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You headed back to the quarters of the league as fast as possible.
You kicked the door open and almost bumped into Kurogiri.
He just stood in the way, not your fault, k?
You didn't care much about him, the only thing what was on your mind was Dabi.
Oh that sounds wrong. It was more like you couldn't stop thinking about the most embarrassing thing that had ever happened to you.
The door to your room closed with a big boom.
You just threw yourself on the bed and pulled your blanket over your head.
Then you heard a slight noise from behind you.
„Y/n-chan? Are you okay? “
It was Toga
At this moment, you just couldn't hold it back anymore.
„Toga! It was awful! You won't believe me when I tell you what happened! “
You buried your face in your hands.
„He touched my boobs. “
You managed to squeeze out of your mouth.
Toga gasped.
„He touched my boobs with his face! “
She gasped even louder.
„I tripped and landed on him and I almost crushed him with my chest. “
You tried to explain.
„Don't worry, he probably took it very casual. “
Toga tried to calm you down.
You nodded.
„And that was the worst thing about it. “
You said.
„Just how fucking casual he was with it. Ughh, I hate fuck boys! But still, it was so embarrassing! “
„It's gonna be okay y/n. Trust me. “
Toga said.
You took a deep breath in and leaned back. It was nice having Toga around, she's had eventually even managed to calm you down.

Time skip

Toga got you guys some Popsicles, since it was pretty hot outside.
You just sat down on the roof to hang out and chill.
For a while you had just been enjoying the taste of your popsicle, until the door to the staircase in the building opened up and Dabi stepped outside.
„Sorry, I guess I gotta go now, was nice hanging out with you Toga, but I really need to go. “
She just raised an eyebrow at you.
„Oh c'mon. He isn't even looking at us. See? Shiggy followed him outside. Seems like they wanna talk. “
You sat back down. Looks like Toga was right after all.

Listen to this for the Dabi part, it fits the vibe and I listen to it while writing it <3

Dabi sat down next to Shigaraki. They had come outside to breath some fresh air.
He accidentally lit a door on fire and now the whole apartment area smelled like smoke.
He didn't get how this could happen to him. He was very good at controlling his quirk.
It was very unusual behavior, that's for sure.
He caught a slight look at y/n, who sat at the other side of the roof, eating Popsicles with Toga.
He took a closer look at her. She liked the popsicles tip.
Dabi didn't know what happened to him, but something seemed to fascinate him about the way she liked it. Not necessarily in a dirty way, well maybe a little bit.
And he wasn't gonna lie to himself. She had something on her, he couldn't explain. But well, it fascinated him. And the way she blushed during training, after his face got stuck in her chest made him chuckle.
He shook his head, when he realized that a slight blush creeped onto his face.
'C'mon, that's nonsense. She's new to the league. It's probably because you didn't get laid in a while.'
He turned away, trying to forget y/n.
Maybe it would help, if he just hadn't had to look at her eating that popsicle while wearing tight booty shorts or her in general.

When you finished your popsicle, you decided to go back inside.
Sitting here while Dabi was there was just way to awkward for you.
After you spent some time in your room, Toga got you to eat dinner with her.
„I'll just go to the bathroom real quick. Imma come back in a sec."
You washed your hands and looked into the mirror.
A strand of your hair had fallen in front of your face. You brushed it back behind your ear.
Then you turned to the side and viewed the glittery, cheap looking pearl curtain, that was provisionally replacing the door.
You left the bathroom, making your way back to the kitchen.
On your way, you saw Dabi, throwing on his coat and tieing his boots.
„Where are you going? “
You asked, instantly regretting that you opened your mouth.
„Just to the clubs, nothing big. “
He answered, not even looking up.
„Ah, okay. “
You nodded.
Then you left, since you still wanted to eat dinner with Toga.

You slightly opened your eyes. Your throat felt dry. Very dry.
You got up, now sitting in your bed. You definitely needed to get a drink.
Yawning, you got up and left your room.
You finally got into the kitchen and poured yourself a glass of tab water, when you heard slight moans come from the other side of the corridor.
'What the fuck?'
You put your glass down at the counter and took a few steps towards the door.
„Oh gawd Dabi! Shit, you're so good at this! Ah~“
'Shit fuck shit fuck shit! I really didn't need to know about this!'
You thought to yourself, being kinda grossed out.
You stood in the doorframe for a while. It was like you were frozen.
Suddenly a door opened and a red haired woman came out. Luckily, she wore one of Dabis band t-shirts.
„Oh, hey. Uh.. I'm Pam. “
You scoffed and without losing another word, you walked back to your room.

Words: 955

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