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You laid in your bed. Your eyes were closed and you were peacefully asleep.
„Wake uppp y/nn!"
You heard Dabi yell as he busted into your room to desturb your sleep.
„Get your ass out of bed and put some clothes on, we're leaving in ten minutes!"
He pulled away your blanket and threw you over his shoulder.
„Dabi? What the hell is going on here?"
You asked in a still very sleepy voice.
„Get ready, we're going out today."
He put you back on your feet and pushed you in the direction of your closet.
„What? Where?"
But he didn't answer and just left your room walking backwards and overly carefully closing the door.

A few minutes earlier

Toga was in the kitchen, chopping strawberries with her knife.
Twice and Dabi were sitting at the table and Dabi slurped his hot black coffee.
„C'mon guys, we can't just hang around this place like we do usually. Shiggy gave us free time so we gotta use it."
Toga complained.
The others agreed.
„So what will we do? We definitely have to include y/n-chan as well!"
Toga squealed.
„Let's do a brainstorming."
Twice suggested full of energy.
„Alright, how about weee... Hmm... Go sing karaoke?"
Dabi glared at Twice.
„To hear your screech singing voice? No thank you, also, the performance we get every morning when you shower is more than enough."
„If Dabi doesn't want to do karaoke with us, how about we go to the mall?"
Toga suggested.
„To get dragged through forty different stores and wait for you to try on clothes? If you think we're actually gonna do this, you must be insane."
Twice crossed his arms in front of his chest.
Now Dabi made a suggestion.
„How about we go swimming?"
The other looked at him in disbelief.
Then a big grin formed on Togas face.
„Oh Dabii, you just want to see y/n in a swimsuit, right?"
She teased.
„What! No, of course not! What's up with you? Besides, have you already forgotten that I have a girlfriend? By the way, I'm sure Yuriko is mad at me, because I didn't text her yesterday since we were out together."
Dabi pulled his phone out of his pocket but Toga slammed her fist on the table.
„Put that thing away, we're brainstorming bitch!"
She yelled.
„Besides, do you really think going to a public pool is a good idea? With those scars you'll be recognized within seconds, except you plan on swimming with a hoodie on!"
„There must be other places we can go swimming, a public pool won't be the only option, right? And I really gotta text Yuriko. Unless you, I am in an actual relationship and I'm not drawn to a hero student who is never going to fall in love with me."
Dabi pulled out his phone again.
Toga slammed her fist on the table again and stood up.
„Dabi, I swear on the sake of Shigaraki himself, if you don't put that fucking phone down, I'll get a gun and blow your brain out of your goddamn head!"
She yelled.
„Guns? Shooting? Wait a second..."
Twice mumbled while the others were fighting.
He yelled and silenced the other two.
Dabi pulled up one eyebrow.
„The lasertag, let's go there!"
„That's... Actually a good idea."
He responded, very surprised that Twice was actually made a good suggestion for once.
„Okay, then someone better go an Wake up y/n and then we'll leave."
„I'm gonna do that."
Toga said.
„No, I'm already on the way!"
Dabi jumped up and ran out of the kitchen.

Back to current time

After you had put your clothes on you got to the kitchen were Toga, Twice and Dabi already waited for you.
„Okay everyone, let's go now."

Timeee skippp because I'm very lazy and my neck hurts

After you arrived at the lasertag, you built teams.
„I will go with-"
Toga cut Dabi off.
He had looked at you probably just wanted to pick you as a partner.
Toga grabbed your arm and held onto it.
„So there we have our teams. Toga comes with me and Dabi and Twice go together."
You said with a smile.
He slightly rolled his eyes but nobody seemed to notice.
Then you got the laser guns and were sent into the room.
Toga and you were team yellow and Dabi and Twice were team purple.
Toga and you hid behind a barrier and kept looking out for your opponents.
Then suddenly, there was a shot out of nowhere almost hitting your shoulder.
„They're over there!"
Toga yelled and pointed across the dark room.
She was right, you were able to see the purple light flashing from one of their vests.
Then Toga began marching forward to get them from the side.
You took another turn to attack from the other side.
Now they were in between you two.
„Goddammit Twice, that was the stupidest move I've ever seen!"
Dabi hissed at him.
„Fuck! She's right there!"
Twice screeched and started shooting at Toga.
Both of them didn't notice you, their whole focus was on Toga.
Then you were able to place a shot directly at Dabis back.
The light of his vest fades away within seconds.
„What?! What the hell, where did that-"
He turned around and looked you right into the eyes.
„Shit, we forgot about y/n!"
He started running towards you but his gun still didn't work.
You ran away and hid behind a corner.
Dabi ran around it and stopped.
„Fuck, I lost her trail."
He grunted.
Then his vest flashed in the purple light again. This was your sign.
You placed a shot at him again.
„Oh come on, that can't be! How the fuck are you so fucking good at this shit?"
He whined.
You shrugged and ran away again.
„This time you won't get me that easily, you understand!"
He yelled and followed you.
„This time, I'll get my revenge!"
You ran and started to breathe heavier.
You decided to walk for a bit, Dabi must've lost your trail again so you thought that it would be fine.
Out of nowhere someone came up behind you and bumped into you.
„What the-"
It was Dabi. How had he found you so quickly again?
Your back was pressed against a wall and Dabi technically sat on your lap. He was definitely very close to you and he tried to get his gun out.
You smelled his sweat and his hot breath was brushing against your collar bones.
It made you completely freeze up.
Then he finally got his hands back on the gun and he place a clean shot directly on your chest.
The light of your vest vanished.
„Told you I'm gonna get my revenge."
Then he got up again and left you there.
You sat there for a couple more seconds, processing what just happened.
Then you got back up and decided to help Toga.
After the round was finished you looked at a chart with the results.
Dabis team won by a lead of 260 points.
„Not fair, I want another round!"
Toga stomped on the floor.
„But this time we'll switch up teams to add some spice."
Dabi said and pulled you closer to him.
„Uhm, is that okay with you Toga?"
You asked.
She nodded and ran off with Twice.
Then you got into your vests again. This time you were the red team and Toga and Twice were orange.
The game started shortly after.
You hid behind a barrier and were ready to shoot.
You looked around it and saw an orange light.
You jumped up and started shooting. „Oh c'mon whyyy?! "
Twice cried.
You had a huge grin on your face and disappeared between the blocks in your way.
„Got Twice."
You said as you ran into Dabi.
„Good one darling."
He gave you a head pat.
„Let's go off together."
He made you follow him.
First you got Twice around five or six times and then you got Toga a couple times.
Then the game ended.
„How the fuck? You were so good at this!"
Twice screeched.
„She's just a boss."
Dabi said with a smirk.
A slight blush appeared on your cheeks as he pulled you to his side.
You had obviously won by more than 600 points.
„Screw you bitches."
Toga pouted as you viewed the results.
Dabi proudly smirked and it made you chuckle.
„Alright, our little dream couple has won the game, not that big of a deal."
Twice also seemed to be kind of annoyed.
You felt your face getting hot and you quickly tried to hide behind your hair and chest.
Dabi also looked away and hissed
„Cut it out idiot, you're just pissed off because you couldn't dotch my attacks."
Your face only got hotter in the mean time.
„Alright, we'll stop."
Toga sighed.
Then you ended the day and went back to the hideout.
Toga straight up ran to the kitchen to make some strawberry milk.
Dabi escorted you back to your room.
„You did amazing today, your skill level... Chefkiss, just like that."
You smiled at him.
„Thank you."
You said, visibly happy.
„We gotta do this again soon."
He smiled back at you.
Then, very unexpectedly, he pulled you in a hug.
„W-what is that for?"
You whispered in the crock of his neck.
„Just because."
He replied and breathed in your scent.
You just relaxed in his grib and felt his soothing aura surround you.

That was it for today, hope you liked it and don't forget to vote if you want to read more~

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