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Dabi and you stared at each other.
The short moment of standing next to each other in the kitchen while both of you prepared your coffees was killing you.
You felt like he despised you more than anything.
You, the evil one who killed his ex lover out of jealousy.
You took a deep breath in and turned back to your cup to put a straw in.
You felt his stares burn through your back.
The tension.
You choked it down and eventually left.
You didn't know what to do now. Everything seemed to be just terrible and bothering to you.
Not even drinking your beloved iced coffee helped to calm you down.
At some point you weren't even able to swallow anymore.
You placed the glass down on you nightstand and wiped your mouth while your eyes felt like watering any second.
It wasn't reasonable anymore for you to stay inside these four dark gray walls that seemed to stretch out farther and farther the more time you spent inside this room.
You threw the door open and ran outside.
First down the corridor then down the staircase and then outside.
You kept running for a couple more minutes until you dropped down to the ground.
You felt a sharp pain in both of your knees and palms.
You just crawled back and pressed your back against the wall and hid your face.
Tears started to run down your cheeks and dropped down farther.
You remained like that for some time just crying and trying to let it all out for a second when no one from the league was there to see you.
Suddenly you felt a soft touch on your shoulder.
You looked up and saw a woman in a white knee-length skirt and matching blazer and shoes.
On her head was a big hat with some lace flowers and a bow wrapped around it.
Her blue eyes looked soft, very soft and comforting.
„Are you okay my love?“
You felt a sharp but not painful feeling go through your chest.
„Come on tell me what's wrong.“
You had no idea what you were supposed to do.
She held her hand towards you.
You hesitated for a moment but then decided to take it.
She helped you back up on your feet and began walking you down the sidewalk.
„I know life can be hard sometimes... But sometimes we just have to go through it and stay strong until the end."
She turned her head to the side.
„But sometimes it also helps a lot to talk... So tell me my love... Are you alone?"
You didn't know how to answer.
She eventually brought you to a canal that parted two city embankments.
She sat down on a bank while you held onto the railing looking at the water.
„Are you hungry? I just happened to have bought some fresh brioche at a bakery."
She pulled out a paper bag and reached for the bread.
„Sometimes eating helps and I don't mind sharing as well."
She pulled one bread in half and held it in your direction.
You slowly grabbed it.
„Why would you do that to me? You don't even know who I am."
She let out a chuckle.
„Oh of course not. But when I saw you sitting on the ground like that I just couldn't help it but care. You also look like someone who has been through some trouble and might need some comfort."
She gave you a warm smile.
A weird feeling started to rise in your chest.
Like her words and aura actually made you feel like you could potentially open up to her.
You stared down at the brioche in your hands for a couple more seconds until some words escaped your mouth.
„I-I... I kinda... Heavily fucked up..."
You stopped talking but the woman waited for you to find the right words.
„I did something really really bad and I don't know how to fix things... I don't even know if it's possible to fix them... Because I fucked up so much..."
„Oh honey... I'm sorry to hear that... But tell me more."
Her words had so much empathy in them that it nearly seemed to be true.
„I lost... Someone... He... Uhm.. He didn't die... But I.. Somehow still lost him."
You choked down some tears.
„I did something really really bad... And he.... I... I didn't even did it because of him.. I only did it for myself.. Not even in a selfish way but no one would believe me... Anyway... My actions turned him against me and now... I-"
You cut yourself off.
„You really love him don't you?"
She asked in a soft and understanding voice.
You nodded.
„He- he means everything to me..."
Your eyes teared up and your vision got blurry.
„My love I promise you that things will get better. You just have to find back to each other and I am sure that if he loves you just as much you will succeed."
You just stood there for a while and cried your eyes out until you felt someone rest their hand on your shoulder.
You quickly turned around to look at the person.
It was Dabi.
He had a hoodie on to hide himself but you would always recognize the black silky hair that was falling in front of his face and the sharp jawline underneath.
You held your breath and looked up to him.
„Darling my little darling.. What are you doing out here all on your own?"
You didn't know what to answer.
He cupped your face with one hand and wiped away a tears with his thumb.
„Toga talked to me... She said some things and... I'm sorry... I treated you like am idiot. I hope you can forgive me.."
He looked at you and while he still held onto your face his left hand wrapped around your waist.
You took a few small steps towards him and just pressed your face into his chest.
Your fingers digged into his clothes and you just held onto him as much as you could.
Dabi wrapped his arms around you and held you in place.
Feeling his closure felt good.
You felt his aura surround and eventually consume you.
„What were you doing out here?"
He asked without letting loose a little.
„I was-."
You tried to look around him and look over to the woman one more time but as soon as you managed to get around him you saw that she wasn't sitting on the bench anymore.
She just disappeared into thin air. Gone.
„I just needed some space."
You answered.
Dabi continued to hold you close until your feet hurt from standing.
Then he made you drop down to the ground and demanded that you would not leave his arms until he told you so.

Alright everyone!
I know it's not Sunday yet but I felt like immediately uploadimg this chapter after I finished it.
Let's see if I can finish another one this week...
Also let's acknowledge 8 months of blood streams real quick ~
Anyway see you next chapter

Blood Streams / Dabi x Reader Where stories live. Discover now