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You didn't really know what to think of you getting closer with Shigaraki.
He seemed to be actually really sweet, but on the other hand... You were in love with Dabi and he was your boss.
A sharp pain went through your heart, thinking of Dabis and Yurikos interactions this night.
On the other hand, Shigaraki had been unusually sweet with you as well. And in the end, he even kissed you. And more importantly, you decided to kiss him back, for whatever reason.
'Why did I end up receiving more love from my boss than from- well don't be stupid y/n. Of course because Dabi is not into you. He is with Yuriko and he also loves her very much. That's why. So don't play stupid.'
You rubbed your temporal.
You looked into your mirror and stared at your lips for a moment.
' Right there. It was right there. '
You thought and softly touched them.
' No, no stop it immediately y/n. You can't be serious about this. On the other hand will Dabi probably never ask me out and before I die alone... And being the leaders girlfriend could also be good for me.
You took off your clothes and crawled in your bed.

You had a really weird dream this night.
You dreamed that you stood on top of a building, feeling someones breath softly brush against your neck.
You turned around to see Shigaraki standing there.
„Uh-uhm, Shigaraki... What are we doing here?“
You asked
„Call me Tomura-san.“
He responded and softly put his gloved hand against your cheek.
You decided to lean in his gentle grib.
„It does not matter where we are... All that matters is that I was able to get you away from who dared to hurt you earlier.“
He answered and his thumb brushes over your skin.
You looked down your body. No visible injuries.
„Not physically.“
He whispered.
„But mentally. Very very much. But don't worry beautiful, he will never hurt you again.“
„Who are you talking about? I don't understand a single thing.“
You seriously looked up to his eyes until your gaze met his.
„It doesn't matter matter anymore.“
Shigaraki smiled at you and pulled you closer. Your noses were almost touching.
You whispered against his lips before he pulled you into a kiss.
„Tomura-san, please tell me who it is.“
Yiu softly spoke as you ran your fingers down his neck until your hand rested on his shoulder.
He looked down so he could escape your gaze carefully.
„Dabi that scarred basterd of course.“
He mumbled and you could feel how his muscles tensed up.
'Dabi... What did he do...'
You thought about asking Tomura but your vision got blurry and you could feel yourself fading.
When you opened your eyes your vision was still a little blurry.
You felt how someone tightly held onto your waist and pressed your chest against theirs.
Suddenly you felt someone lay their lips on your neck and it made your whole body tense up.
„Hey hey there princess, don't be scared of me.“
You heard Dabis raspy voice whisper in your ear.
You were cut off by Dabi putting his finger on your lips.
„Be silent my love, it's all gonna be alright.“
He promised.
Dabis lips brushed against your neck and jaw again. You could clearly feel his breath behind your ear while he was sucking on your neck.
You felt your heart beat faster and Dabi smirked against your skin, he noticed. You had no idea how, but he did.
His right hand traced up your spine and held your head from behind while he kept kissing you.
His left hand remained at your waist at first, then he his right arm held you there while his left hand rubbed your thigh.
Then he picked you up and carried you to his bed.
'What is actually happening here?'
You thought as you loosened the grib of your thighs around his waist and let yourself fall down on the mattress.

You were heavily breathing and you looked up to the ceiling.
Dabi sat on the edge of the bed with his back turned.
Then he got up and put his clothes back on.
„You're leaving already? “
You asked confusedly.
Suddenly the door opened and Spinner and a few other members of the league appeared there.
„Hey Spinner, it's pay day!“
Dabi said with a smirk.
„You actually won the bet.“
He said with a surprised expression on his face and pulled out some money out of his wallet.
„You- what bet? Dabi? What is going on here?“
You asked.
„You were a good fuck, thanks y/n, but that was a one time thing.“
He responded and put the money away.
„You played me for money? “
You gasped.
„If you want to call it that, you can call it that. It's not like I would care.“
He replied.
'What the hell...'
You pulled up the blanket a little more, so the other members of the league wouldn't see your naked body.
Suddenly you heard how someone outside the room got slapped.
„Oh no, let's run, it's the boss!"
And they tried to get away as fast as they could.
A few seconds later Shigaraki stepped into the room.
„Hey y/n, are you okay? I heard what they said... Don't worry, I punished them.“
He said.
„Oh- uhm.“
You didn't really know what to say.
He reached out to your clothes lying on a chair and handed them over to you.
„Here, get dressed. We're leaving.“
After you put everything back on, you felt strange. You looked at yourself in the mirror and felt how tears began running down your face.
'No, don't cry y/n, that's pathetic.'
But it didn't help.
The door slightly opened again.
„Are you ready?“
You heard Shigaraki ask but when he noticed you cry, he walked up to you and held you tight.
„Don't cry beautiful... It's over and I'm here for you, nobody will hurt you ever again. I'm here to protect you. I promise I'll always be there.“
He whispered and softly rubbed your back.
You looked up to him. Tears were framing your eyes and you were clearly confused about what was going on.
„Come on now, I got a better place to go to.“
He said and still had his arm around you when he walked you outside.
He stopped for a second and you noticed that his feet stood on a small pile of dust on the ground.
Your vision turned blurry again and your body felt numb.
„Hey! Hey, look at me.“
You heard someone yell.
Your were grabbed by your shoulders and looked into Tomuras face.
„Hey, you fainted, are you okay?“
He asked with a concerned look on his face.
„Y-yes... I think so.“
You responded but definitely weren't sure of yourself.
„D-did your really kill them Tomura-san?“
You asked and looked down.
„Don't forget, I did this for your sake. They treated you badly, they're not allowed to do that. No one is.“
He leaned towards you and your foreheads touched.
'How could I ever think Dabi would change? He's always been nothing but a player who would do anything to get laid. But was killing him and the others really the right thing to do?'
„I understand. Thank you Tomura-san, for everything.“
Your voice was calm as you spoke but full of all kinds of different emotions.
You just remained calm, standing there, your forehead slightly pressed against Shigarakis.

„That's some weird ass shit, you know y/n-Chan?“
Toga giggled and kept stirring around the milk that was left in her cereal bowl.
„And he really told you to call him Tomura-san instead?“
She asked and her eyes widened in excitement.
You nodded.
„It's weird, I know.“
You responded and looked down at your already soggy cereal.
Talking about your dream totally distracted you from eating.
„I don't think it means anything tho...“
You mumbled.
„Of course it means something you dummy! It clearly means that you have feelings for Shiggy! Isn't that obvious?! Trust me, I'm an expert.“
She smirked at you.
„No, I don't think that's the case. Your expert senses must be wrong this time... You already forgot about... Dabi?“
You made a short break in between the words because thinking about him felt painful.
„Feelings are strange and complicated, but most importantly... Completely unpredictable! So maybe your feelings towards Dabi have changed now that he got a girlfriend...“
Toga though out loud.
„I - I think I know it the best.“
You responded with a strict face.
„Maybe you're still in denial? Remember, it took you months to admit you were in love with Dabi.“
You knew that she got a point though, but this time you wanted to act smarter than before.
„You know what y/n?“
„I think you should really take your chance before it's too late. You want to be smarter right?“
'What the fuck? Did she just read my mind?'
„And if you want to be smarter, you should take your chance now.“
She had a caring smile on her face.
„I know... But I already am smarter than the last time.“
'At least I think so...'

Just wanted to drop that I am absolutely in love with the support I get on this story, seriously, I love it just as much as I love Dabi and falling in reverse songs <3
So big big thank you to everyone who's been voting for this story or adding it to their reading list or who even decided to follow me, I feel honored <3

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