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I definitely suggest to get comfortable and listen to some chill music while reading this, trust me <3
I mean who would know if not me, I wrote this shittt, but seriously, do it ~

You just pulled yourself closer into Dabis chest.
It was very comfortable and being with him gave you this feeling that stopped you from internally drowning and freezing all the time.
„Never leave.“
You quietly mumbled into his shirt.
„Got it, it'll never happen.“
He responded.
You were surprised that he heard it because it was that quiet.
You smiled and closed your eyes.
„Y/n? I know that this might come random but... I never asked you where you lived before you joined the league.“
Dabi mumbled.
You kept your mouth closed for a few seconds.
„I can show you if you want to... But we can only go there at night. It's to dangerous if we go now.“
You responded.
He nodded.
You kept your eyes closed and even tried to get a little closer to Dabi.
Suddenly you heard him chuckle.
„It's okay, stay as long as you want.“
He whispered and laid his chin down on your head.
Being close to him felt right, very right. And you definitely didn't want to give that feeling up. You didn't want it to go away.
„I always feel cold, so damn cold.“
You whispered into his shirt.
You looked up and met Dabis gaze.
„You're warm.“
He smiled.
„Warm? Don't you think I'm burning hot?“
You pressed your face into his chest again.
„Settle with warm, don't get to overwhelmed my boy.“
You responded and it made him smirk.
„Warm is also fine I guess. As long as it's very very almost to warm to touch warm.“
„It's definitely warm enough to stop me from freezing.“
„I won't let you freeze, don't worry.
y/n. “
Dabi said and softly moved your hair around.
„Thank you.“
You mumbled and wished that you could do the same for him too.
„If you ever feel lonely or anything, feel free to come over to my room, k?“
He smiled. It was a peaceful smile.
„Thank you y/n, I appreciate it. But hopefully you're aware that I often feel overwhelmed and anxious.“
He rubbed your arm.
„So I probably come over pretty often.“
„That won't be a problem.“
You responded and pulled him closer.
„If there's anything I can do for you, I will.“
Your words seemed to soothe him.
„Since you did the same for me, twice actually.“
„And believe me if I say I'd do it again. You are very important to me y/n. I don't want to let you down. I'll always be there for you if you need me.“
The inner cold now completely vanished. Hearing those words from Dabi calmed you a lot. You didn't know how it happened, but you felt this deep emotional connection with him that also comforted you.
„You are also very important to me Dabi and I also never want to let you down. I also will be there for you if you ever need me.“
„So we're making a promise right now?“
He asked.
You nodded.
„Pinky promise?“
You slightly moved out of the hug and held your finger up to Dabi. He gave you a soft smile and intertwined his finger with yours.
„Pinky promise.“
You grinned at him and then pressed yourself against Dabis body again.
„Wow, I think I didn't see you smile like that ever since we played Mario Karr with Toga and Twice.“
Dabi said with a surprised undertone.
'Well probably because I felt really good back then and currently everything is overwhelming and just too much in general.'
But you didn't make an answer. You just held tighter onto Dabis shirt.
You both remained silent for a while. It was just you two enjoying the comforting moments after a long day.
You could barely hold your eyes open and apparently Dabi noticed that.
„It's okay.“
He whispered and began humming some melody.
„Just relax and sleep, you look like you need it.“
He softly spoke and continued humming.
„What melody is that?“
You asked and eventually closed your eyes.
„Oh that? Well that's just something my mom used to do to put me to sleep when I was a kid. It was actually a song but I forgot the words.“
He said with some different kind of love in his voice.
„Wow, it's... Beautiful... I didn't know that mother's actually did this to their children, I always thought that was just something they did in books.“
You responded.
„Well, I don't know if others do that, but mine did it with me and also all my siblings. But when I was at a certain age, she stopped... And then... Well, I also disappeared from my family.“
„Wait... Do they know that you're still alive?“
You asked.
„No, no they don't. They believe I'm dead and guess what, it's best like that.“
He ran his fingers through your hair.
„Enough of that stupidity. Just relax and fall asleep already, k?“
And he started humming the melody again.
You listened to him and felt how you started drift off into darkness.
But it wasn't that scary cold kind of darkness. It was comforting and made you feel safe because it was still filled wit a certain warmth.

I felt like this book needed another 100 % Dabi comforts you chapter and the fireplace and later my galaxy light projector thing and cave town songs just really made me feel like I should do this, even if it's gonna be a bit shorter than usual <3<3<3
Anyway, huge thank you to everyone who's been adding my story to their reading lists, I hope y'all are enjoying the story so far <3<3<3
See you hopefully on Wednesday <3<3<3

Also sending lots of love and hope to the Ukraine in these difficult times <3<3<3
I wish you guys the absolute best <3

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