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You could tell Shigaraki was about to go insane.
Something was going on with him but you couldn't really tell what.
You originally believed that his obsession with taking down UA and All Might had gone down with the time since he didn't really bring it up a lot anymore but lately he seemed super hyper fixated on that topic.
He always had at least two members of the league go near the school as spies so they could possibly pick up some information but whatever he had imagined didn't seem to work out too well.
Toga and Twice were now on duty and Dabi and you were supposed to go next.
„Screw it why the hell do we have to get day time shift? And why is the great Tomura Shigaraki himself never out there?"
You ranted while walking up and down in front of Dabi.
He shrugged.
„I don't know... Probably thinks he is too good for that shit since he's the big man or something..."
You let yourself fall down next to Dabi on the bed.
He agreed.
„Also... This whole thing seems pretty pointless to me any way... The league isn't that successful after all now that the crusty man has the full command."
He seemed to be kind of pissed off by that fact.
„How about we just quit and run away together?"
He asked and pushed you down while giving you a smirk.
„W-what do you mean by that?"
You asked as you seemed to slowly drown in his deep blue eyes.
„You know... Just leaving all that shit behind... We can still be the villains if you want to but we don't have to follow Shigarakis lead anymore. Or we could just go to a place where no one knows who the hell we are and start a whole new life? How does that sound to you?"
He asked.
„First of all... It's getting cheesy. You are starting to sound like an old man who wants to get married and have a family or something."
You responded.
„But would it be that bad?"
He asked while not letting his eyes wander off of you.
„I hate kids so I don't really know if I wanna have one you know? And about the other part... I don't know... Maybe someday but definitely not now. Still think we're kinda too young."
You made your point clear.
„Alright then... Just wanted to make sure that you will be mine for ever and one day I can finally show you off as exactly that. And maybe you're right... Maybe I am getting old lol.. Haven't been this cheesy before I was with you."
You weren't exactly sure if you should take this as a compliment or not.
„So one day we'll leave the league behind and live our cheesy little ex dangerous villain old people life?"
You asked.
„Oh c'mon now you make us really sound like two desperate middle aged people!"
He complained and looked away while pouting.
You couldn't tell if that pout was fake or not but it surely was hilarious to see him like that.
„Yea I did... Sorry.."
You apologized trying not to laugh.
„Such bad girl... You're not deserving of affection for this."
He let go of you and got up.
„Wait? Are you mad because I called you cheesy and now you're trying to be sexy and dominant again to prove your point?"
You asked.
„Or are you just offended?"
You hung yourself around his shoulders from behind and tried to look at him but he turned away.
„I said not deserving of affection."
He said while trying to shake you off.
You tried your best to stay serious.
He was offended and it was that much that you could almost smell it.
He then suddenly grabbed you and held you down again.
„But you know what bad girls are deserving of?"
He asked in a way deeper and more serious voice that shut you up immediately.

„This is so boring I can't believe we're actually doing this."
Twice let his feet dangle off the building thwas sitting on.
Toga was in the background walking up and down in complete silence as if she was thinking about something and the thought process was so intense that it had completely sucked her in.
„Sorry what was that?"
She asked and quickly rushed to his side.
„Why are we even doing this? Shigaraki just told us to keep am eye on the school day and night but never actually told us what he has in mind. All we know is that we should make reports about literally anything. Isn't that strange?"
He asked.
She just shrugged.
„I-I wasn't really thinking about it to be honest..."
She responded chewing her bottom lip.
„Like yea... Maybe a little bit but I've been busy trying to figure out other things than what Shigaraki wants nowadays. He's a strange man yea but... I don't know... I just didn't really care too much I guess..."
„Then what are you so busy thinking about? It really seems to keep you up at night... Like.. Literally."
Twice asked.
There was a moment of silence between them until she said
„Just some feelings stuff I didn't really feel like I could tell anyone."
She responded looking down at her hands.
„Well.. You can always tell me if you want to.. I promise I won't make fun of you or something you know.."
A little smile appeared on her lips.
„Thanks Twice. You're a really great friend."
„So do you want to talk about it or not?"
He asked.
„It's so silly actually..."
She began.
„You know... Since we've been crashing into UAs camp to kidnap that Bakugou kid.... I have noticed that one boy from his class... The one with the green fluffy hair... I don't know... I just think he's totally adorable!"
She screeched out the last part and suddenly blushed.
„And I've been thinking about if I could ever have a chance of meeting him in a context we're we aren't supposed to kill each other and where he could maybe even get to know me that there would even be a small chance that he would like me back or something... I know how silly I sound please don't judge me."
She begged.
Twice just shook his head.
„I said I won't. So I won't. I can even understand what you feel like.... And I fear that you might be right about the part that you will probably never get the chance to get to know each other properly."
He then turned around and squeezed her cheeks to make her look at him.
„But I'm pretty sure that he would like you a lot... And if not he's an obvious asshole."
She thankfully smiled at him.
„Thanks for the reassurance.."

Alright you guys that was it for today, hope y'all enjoyed
Leave a vote or a comment if you did
Also can we talk about Twice just being an adorable supportive friend in the end?
Anyway see you in the next chapter

Another thing I gotta add:
This chapter has been sitting in my drafts for almost a month now
I really tried to fill up my drafts again but it didn't quite work out how I imagined
Still don't want to keep you guys waiting for too long so I'm gonna post this now
I actually really really want to go back to my schedule and at least update the story on Sundays and hopefully if I make it Wednesdays too
But all my good mental health parts got shoved up someone's ass and I'm currently waiting for them to shit them out again but I feel like it ain't gonna happen any time soon
Especially because going to school is really really disgusting rn and I can't really cope with it atm
Imma try my best to still make something happen but I can't make any promises and I hope you understand

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