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You poured cold water onto your face.
You put your head under the tab and washed out the hair that was glued together with dried blood.
Your forehead had an injury on the side that was still bleeding and overall your body had multiple wounded spots.
You pressed a wet cloth against your forehead to clean up the wound before you put something on it to stop the blood flow.

Suddenly someone started knocking on the door.
It was Toga.
„Y/n! Come out! There's a surprise for you! "
You hesitantly opened the door and walked outside.
You immediately got grabbed and pulled into someone's chest.
„W-what the heck-"
Then the smell of ash, sweat, slight cologne and cigarettes got into your nose.
You felt tears rise in your eyes as you pressed yourself closer against him.
„You're happy to see me darling?"
Dabi held you close to him with one arm while he was softly stroking your.
You didn't answer.
„Naw naw, it's okay. I also missed you my darling."
Dabi then picked you up and carried you to his room.
„That mission took way too long."
He let out a soft chuckle and buried his face in your neck.
„I can't imagine what you did in all that time without me."
He whispered.
You didn't answer at first.
„Nothing. Actually I did pretty much nothing."
You said and ran your fingers through his hair.
„Seems like you need to dye it again really soon."
You noticed.
„Will you do it for me?"
He asked without looking up.
„You're a lazy bitch!"
„Oh c'mon!"
He whined.
„By the way, I've seen that you're up for groceries next. If you help me dye my hair I'll help you with the grocery shopping and stuff."
„You would've helped me anyways!"
You chuckled and rolled over.
„Nope! As you already pointed out, I'm a lazy bitch."
He stretched his back and then grabbed your waist to pull you on top of him.
„I'll buy you poky sticks."
He said in a teasing voice.
A grin appeared on your face.
„Which flavor?"
You asked.
„Any you want."
He said and ran his fingers down your spine.
„Alright alright you cocky bastard I'll do it. Besides... I love having my fingers in your hair."
You added and a satisfied smirk appeared on his face.
„So we'll go tomorrow?"
You asked and he just gave you a nod.
„Please stay the night with me my beautiful darling."
He said and suddenly pushed his hand under your tank top and continued to run his fingers up and down your back.
You agreed.
„Alright, I will."
You responded and laid your head on his chest.
„Hey you're not just gonna pass out like that."
Dabi demanded and used his other hand to pull your chin back up so you were forced to look at him.
„Have you ever thought about getting a lip piercing?"
You asked him completely put of the blue.
„Why? Would you like me more if I had one?"
A flustered feeling formed in your chest and you could feel how you blushed.
„Don't you think it would be in the way?"
He said and pulled your face even closer up to his.
Your gazes met one second before he kissed you.
He slowly traced your jawline up until he had his fingers in your hair at the back of your head.
You then pulled back.
„No. No I think it wouldn't."
It looked like he was thinking about for a second.
„I guess it would look cool but I don't know... Maybe... Maybe if you beg for it."
He said with a teasing smirk.
„Oh my... Dabi!"
He let out a chuckle.
„Stop complaining and kiss me again."
He ran his fingers through your hair over and over again until you finally bended down to him.
When he kissed you once again he refused to let go of you.
You pulled back once again.
„Dang it, what was that for?"
He asked.
„Uhm.. Breathing?"
You replied.
„Naw c'mon! Why would you want that if you could have me all night long?"
He asked and your face immediately got hotter.
„Now come back down here."
He demanded in an almost whiney tone.
„Why the fuck are you so goddamn needy right now?“
You asked while he was still busy trying to get you down.
„C'mon why do I have to justify everything! Can't I just want my darling for a second without being judged?“
You ironically rolled your eyes before going down and kissing his jawline down to the neck.
Dabi held your head down so you couldn't get back up.
You kept sucking on his skin until he let go.
„Come on. Will you do it again for me? Don't forget that you'll always get payback."
You felt how you blushed but you immediately bended back down to him again.
Dabi let out a little groan as you had your lips against his neck once again.
At the same time he had his right hand shoved under your shirt.
He held your head down with the other one.
But after you didn't stop on your own he let go and traced along the side of your body and first mad it rest on your waist before he pushed it down further to your lower back.
You then went down his neck until you reached the collar bones.
A shiver went through his body when you softly licked over his skin.
You looked up to him so he would assure you that you were doing right.
Then he shifted from a lying into a sitting position.
He pushed you down putting pressure on both your shoulders to make you kneel in front of him.
„Good girl.“
He held your chin up with one hand.
You had a mesmerized look on your face.
You stayed like that for a moment until he pushed you down just a little bit more and lifted his shirt up.
„Now continue.“
He said while pulling his shirt over his head.
„Now c'mon, don't be shy my little darling.“
He pulled you upwards now and suddenly you were pressed against his naked upper body.
His gaze was speaking for itself.
You were just way to stunned to move.
„Don't tell me you're holding back now. I need you my darling.“
He said sounding almost whiney.
You got a little closer to him and eventually pressed your lips against his collar bones again.
„Good girl, now go down.“
He held your hair at the back while you hesitantly went down to his chest.
He let out multiple moans and held your hair even tighter in his grib.
You've never been so close to him before.
You went down his body further and further until you were kneeling in front of him against.
„Good girl.“
He praised you again.
You stared at him, not really knowing how to continue.
He then grabbed the buckle of his belt and proceeded to open it.
Your breath got shaky as you watched his hand touch the metal.
„Dabi! Dinner is ready!.... Is y/n with you?“
You heavily flinched when you heard Togas voice.
She was standing in front of the door.
Luckily she hadn't opened it.
You quickly covered your tomato red face with both hands as Dabi annoyingly goaned
„Yea yea you annoying roach. We'll be there in a few minutes.“
„Uh, rude?“
She responded.
You let out a little squeak and pressed your face into the mattress.
Dabi put his shirt back on and rolled his eyes.
„Stop squeaking and let's get it going.“
He got up from the bed.
You looked up to him and he smirked at you.
„I'll make you continue later, don't worry about it my darling.“
And there was it again.
That overly flustered feeling because Dabi was putting some sort of control on you.
He unlocked the door and made a minor gesture to make you follow him to the kitchen.

„Twice and I thought it would be an awesome idea to have dinner together at least once a week.“
Toga announced with a bright smile.
„It's good for bonding or something I guess.“
She added not less enthusiastic.
'How the fuck is she so happy all the time?'
You thought while you stared at the table.
Dabi was seated next to you and you still didn't really get over the things that had just taken place.
But he in the other hand acted just normal.
Every other member of the league was rather silent than talkative during dinner time.
Everyone was just eating the food Toga and Twice had prepared and cared about their own shit.
Your mind was wandering off to Dabi again.
The feeling that you got when he had pulled your hair and demanded certain things from you.
How he had always made sure that you were exactly doing what he wanted you to.
Doesn't matter if it was about sucking on his collar bones or just how to kneel in front of him.
Thinking about it made you blush again.
Luckily your hair covered most of your face.
Then your thoughts went off to that moment again where you kneeled directly in front of him without really knowing what you were supposed to do.
You suddenly wondered what all could've happened if Toga didn't knock on the door in that specific moment.
Suddenly your guts clenched.
Why did you enjoy the feeling of being controlled by him so much? You didn't know the answer.
The way he made you do certain things you created a special feeling deep down in you and you weren't sure what it was.
„And then I've seen that report on TV.“
It was Shigarakis voice that got you back to reality.
You slightly looked up to him.
„She was found dead, tangled up in some wires. They said it was probably a suicide.“
He turned his head to look at Dabi.
„Yea... That girl you used to bring over all the time is dead and somehow she was an important business person or something and that's why it was on the news.“
Your guts clenched again. But this time because of what Shigaraki said.
„W-wait... How can that be?“
Dabis voice was shaky and just now you realized how devastated he looked.
He had dropped his cuttlery in his food and stared downwards.
You asked in an equally shaky voice and reached out to him but seconds before you could place you hand on his arm he got up and stormed off.

Blood Streams / Dabi x Reader Where stories live. Discover now