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You were standing in the kitchen, making a big glass of iced coffee and a cup of completely black coffee for Dabi.
Suddenly he showed up behind you and smacked your ass while walking past you.
„Hey! Is this really how you wanna thank me for making your bitch ass some coffee in the afternoon?“
You slightly raised your voice at him.
„Sorry my darling, I know I am only supposed to do that in the bedroom.“
He apologized and hugged you from behind.
You relaxed in his grip and closed your eyes for a second. Then you suddenly felt Dabis teeth bite the corner of your jawline.
You yelped.
„Nahnah, don't be mad at me... How could I resist? Of course I want to eat up a snack when I see it.“
You felt how your face heated up.
Then he suddenly let go of you. At first you were a little confused but then you also heard the footsteps coming closer.
Compress entered the kitchen and stretched his back.
He yawned.
He was about to grab some coffee as well when his gaze stopped down your neck.
„You were out at the club yesterday, right?“
He asked and you shyly nodded as a response.
„Looks like you had some fun. Hope you remember who it was...“
He added.
'Fuck, what on earth can I answer to that?'
You slightly panicked but before it got to bad Dabi stepped in.
„Hey leave her alone. That was y/n's first time partying so stop the questioning, we're not on a police station, k?“
He slightly looked up.
„And she will never forget who it was.“
Compress finally shut up and minded his own business.
Your face was hot.
You put the coffee cup in front of Dabi and took a slurp from your own.
Then Toga got in as well. She still wore her pyjamas and had an old pink strabucks drink in her right hand. She yawned and mumbled something before she opened her eyes.
Then her gaze suddenly met yours.
She looked thunderstruck and her drink fell down to the ground.
She squealed and ran over to you.
Toga grabbed both your hands and pulled you out of the room.
„You! You did ittt!“
She couldn't stop smiling.
„When Twice and I returned yesterday Dabi got you away from the dance floor after you fainted and he was being so goddamn sweet to you! He wouldn't even let us get through to you! And and-“
She gasped for air.
„And when we wanted to get back he he-“
She still didn't get enough breath.
„He always held you close to him and didn't lay his eyes on anything else! And and now you-“
She gasped again and flicked the hickey with her finger.
You blushed and covered it with your hand.
„So you actually made out with him.“
She grinned.
You blushed even more and looked down to the ground.
She gave you a tight hug.
„Congrats y/n-chan! You've made it!“
She squealed.
She let go of you and gave you a bright smile.
„I'm gonna have to tell Twice, he won't believe me!“
And then she turned around and sprinted down the corridor.
A shiver went through your body before you decided to go back into the kitchen.
„So you're back.“
Dabi said with a smile and pulled you down next to him.
Compress sat down on the other half of the table and slurped his coffee while reading a newspaper.
Suddenly you felt how Dabi rested his hand on your inner thigh.
You flinched.
„Hey hey, relax a bit.“
He whispered in your ear and started rubbing over your skin.
You tensed up and pressed your lips together.
He whispered under his breath into your ear.
You tried your best but you just couldn't loosen up.
„You good over there?“
Compress sceptically looked up from the newspaper as he noticed the look on your face.
„She's still a little hung over.“
Dabi shook him off.
„Probably gonna take her to my room later so she can relax a bit.“
He finally let go of your thigh and you let out a relieved breath.
Compress looked down at the newspaper again.
Dabi picked up his coffee cup and gave you a wink seconds before he put it on his lips to drink.
You felt how you blushed.

Dabi intertwined his fingers with yours and you felt his breath against your neck.
You leaned backwards against his chest and relaxed. His other hand was slowly tracing your thigh up and down.
„You're so beautiful.“
He mumbled against your skin and as you suddenly felt his lips against it.
He was about to place another mark right next to the other.
You slightly gasped as you felt him suck your skin what made him smile. You could also feel it on your neck.
He suddenly stopped and pulled your head around to make you look at him.
„I'm glad I can consider you as mine now.“
He said and looked down on you.
„No one else should have the honer to touch you like I will.“
Your body felt numb and you weren't able to move.
„That's right, you'll see.“
He pulled your face even closer to his before he slightly bit your bottom lip and tried to get more out of it.
You tried to gulp down some saliva but instead of going down your throat it formed a string with Dabis.
„You will know what I mean when the time comes.“
He whispered in your ear.
„Now try to move again doll, it's actually not that deep.“
Dabi shook your shoulder and after your facial expression didn't change he made you fall into his chest and laughed.
„You're so easy to flash.“
He chuckled and stroked your hair.
„I-I... It's not like that dumbass! It's just you... You make me nervous...“
You mumbled and clenched your fingers around his shirt.
„That's great, I like hearing that ~“
You blushed as you felt Dabis left hand trace your spine up and down and moving closer to your ass every single turn.
With the other hand he tried to make your grib on him loosen up before he tried to get you to look up again.
„Once you're ready you'll crave me as much as I do you, you just gotta wait a little while and then everything will come clear after all.“
His voice sounded seductive when he made eye contact with you.
'Bad thing that I've been craving you for such a long time...'
You thought as you let Dabi kiss your lips again.

Okay here's a new, slightly horny chapter bc tomorrow is my birthday ~
Hope you enjoyed it and vote if u wanna read more <3

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