
You landed on the ground and took some hectic breaths in.
It wouldn't be long until Yuriko would be up here chasing you again.
And you remained right after all.
Fist a laser beam started aggressively cutting through the floor and then after it mostly crumbled away you could see Yuriko staring up to you again.
She glared at you before she started running up the concrete pieces that had now already formed a little pile.
Then she was on the same level as you again.
The glare in her eyes was more hateful than anything you'd ever seen in you life.
She took a few quick steps in your direction before punching you in the guts.
You stumbled backwards and she started chasing you up a staircase.
She used her quirk to constantly shoot lasers at you to keep you busy.
When you almost reached the top part of the building you hid around a corner to take a quick breath.
Of course Yuriko also wouldn't let you have that little moment.
She completely blew up the wall.
Concrete pieces were flying around once again and one big block hit you and pushed you outside.
The two of you were now on the roof top.
It was still dark and the stars were shining above you just like they did before.
You landed on your back and couldn't move for a second.
A stinging pain went down your spine.
Before you could get up you felt the bottom side of a boot on your throat.
„Do you now have any last words or are you still to proud for that bullshit?“
Yuriko pressed her foot down more and more.
Even if would have some last words, you wouldn't be able to say them out loud as you were suffocating in this very moment.
You wrapped your hands around her ankle in a desperate attempt to stop her from crushing your throat.
Some electrical waves went through your spine.
They traveled up all the way to your shoulders to only go down your arms again right into your finger tips.
At first they weren't big.
Just little ones that didn't even make it through the leather of Yurikos boot.
But they got bigger and stronger in no time.
Suddenly her face cramped up and the pressure on your throat released.
First you rolled to the side and then you jumped up to use a shock wave to push her back.
Her numb body rolled over the floor for a few meters before it stopped at the edge of the building.
The electricity you had sent through her veins must've been more than you thought.
It was apparently enough to limit her movement.
You sprinted towards her and kicked her in the guts.
She rolled over one more time and fell over the edge and landed on the roof of the slightly lower building that was next to you.
Your body tensed up more and you let yourself slide down at the wall to get down as well.
Once your feet touched the ground you placed another kick right into her back.
Then you used your quirk one more time to make her fly over the edge of a building one more time.
You slowly approached it.
Yuriko was tangled up in a power cables of the electricity pylons near by.
She was barely conscious.
„Please don't kill me!“
She whined at you.
„I can give you anything you desire! Money, power, everything!“
You stood in front of her with no facial expression.
„You know that I'm rich right? I have the power to even get you out of that musty cave you live in right now!“
Her voice got shakier as she noticed that you still shower no reaction to her words.
„For God's sake I even got the ability to pay for yours and Dabis wedding if it's the thing that it takes for you to let me live!“
She cried out.
„I'm sorry to make you aware of the fact that the only thing that could possibly satisfy me is your death.“
You got one step closer to grab the cable and sent a massive amount of electricity through it.
It was quiet for a moment.
Smoke was rising into the peaceful night sky.
You looked at your work for a second.
Yurikos body was still dangling from above.
You then turned your back and walked down the cracky road to the railway station.

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