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The last few days had been painful for you.
Dabi hadn't been talking a lot, not to you or anyone else.
I'm fact, you felt like he actually kept avoiding you.
But at the same time, he also seemed to avoid the rest of the league.
He spent most of the time in his room, didn't show up to combat training or lunch, dinner or breakfast.
You were worried about him but at the same time you knew that it was none of your business to poke your nose to deep into his personal life. Especially because you noticed that he still kept seeing Yuriko.
'So he really made his choice.'
You thought, feeling your guts twist and your eyes filling up with tears while looking down the corridor to his room.
You left to go to bed. It was already late at night and you promised Toga to go to the training grounds with her the next day.
You laid down and curled up under your blanket.
It was cold and the emptiness of your room felt lonely.
And the loneliness was pressed onto you closely.
You closed your eyes and felt how tears streamed out of them. You couldn't hold them back any longer and you also didn't want to.
So they were just running down your checks and dropping onto the pillow.
After a while you just drifted away into black nothingness. It surrounded you and it felt war and comforting, just like when Dabi used to pull you into his chest and gave you hugs.

The night seemed to be peaceful but you had no dreams.
When it was your time to get up you, well... Got up I guess.
You were about to leave your room to take a shower but when you opened the door, you stumbled across a pack of poky sticks.
'What the..'
You looked down and picked them up.

Time skipp

„Did you drop these off at my door?“
You asked, but Toga just shook her head.
„I didn't, also, if I want to give you a snack, I would make you something pink and not just buy some random shit.“
She rolled her eyes.
'So it wasn't Toga... Dabi always shares those with me... But he didn't talk to me in days...'
You tapped your nails on the box.
'But technically it could have been him... But for what reason?'
The rest of the day wasn't ordinary.
Toga and you spent a lot of time on the training grounds and after you were done, she took you to a cute little Cafe where she almost stabbed another girl after hearing that she also admired Izuku Midoriya.
When you got home, you found another box of poky sticks in front of your drom.
You picked it up and looked at it for a moment.
In that moment Spinner came down the corridor.
„Hey, you know who put these there?“
You asked, still thinking that it was probably Dabi.
„Well, all I know is that Dabi was on grocery shopping duty this week. So he probably bought them, but don't ask me why he would leave candy lying in front of your room, instead of just giving it to you.“
He nervously grabbed the back of his neck and chuckled.
„Screw it, I'm just gonna ask him myself, but still thank you.“
You responded with a smile.
'Maybe I'm gonna start leaving ramen cups on his doorstep as a consideration...'
This thought put a smile on your lips.
Then you made your way to the kitchen.
He was in there, making some instant coffee, since the coffee machine was still not fully fixed.
He didn't respond right away.
He slowly turned around and didn't seem to want to look into your eyes.
He mumbled.
„What's that for?“
You asked him straight forward with a calm smile.
„Uhm I,..“
He looked down.
„Sorry y/n.“
„What are you sorry for? Not wanting to talk to me anymore?“
Those words hurt your soul.
„No, it's not like that y/n, you gotta believe me.“
He pressed out.
„I have to apologize. I'm truly sorry for... Actually all of this and I wish thing would be different right now... But.. I can't change them. I'm sorry but I have to go now.“
Be grabbed his coffee cup and left.
You even tried to hold him back, but you weren't fast enough.
You remained in the kitchen for at least half an hour, eating the poky sticks and just trying to swallow the thoughts that were built up in your head at the moment.
The doorbell rang and someone went to get it. A person entered the apartment and made their way through.
Eventually they entered the kitchen. It was Yuriko.
'Great, this bitch is the last person I wanted to see right now.'
„Oh y/n, I almost didn't notice that you were here. I don't knowww... You're always so unpresent. That must be a background character thing, right?“
She leaned down to you with a provocative smirk.
„I don't know, but surely you could tell me, just out of your own experiences, right?“
She seemed to be offended but didn't show much of a reaction.
„You look like you're unhappy about something.“
She noticed, knowing exactly what she was talking about.
„Could it be that you are perhaps.... Missing the company of a person.“
Her words pierced through your heart like sharp needles.
Then she added
„Sure you are mad since your chances of suckling off my boyfriend are zero now, since he seems to not value you any longer.“
„What the fuck are you even talking about!?“
You snapped and hit the table with your hand.
„I'm just adding that you tried to do me dirty but your plan didn't work out.“
She got close to your face.
„I win, you lose. That's how it goes.“
You said with an evil grin.
„We'll see about that.“
You responded.
„Hahahahah! Ugh as if! A stupid, by the way also utterly ridiculously ugly slut like you could never stand a chance against me!“
She yelled and looked down at you.
„I'm better than you in any aspect and if you don't get that, you're even dumber than I thought.“
She slapped your cheek so hard it made your head turn to the side.
„Just look at you, pathetic as always! Where's your attitude now, huh? Did it really just all dissappear like that?“
You were stunned. You were unable to move your body, you just felt this never ending rage rise in your chest.
It was the purest kind of hate.
At the same time, the spot on your cheek was horribly burning.
„You aren't that though after all, huh?“
She slapped you again, this time from below your chin. You fell back and landed on the floor.
Your face hit the ground. Then you heard someone else enter the kitchen and step over your body.
„Yuriko! What the fuck are you doing!“
Dabi yelled.
„That stupid slut tried to use her quirk on me! I had to defend myself somehow!“
Yuriko squeaked.
„Stop lying to me! I've heard how you've been talking her down seconds ago! So how fucking dare are you to lie to me like that!?“
He sounded angry, like angry in a whole other way.
„But i- Dabi!“
She apparently had no words.
„No, just shut the fuck up! I don't wanna hear your stupid crap again!“
He kneeled down next to you and helped you up.
„And how dare are you to still go after her, I thought you loved me!“
She clapped back.
„Stop it already, just stop your stupid shit! And most importantly, STOP FUCKING UP MY LIFE! “
He yelled.
„How could you say that! That's all her fault.“
„Yuriko, I think it would be best if you would leave at this point.“
Dabi said in a calm voice.
„Wait? Are you breaking up with me?“
„I- I don't know. Just pack your stuff and go... What are you wanting for? GO, LEAVE, GET YOUR ASS OUT OF HERE AND TOUCH SOME GRASS ALREADY!“

Ouuu cliffhanger <3<3<3

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